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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. That pun is never going to die. But speaking of things that do die, the old server. And as such, we have a new one. Nyu is not dead and gone, but he will no longer be hosting us. Instead, we have a snazzy new server on our own VPS. It looks like not everything is 100% working just yet (looking at you, Tiers and /d's) so some restarts might be required here and there as we get settled. Additionally, there is a threat that resource usage between the site, forum and server will cause issues, but I'm not afraid to upgrade our hosting plan if I need to, and Digital Ocean is great so that's actually super easy. In all, don't worry about it. The Advance Connect for our new server is We also have one more new feature coming with our new server, but I'm going to wait just a couple days to make sure everything's in good shape before I put that one up.... In other news, we have a couple promotions to mention: Fezzdog is coming onto the server as new mod, and Blind Guardian is following up as a new forum mod for the Reborn section. Congrats to both of them, and personal thanks from myself. Additionally, I've created a new forum to help organize the Reborn Troubleshooting section. ... That is, the new section is actually called Troubleshooting and the old section that was Troubleshooting before has been renamed to Bug Reporting. The distinction here is that the Bug Report forum should be for errors in the game, and Troubleshooting is for errors in one individual's save file. Please keep this in mind when posting new topics! Thanks everyone, and have a slightly-turquoise-with-cerulean-plaid day!
  2. I'm just gonna close this topic.    
  3. No need to hate on MP. They picked some ratings based on, like someone mentioned, only the beginning of the game I believe. They're used to dealing in mediocre RPG Maker games, but I wouldn't say that it's 'adverse bias', considering the Reborn League started on MP, Nyu and myself were originally from there, and most of the members there are friends of ours. Plus Reborn gets game of the week there pretty much every time I put up a new episode, and it's by far the most popular download. So #whatevs~
  4. On the money. Apparently a pre-requisite of owner-status here is liking Mismagius
  5. I am quite content with the number of legs I have, thank you.
  6. The piano theme was only ever temporary in the first place.
  7. Motivation or not, colour me impressed. That is really cool. Lucia looks awesome. it also helps that you got my two favorite pokemon. and yeah, I mean, don't let us tell you what to do. The colour thing is great but if you're more interested in sketches, by all means.
  8. he wasn't. and he still isn't. ew.
  9. Don't feel bad for saying it; it's true. I regret that the game is in such a condition that it is true, in the first place.
  10. I didn't manually decrease the chance; it was 1% in the first place.
  11. I suggested it some time ago, decided not to based on feedback, but really I'm still thinking about it because lag being "inevitable" is a horrible thing.
  12. The protagonists are presumed to be 18, yes
  13. The cemetary has the same song as the rest of Beryl does. The reason Opal and Beryl sound similar is because Opal was made as a direct digitalization of the piano theme you were referring to. Beryl was made as a remix by another user from Pokecommunity from the same piano theme, whereas the other wards actually have new base melodies, just sticking to the same key and themes.
  14. Apparently the Railnet Dusk Stone is inaccessible because a passability error right now, sorry
  15. Highly likely. I chose that kind of arbitrarily until I knew what would be in its place. She won't use Jirachi, sadly.
  16. Well, here's an interesting thing. You mentioned the song getting darker between Obsidia and Jasper, but for a very long time Jasper just borrowed Beryl's theme. The piano version of the city theme was used in Obsidia and Onyx for a long time, but Onyx is hardly dark... Also, there was only a single variation of that theme-- I never slowed it down or made it darker or anything. If it felt that way, it was just the game's atmosphere. ^^
  17. I was thinking about doing the checkpoint thing there anyway. Although if I do, does it not make some sense to spread some check points through the city as well, or otherwise break it up some how? I had been planning on doing that, including a circus gate, when the game was finished to make a lighter-weight, lag free version. Although, the city is substantially more interconnected, especially around the Peridot ward (where Jasper and Lapis are also visible within the same field of vision) so it is a greater loss there. Would that be worth it as well? With the other thing, by 'tell you how many are left' do you mean re-display the lit-up Pokeball thing? It's something that's in canon games, so I would be willing to snag that if that's the code zeta has.
  18. That theory, along with most of his others, has been debunked like several thousand times. Freud offered us a model for how to think about the brain in revolutionary ways for the time period; his actual theories are only primarily valuable as history at this point rather than valid tools of analysis.
  19. The timers only come up when the score board is up, so I think that's fine. It would be cluttered if it was on the HUD all the time.
  20. Amethyst

    Route 2

    so is the general consensus that the frustrating part is figuring out what to do in the first place? It wasn't this way in 12.0 but in 12.1 the Powder Vial salesman is a bit more direct about what the player needs to do-- should there be even more clear instructions?
  21. did i mention it's kitty season all these nidalee buffs <3
  22. That's interesting. I learned something today.
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