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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. Welcome! I liked the concept of Akuma no Riddle but it was kind of disappointing for execution. I hear the manga did better. Surprise. But the Fiora avatar is adorbz, zuli is the best. I'm sure you'll fit in just fine here.
  2. If there's anything Reborn has going for it, it's industry. Factories, business offices and other corporate centers are spread out all across the region and players have already seen the quality production machines hard at work. Now, the Field Effect Factory's machines can be your own, both in battles and out them for the low price of one Episode 13! Check out the product descriptions below and place your order today for the Factory Field, and the Short-circuit Field! - Click either of those links or the images below to jump to the Field Effect page for their descriptions! Warranty not included. Finally, Ace Members have some work to do. Get to it, friends.
  3. Field Effects are details are available on the website, in the text file accompanying the game download, "Field Effect Manual.txt" and as of E13 they're all explained in-game as well
  4. Amethyst


    If you have to trade to evolve it, use a Linkstone instead.
  5. fixed, also fixed infestation error. it is properly 1/6 from 1/8 in code, the notation just hadn't been corrected. YUP. for funsies inuki and I battled a test-Bennett on the rock field. he basically had two pokemon.
  6. One thing E13 does is fill in some of the holes with back-to-the-basic field effects. E11 and E12's fields have mostly been focused on unifying and integrating existing mechanics from Gamefreak like the Terrain and Pledge moves. While that is cool, we do eventually need to take a step back and get in your bread-and-butter nature fields. That's where these come in. You'll likely spend a lot of time in both of these fields, so take a minute to check out the Rocky Field, and the Forest Field - Click either of those links or the images below to jump to the Field Effect page for their descriptions! Remember, only YOU can start forest-field fires.* *not actually true at all Another note, the Obtainable Pokemon list has been updated for E13. In the past this also indicated that a beta was up, but I'm sequencing things out differently this time. Soon, though...
  7. I also build tear on her presently, (not with Chalice though, I figured that would be mana-overkill), but from what I've seen it isn't regarded as standard. A viable option, certainly, but I see things like Chalice and RotA instead pretty often. I only meant that I expect the rework to solidify tear's place as core.
  8. Uh. To me it kind of seems like all of you misunderstood his question. This is an erroneous assumption. You don't need Rock Smash to save her.
  9. new akali splash /finally/ was not expecting the cass rework though really liking the e change, especially with how awkface her aa is. she's sooo going to be a tear champion now
  10. That's right! Camouflage works for every field now, but the old field updates don't necessarily need a news post. Although one particularly fun thing is that Rainbow Field is now created by using sun during rain or visa versa. I so badly want to say yes, but previous track record tells me I should refrain from promising anything. Also having to make new Mega Sprites for ORAS Pokemon is definitely going to slow me down a bit. Insert dramatic sigh here.
  11. Er, no. Sorry, what I meant was that her gym will be updated in E15. I'm doing two leaders per epiosde. This episode, Shade and Shelly are getting Field Effects. Next will be Kiki and Aya, and then Serra will be last.
  12. After way too long, it is almost that time again. A number of factors have slowed E13's release down well beyond what I originally hoped. To list a few, I've had to take up a lot of extra time at work lately, much of the time spent in development was actually for content that won't be accessible until E14/15, and the fact that I basically did all the work of the 9.5 update over again (which... unfortunately actually involved undoing most of the work of the 9.5 update...) but decided not to release it as a separate update because that would just take longer anyway (However, because of that, it is going to have to have a longer beta period). To put an end to the eternal flow of 'when is E13 going to be released' questions, we're looking at within the first week of September. In the meantime, allow me to introduce you to a couple of E13's new Field Effects: the Icy Field, and the Superheated Field - Click either of those links or the images below to jump to the Field Effect page for their descriptions! By the way, Serra will not be receiving the Icy Field-- she'll be getting a personal one in E15.
  13. yes good it's the 21st century and we're still judging an entire gender based on one individual really quality way of thinking. Welcome and stuff, but i wouldn't count on the 'mods not doing anything' business. I did see your previous comment that either mods are abusive or easy to take advantage of, which makes it seem like you come in intending to bend some rules. Let's not, okay? Ok. Otherwise hi!
  14. Thanks to those who watched. Next week's movie will be Pokemon Heroes! I can control the whole world from here!

  15. Now playing: Pokemon 4ever! Click to join us: http://sync-video.com/r/r4xHrdD8

  16. That's fine, but there are other topics for that >>
  17. Y'all need to calm down, both the dive and the surf thing have been in place for a while now
  18. I was thinking the same thing myself too. It's probable that that was a typo in the linked topic (assuming that, I corrected that topic as well), but if confirmed the episodes were released like that, it's also possible I had some other logic for it that I've since forgotten.
  19. @ Rhodocrine, Lin Rin Citae Arc d'Astrae: SIT-ey ARC de-AST-reh ...okay so that one's not based on a crystal.
  20. Fixed. And mmmmeh, it's not as important as it once was since I think there's now a sense of general ettiquette in the established user base. It used to be pinned.
  21. rainbow clears ame appears All of the place names are based off of crystals so this is going to be a learning experience for me too For instance let's start with Peridot. For my entire life I've grown up pronouncing this 'Pe-ri-doe', but most people pronounce the 'dot' to rhyme with 'hot'. I've face-palmed at a lot of Let's Players for this, but apparently the latter is the way the dictionary suggests to pronounce it, and the way I grew up pronouncing it is actually based on the French root of the word. In short, either Pe-ri-dot or Pe-ri-doe is proper and I don't have to cringe when people youtubers start the game anymore. so that's good. Moving on: Rhodocrine- ROAD-uh-cRIN Aventurine: Uh-VEN-chur-EEN Azurine: AH-zhur-IN Apophyll: Ah-PAH-fill Pyrous: PIE-rus Byxbysion: BIKS-bi-SHUN Chrysolia: KRIS-ohl-EE-uh Spinel: spin-ELLE Tanzan: TAN-zuhn Agate: AA-git Ametrine: AA-meh-TREEN Celestinine: SEH-lest-IH-neen Citrine: SIT-reen Calcenon: KAL-seh-NAHN Labradorra: LAA-bruh-DOOR-uh
  22. Pretty sure the entire point was to try and get away from their paradigm with demi-human women just looking like girls in a _____ costume I'd say it's done a decent job of that still don't like vayne's though. 2batman4me
  23. I would recommend waiting. Off the top of my head the only previously accessible Pokemon that won't be available in 13 is Magikarp. I could be overlooking something so don't hold me to that. By the way, the events themselves haven't been removed, just changed. Compared to episode 9 there are a lot more early game events now than then.
  24. Ding ding ding. 6 and 7 were homonymous puns based on Shade's riddle. Poison in Vain would refer to Aya's toxic self-image, whereas Poison in Vein referred to Kiki's disease.
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