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    • GreyShadow

      I LIVE, no really I’m still alive. 
      that is all, go about your day/night.
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    • OmegaStellarSolare

      Here's Pokemon Rejuvenation : Light, Darkness and Shadow. It's four remaining protagonists (Ariana, Alain, Aero, Ana) combined story. In battle royale between Mega Evolved Pokemon :
      Ariana : Mega Venusaur! Attack Swampert with Giga Drain!
      Aero : Mega Swampert! Dodge and counter with Ice Punch!
      Mega Venusaur attacked with Giga Drain to Mega Swampert but the latter dodged and was preparing to use Ice Punch.
      Ariana (Dissapointed) : Ice Punch! Seriously?!
      As Ariana expected, it barely did any damage to Mega Venusaur and got Mega Swampert caught by Giga Drain, knocking it out. Mega Swampert fainted.
      Aero (Dumbfounded) : ...
      Ariana : Never learned your lesson, huh?
      While Ariana defeated Aero, Ana already won against Alain with Mega Kangaskhan dodging Sceptile's Focus Blast by hilariously doing absolutely nothing while using Return for the finishing blow. Mega Sceptile fainted.
      Alain (Sobbing) : DA-A-MMIT!!!
      Ana : All that's left is between me and you.
      Ariana : Too bad. Mega Venusaur will beat you with defensive stalling.
      Use Toxic!
      Ana : Use Seismic Toss!
      Ariana : WHAT?!
      Before Mega Venusaur could use Toxic that Mega Kangaskhan could have dodged it easily but couldn't due to the former being part Poison type that causes Toxic to never miss the target, Mega Kangaskhan used Seismic Toss to double direct hit the former. Mega Venusaur fainted.
      Ariana : Oh, well! So much for that!
      Ana : Guess I won!
      Let's go buy some Ice Creams made by Ice Cream Sand Witch!
      Ana left.
      Ariana : She really likes going to this place. To be honest, it looks delicious.
      Wanna have it to cheer you up.
      Aero/Alain (Depressed) : We do hope so...
      Note : Sorry for past weekends. Focused too much on Pokemon Reborn and that's the reason I'm willing to put this. In case of Pokemon Legends : Z-A starters, nobody thought Tepig would make and entrance as a starter and much to most of the people surprise, revealing that Chikorita would use Disarming Voice. Kinda wonderful in a new way. See you later.
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    • OmegaStellarSolare

      Here's Pokemon Rejuvenation : Light, Darkness and Shadow. It's Aevis’ story. After defeating Shooting Star the Starmie so easily :
      Ren : What in the actual hell?? Why was a Starmie inside of the fountain like that?
      How deep is the water in this thing??
      Lopez : That’s a lot of full mysteries, to be honest.
      Ren : If I was Robo-Ren right now, I’d hop in and take a look.
      Lopez : I might worry that Robo-Ren would break, considering robots have low tolerance of water of course.
      Ren : Actually, Robo-Ren can submerge itself into large bodies of water and magma.
      Lopez : For real?
      Ren : I’ve done both quite a few times now! Super-heat and water resistant too!
      Speaking of resistant, how can you breathe in the underwater and how come are you unharmed by lava?
      Lopez : It’s when the Avatar Link influence awakens that I’m immune to non direct damage.
      Ren : Way too similar to Magic Guard.
      Lopez : That’s not all. Avatar Link favors the useful abilities rather than abilities that are considered as a burden like Slow Start, Defeatist and Truant.
      Ren : Can you use types as well?
      Lopez : Somehow, it’s that simple. The are few spirits that I can’t sense them on my side.
      And they are the only ones that can make me use elements of types.
      Ren : I see…
      Anyway, I think that’s enough for this one. Let’s mark it as done.
      Note : Sorry for not posting it in weekend. Due to certain circumstances, I didn’t have time for it. See you later.
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    • Shao

      Drown in endless soft resets.
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    • Shao

      So my friend consider his hairstyle as a wall brush dipped in green paint. Definitely.

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    • Shao

      role as...
      glass cannon, wallbreaker, high speeder, U-turn
      IV 252spatk&spd spd+ (Wise glasses)
      Draco Meteor+Flamethrower+Hurricane/Boomburst/U-turn/Switcheroo/Focus Blast/Super Fang
      IV 252spatk&spd spd+/IV 252hp&spd spd+
      Taunt+Super Fang+Hurricane/Draco Meteor+Roost/Toxic
      Fairy type sp walls, e.g. Sylveon, Florges, Mega Altaria
      Stealth Rock
      Choice Scarf
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    • Shao

      oh sheet I can't view pictures several years ago on this forum. pity wtf
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    • Shao

      role as...
      Glass cannon, Wallbreaker, Pivot, Setup sweepers
      Flash Fire/Infiltrator
      IV 252spatk&spd spd+  (Choice Scarf) /252spd&spatk spatk+ (Choice Specs)
      Shadow Ball+Fire Blast+Energy Ball/Overheat/Hidden Power(Ice)/Trick
      IV 252spatk&spd spd+  (Leftovers)/252hp&spatk spatk+  (Leftovers)
      Substitute+Calm Mind+Shadow Ball/Energy Ball+Flamethrower
      Thick Fat Snorlax+Pursuit
      A Muk+Pursuit
      Spikes+high spd sweepers
      · 0 replies
    • OmegaStellarSolare

      Here's Pokemon Rejuvenation : Light, Darkness and Shadow. It's Aevia's and Axel's story. In GDC's Game Corner :
      Aevia : Seriously. How many hours do you intend to play it?
      Axel : As long as it takes for me to obtain Axew.
      Aevia : How many coins do you have?
      Axel : 29473 Coins.
      Aevia : Wow. You can do it while I'm going outside to see what our friends are planning to do.
      Aevia left while Axel is drinking the juice before playing the game.
      Axel : No time left to lose.
      A few moments later.
      Aevia : Where is Axel?
      Receptionist : He's here. Sleeping after winning an Axew as a prize for 30000 Coins.
      Axel : Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz...
      Aevia : Oh, sweet flowers...
      Note : I know it's short but I got nothing else to plan for posting. See you in next weekend.
      · 0 replies
    • Shao

      role as...
      Baton Passer, Wallbreaker, Highspeed, Physical Sweeper, Knock Off
      Speed Boost
      IV 252hp&spd spd+/252spd&atk atk+/252atk&spd spd+
      Protect/Substitute/Sword Dance/Baton Pass/Mirror Move (Z)+HJK/Low Kick+Blaze Kick/Flare Blitz+Stone Egde/Earthquake/Knock Off/Hidden Power (Ice)
      Mega Blaziken
      role as...
      Mega, Baton Passer, Wallbreaker, Highspeed, Physical Sweeper, Knock Off, Anti-Knock Off
      Speed Boost
      IV 252spd&atk atk+
      Protect+Flare Blitz+HJK/Low Kick+Stone Egde/Knock Off/Sword Dance
      same as anti-Blaziken
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