~ Excerpts from Patreon ~
Hey everyone! After a lengthy time away from the new development scene, the team has released the last patch for E6 and is now truly back at it with E7 kicking off!
So... let's take a look, shall we?
But before we do that, just a little note. The obtainable list - yeah, Posty forgot to post it, so here it is.
Cruising through the Canyon...
Firstly, I want to spend some time chatting about Chryseum Canyon, the next area that we are working on.
Chryseum Canyon has a lengthy history, as it has historically linked the Kanzen Temple on the west of Arcanius to Astraciel Town further north. It also links more modern settlements such as Fairbale and the Visinite Range to the northern parts of Arcanius. The history of the canyon is well storied... but despite that, there are still missing pieces of the puzzle, and a large mystery that only a small, unfortunate handful are privy to...
We will spend much of the first chunk of the episode in Chryseum Canyon, solving its mysteries. During this time we will meet many familiar faces... and also some new ones.
Furthermore, Chryseum Canyon will not only be a reveal for new characters but also new Megas. Usually, we have only given custom mega-evolutions to key characters and events, but we now want to extend this, and enrich the world with new powerful mon's that aren't necessarily tied to anyone else. On our patreon, we reveal the first Mega Evolution we have planned for Chryseum Canyon - so head over there if you're interested!
So... with myself and Crim working on the Canyon, what else is cooking you might ask?
Well, let's ask Posty.
A Renovated Paradise... Coming Soon!
Hello there folks, I’m back again to deliver some new content to your emails about a little project I’m going to be working on for EP7! With EP6 now behind us, the team and I are extremely excited to finally work on some newer content we have planned for the next installment of Desolation. Before I talk about what I will be working on and if you have missed it, I posted a Development Blog a few days prior to leaving for Japan regarding EP6 and more which you can find here!
So let’s talk… content. After all the work we’ve put into early game updates for EP6, EP7, and other installments will primarily focus on fresh new content. Obviously, we may go back to edit some stuff slightly, but as Caz mentioned it’ll only hopefully be minor stuff. So what do I have planned? Well as the title of this section indicates, a little area is going to have a bit of a makeover as you continue to progress through the game. Which area am I talking about? Well, if some of you backtracked to where we began our journey in Ayrith, you might have encountered a few construction workers researching the land for some new developments.
For EP7, Keneph Beach will be transformed and soon home to the Keneph Resort! A place where the people of Ayrith can come to relax, spend time near the sea, and take in the rich atmosphere that the infamous beach of Amaria has to offer. You will encounter old and new faces here, either taking a break from their everyday lives, or perhaps even visiting for a different reason...
As of writing this post, I am still in the midst of drawing up ideas for facilities and sidequest content that will be included here. But if you wish to know a few things I have planned already, well, I can’t share too much, but let’s just say that some things currently missing in Desolation when compared to the other games in the Rebornverse will be included here... so maybe it’ll benefit your team if you begin to invest into the Resort? Alongside this, we don’t just plan for this to be a place of relaxation, after all… trainers are also going to be gathering here, so maybe you would get the chance to battle some of them! We’ll have to wait and see.
While Caz and the others work on content for the main story, this will essentially be my baby for EP7 (I will still be working on main story content as well!). I’ve had plans for this area for a long time now, I even debated with the team about adding it in for EP6, but we decided to hold off on the idea until now. There will be more updates to come as I look to develop over the upcoming months, and I look forward to seeing what you all think about this!
I’ll pass it back to Caz now, take care!
Wrapping up
In conclusion, there isn't too much to share for this month. E6 has had its last patch, and E7 is now in active development... but we plan on keeping our cards close to our chest, at least for a short while. Just know that this episode will have many, many surprises. I am extremely excited to share it with you. Thank you for all of your support these last few months - let's get things cranking on the next chapter of Desolation.
PS - the Q&A thread is open, and now that we are back at active development, we are happy to answer your questions!
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