After way too long, it is almost that time again.
A number of factors have slowed E13's release down well beyond what I originally hoped. To list a few, I've had to take up a lot of extra time at work lately, much of the time spent in development was actually for content that won't be accessible until E14/15, and the fact that I basically did all the work of the 9.5 update over again (which... unfortunately actually involved undoing most of the work of the 9.5 update...) but decided not to release it as a separate update because that would just take longer anyway (However, because of that, it is going to have to have a longer beta period).
To put an end to the eternal flow of 'when is E13 going to be released' questions, we're looking at within the first week of September.
In the meantime, allow me to introduce you to a couple of E13's new Field Effects: the Icy Field, and the Superheated Field - Click either of those links or the images below to jump to the Field Effect page for their descriptions!
By the way, Serra will not be receiving the Icy Field-- she'll be getting a personal one in E15.