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  3. This looks great! Looking forward to it
  4. It was black Gabumon though and only changed after I finished the first tournament. It was BlackGabumon when I sent it out into battle until after I beat Akira. I'm not upset he's a Gabumon, I'm just confused why he suddenly changed after the tournament.
  5. Episode 35 of Pokemon Ashen Frost is here! It's time for Mordecai' lawyer, Artuno, to try to prove Mordecai is innocent! Can he do it?! Only 1 way to find out! Please enjoy!
  6. BlackGabumon (other than Agumon) is its own Digimon, I guess it was just an display error and not really BlackGabumon.
  7. > A few issues I have with that though. At the start of the game, they seem to be seen as a nuisance but mostly harmless. We know that is not true and they have a vast membership as well as a large amount of military hardware. Even if they got all their battleships, trucks, flying suits, and other equipment from a different region you would still assume that news of somebody buying up a small armies worth of tech would get around. it is implied xara & jean, built *some* of the stuff, they canonically made the sec and clara security systems and probably the battleships too thomas blakory SR is also a member of xen in some way hes probably their sponsor and is the one buying and supplying them with the stuff after all, hes the richest and most powerful person in aveium who would care if he buys military stuf and hushes the ppl who prob
  8. Okay, when this digimon digivolved, he was a black Gabumon... but now he's not? What happened?
  9. The way they operate seems too calculated, almost like they’re following a bigger plan we don’t fully understand yet. Maybe their goal isn’t total destruction, but something more complex—like forcing some kind of reset or balancing act?
  10. The only error I found was related to Acer Care Center and not Rejuvenation, so no luck there. I will try the other things you suggested, and we'll see how it goes Edit: I don't seem to have an option to run it in Windows 10 compatibility mode. It goes up to 8 and that's it
  11. Yesterday
  12. I had a similar error after I messed around with the game and added my own mods. The mods were meant to change some mechanics, but I wasn’t careful with the files, and it ended up modifying part of the game’s code in one of the original scripts. Before that, I had been browsing reviews on somagyarkaszino, specifically checking out this one - https://somagyarkaszino.com/kaszino-velemenyek/mostbet-kaszino/. While reading, I noticed how the site described different reward mechanics and progression systems in casino games. That gave me the idea to try implementing a streak-based bonus system in Pokémon Reborn, where winning multiple battles in a row would increase the rewards, kind of like a progressive jackpot mechanic. Unfortunately, I didn't handle the script changes properly, and that’s probably what caused the error. If you’ve made any changes recently, it might be worth double-checking the files to see if something got unintentionally modified.
  13. That sounds super annoying, especially since it’s not just crashing the game but messing with your whole screen. Have you checked Event Viewer (Win + X > Event Viewer > Windows Logs > Application/System) to see if any errors pop up when it happens? Since you’re on an i7-11800H, it could be a GPU driver issue - maybe try updating/reinstalling both your Intel UHD and dedicated GPU drivers. Also, right-click the game, go to Properties > Compatibility, and try disabling fullscreen optimizations or running it in Windows 10 compatibility mode. Hope you can find a fix soon, losing progress like that is rough.
  14. Continue the mainstory line. You'll get the HM later don't worry. I guess it's just to prevent the player having a strong water type move against Geara (it has no water resistance in its team).
  15. you know what, sure why not let's make dark void great again v1.3 dropping riiiiiiiiiiight now -- dark void's accuracy is restored to its original 80% (because 100% accurate dark void is, simply put, bullshit) direct damage-dealing moves are still fair game though the v1.2 download is still up for anyone who doesn't want dark void's accuracy to be restored, though it's updated with a backported debug console feature
  16. I’m missing the Surf hm; I already beat Valarie and am currently on the fight with geara on the beach, am I screwed or is there any way to still get it??
  17. Howdy, this has been a problem for several versions of the game and thus, for a few years now. I just didn't realize it was caused by Rejuvenation itself until recently. Basically, while I'm playing the game and seemingly at random, my entire laptop screen will go black. Then, a white box with an X that looks like it's for a webpage will appear in the corner. My desktop will soon reappear, though my wallpaper will still be black, and Rejuvenation will crash (with no error window or anything, the game simply closes itself). This is a pretty severe issue since it's affecting my laptop display as a whole, and I really hope I can either figure out what exactly is causing the issue, or bring awareness to the devs that this is a thing that's happening. I lost pretty substantial progress today on my fresh nuzlocke as a result of such a crash, since I redownloaded the game last night and forgot about my previous experiences with the crash. As some extra, possibly relevant information, I run Windows 11, and my device specs are attached.
  18. Last week
  19. I found a tympole on Helojak Island before I cleared the Team Xen presence there, but I didnt catch one at the time as I wasnt looking to catch anything then but now? I cant find them anywhere despite them being rleatively common before I defeated Xen and also . They should still be spawning there as I see no reason for them not to, and it doesnt make sense for them to be rarer than their own evolved form Paliptoad if it isnt a bug. I dont want to have to breed for such a common pokemon, especially since it doesnt get egg moves that I otherwise can get at a move tutor.
  20. This looks promising! The dark story angle is intriguing. Maybe add a creepy element, something akin to FNAF, to amp up the suspense when searching for the hidden notes about Cresselia and Darkrai. Implementing some lore from Sinnoh's myths would enrich the world further. Keep up the great work! #Pokemon #GameDev #Fangame
  21. Excuse me I'm playing intense mode on this mod, Every time after a battle my EVs reset. May someone please help me out
  22. Hi there! Does the NPC say why you need to head there? My guess is that the Underground might be the Undercity. The Undercity is located to the left of Cellia Central’s Ranger station (on the same street as your manor and the Cellia Battle Tournament building). Garret’s crew should be standing in front of the alleyway that leads down there. Unfortunately, you will be rocking Snarl for a while longer. As of this current version, there aren’t any other special dark TMs besides Snarl.
  23. my save file hope someone helps Game_3 - Niku - 1812 - 102h 58m - 15 badges - Reldin Island.rxdata
  24. In both cases, thanks for the comment ahah. Yeah one of the main problem of Furfrou is its lack of offensive coverage. With Dig and Rock Smash to deal with Steel Types, you won't go far, and the other few moves are good at most, but 0 coverage move >100. To be honest, I was so despised back in the day to see how Furfrou is so limited in its options. With my idea, it's still limited, but now it can perform as a bulky sweeper or a tank with more flexibilty. I think this Pokémon needs to be loved by the community
  25. Here's Pokemon Rejuvenation : LightDarkness and Shadow. It's four remaining protagonists (Ariana, Alain, Aero, Ana) combined story. In battle royale between Mega Evolved Pokemon :

