Twas’ the weekend before Christmas, when all through the woods, not a soul was chirping, not even a mushroom… wait no that’s not how it goes.
Happy Holidays folks! Posty here with your monthly dose regarding all things Desolation, so what has happened since last time? First things first, thank you to everyone who swung by to watch the Public Development Stream! It was a lot of fun interacting with a bunch of you, and I hope you all enjoyed it as well. For those who missed out, the VOD for the stream is up on my twitch channel which you can find here!
For the stream, I was mapping an area that is found just shy of Astraciel Town, Astraciel Wildwood! So how is it looking? Well, take a look for yourselves.
If you’re a fan of pretty colours, and mushrooms, then this is the place to be. Astraciel Wildwood will not be fully unlocked in EP7, however you can still spend some time here exploring and just, vibe y'know?
I am looking to stream more again in the New Year (shameless twitch plug), which will mainly not be Deso related, but feel free to pop by and say hi if you’re interested! Would be a good space to answer any questions you all have… (unless I’m in the middle of a Dota match, then you may have to wait until after that’s finished).
Secondly, it’s been about a month since we introduced our new team members into the fray, and development as a whole has definitely picked up a good amount! Progress is being made and with some new creative heads at the table, I am happy with how things are going, but what does that mean moving forward? Let’s have a quick little end of Year Q&A shall we.
Will you do more Public Development Streams in the future?
I would absolutely love to! A lot of the stuff we are currently working on is extreme spoiler territory, so I will need to have a think and look into what we could do, but this will be quite a bit down the line.
How is development going for Desolation?
Considering how the first half of the year went, the second half has been far more productive as we sat down and discussed how we wanted to progress with the story. When you’re creating your own story, it’s very easy to decide how you want to go about specific elements that lead into a final outcome, but when you’re taking someone else’s story in which you don’t have every single detail to go off, it can be a lot more challenging. This is a hurdle that we as a team have been actively discussing and getting over, and we are hopeful that the end product will showcase that hard work to its fullest.
When will EP7 release?
As it is coming up to nearly 2 years (how) since we released EP6, if our circumstances were not as they are right now then we would have hoped EP7 to already be in your hands. But as we went on a hiatus due to Caz’ absence and then spending a good amount of time getting back into the groove of development, EP7 release is still a good bit into the future. As of right now, I do not wish to get people’s hopes up and give an estimated time when it will drop. I would love to get it out sometime near the end of next year, but for the time being, we are working hard and it will come when it’s ready!
What is a fun fact you can share with us?
Omens loves birds.
I wanted to end off this development blog with just an overall thank you to the community for the massive amount of support this year. Our current situation has not been ideal in the slightest, and there have been points throughout the year that I have been frustrated at how things were and feeling unable to do much about it. But the amount of love and support people have given us towards Desolation is a consistent reminder about why myself and the rest of the team are developing the game to begin with. So again, thank you for sticking with us and being patient, we have big things in the pipeline and I can’t wait to showcase more next year.
I hope all of you have a wonderful Christmas and are able to spend time with those important to you during the holiday season. And a Happy New Year, from us here on the Desolation Team!
And with that, I will see you all next time, have a good one.
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