    Ariana : Mega Venusaur! Attack Swampert with Giga Drain!

    Aero : Mega Swampert! Dodge and counter with Ice Punch!


    Mega Venusaur attacked with Giga Drain to Mega Swampert but the latter dodged and was preparing to use Ice Punch.


    Ariana (Dissapointed) : Ice Punch! Seriously?!


    As Ariana expected, it barely did any damage to Mega Venusaur and got Mega Swampert caught by Giga Drain, knocking it out. Mega Swampert fainted.


    Aero (Dumbfounded) : ...

    Ariana : Never learned your lesson, huh?


    While Ariana defeated Aero, Ana already won against Alain with Mega Kangaskhan dodging Sceptile's Focus Blast by hilariously doing absolutely nothing while using Return for the finishing blow. Mega Sceptile fainted.


    Alain (Sobbing) : DA-A-MMIT!!!

    Ana : All that's left is between me and you.

    Ariana : Too bad. Mega Venusaur will beat you with defensive stalling.

    Use Toxic!

    Ana : Use Seismic Toss!

    Ariana : WHAT?!


    Before Mega Venusaur could use Toxic that Mega Kangaskhan could have dodged it easily but couldn't due to the former being part Poison type that causes Toxic to never miss the target, Mega Kangaskhan used Seismic Toss to double direct hit the former. Mega Venusaur fainted.


    Ariana : Oh, well! So much for that!

    Ana : Guess I won!

    Let's go buy some Ice Creams made by Ice Cream Sand Witch!


    Ana left.


    Ariana : She really likes going to this place. To be honest, it looks delicious.

    Wanna have it to cheer you up.

    Aero/Alain (Depressed) : We do hope so...


    Note : Sorry for past weekends. Focused too much on Pokemon Reborn and that's the reason I'm willing to put this. In case of Pokemon Legends : Z-A starters, nobody thought Tepig would make and entrance as a starter and much to most of the people surprise, revealing that Chikorita would use Disarming Voice. Kinda wonderful in a new way. See you later.

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