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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. Down-time a moment ago was deliberate to back-up the site; no problems. Sorry.

    1. Gaunt


      Doesn't this happen every time someone says (in this case Kiozo) that the site is now all right? Are we jinxed?

  2. That happened with myself and one of my ex's several times. It's called Meeting Dreams or Meshing Dreams.
  3. Sneasel is also going to be in-game but not obtainable next episode. So sorry Vinny.
  4. You've been able to fish in Peridot since episode 1. >> Also, 1% chance.
  5. Once upon a time Ame was really impressed with the community's collective ability to solve puzzles, so as a social experiment Ame put a random tile with some instructions on it in a random place and said the first person to find that tile gets a free Dratini. She was interested in seeing if, in so many players, anyone would find something so arbitrary. Many looked, but none were able to find it. As of right now, I'm rescinding that offer. Dratini will be technically in the game as of E13 so it no longer makes sense to keep this event around. For the curious, here's where it was. PS just because something's in the game doesn't mean it's obtainable.
  6. Sudden necro. I woke up after that point, but I was pretty sure that boy wasn't the mastermind- he was just another victim of the drug, and apparently his true emotion made him into a sadist. A number of questions were unanswered, but that's all I have.
  7. I was talking about the capsules...
  8. 13 is a lucky number. Y'all are cray. #gotcha I had to guess at that point of development what level we might be around when we got to Amaria, so I picked 74 as kind of a minimum point. Don't expect Deliverance to be level 74 when you face her. It'll change retroactively.
  9. Yeah, unfortunately the Tauros teleport glitch ruined my plans of no one finding out. >.>
  10. Yeah, I can add some. Hadn't thought of it since early episodes were made before ability capsules were a thing...
  11. It's poor production standard though. I wouldn't let myself get away with this.
  12. When he was a leader online I heard a story once about how Fern tried to hit on Titania. She absolutely destroyed him. Pretty sure he doesn't like to talk about her anymore.
  13. FAQ doesn't do a ton of good if the person who tries to load it dies of old age before it finishes. I might have to redo the entire main site. We'll see, after that.
  14. Potential spoilers from the first link for those who haven't played the canon games. Second link is unrelated. It is more or less explained by the OP: "IN THE NONARY GAME YOU AND 8 OTHER PLAYERS WILL TEAM UP IN ORDER TO SOLVE AND SURVIVE A SERIES OF ETHICALLY VERIFIED TESTS*." (aka puzzles) The Nonary Game as a concept is based on the Zero Escape series (999 and Virtue's Last Reward). Those official games are VN-puzzle type games where the main character undergoes a specific story, trapped in the scenario known as the Nonary Game. The games themselves are fantastic and I very highly recommend them. But, I decided it would be fun to be able to play Nonary in a way that isn't quite so set and defined, so I wrote a version for our PO server that is actually played by 9 real people (rather than 1 protagonist and 8 characters). This is actually the second one I've written; the first one has been retired. Due to the nature of the game I can't post logs or explain too much, but shit always goes down, and it is intense and fantastic.
  15. tbh all it takes to get passed the trial is some clever googling.
  16. Does it? I was trying to make it a bit easier for those who explore thoroughly.
  17. grumble grumble yeah fine ill be not lazy tbh idk why anyone's let me get away with this for the past 9 episodes This post doesn't contribute anything to the discussion. Please refrain from posting if you have nothing to add.
  18. Sure thing. Not any time soon, but sure thing. There'll be an Ice Rock retroactively available from the E10 area
  19. If I look like Alice it's entirely a coincidence... All of the protagonists were just designed using items from our sprite shop and touching them up a bit. For Alice I picked the most popular hairstyle for girls at the time, but then ended up lengthening the back a lot when I redid it just because it looked less awkward. I guess that... had the side-effect of making it a lot like my own hair. Oops...
  20. Fun fact, I was indeed originally planning on having Meteor attack the Grand Hall at some point No plans for that to actually happen anymore though.
  21. We pretty much just have to put it in to check. Yolo. We can continue to fix it across episodes
  22. I'm glad that it seems most of our community is agreed with refraining from this. Apparently Zeta takes an opposite standpoint on these sorts of things than the one we do, which they have every right to do. I'm not going to waste words and say that you should respect their protocol because that's already obvious. However, I cannot in good conscience allow this forum to be used as recruitment against them, especially as I am in some sort of debt to TheSuzerian for allowing us to borrow some of his code for Reborn. I don't intend to disrespect his project and community by permitting this. Locking.
  23. just woke up from dream in which people made street gangs in the name of reborn and started causing crimes and blaming it on team meteor but they were actually just doin it cuz they were #reballin'. pls dont.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Deleted User

      Deleted User

      You need a vacation ma'am.

    3. Gaunt


      Magma FTW!

    4. Foamy


      Gangs in the name of Reborn?

      ...BERYL GANG FO' LYF.

  24. i appreciate your face and/or general existence for another year!!! happy anotheryearday!
  25. nawwh. encourage him. y'all need a bit of kawaii desu love in your lives here's an experiment in actually not straightening my hair for once, and papers reflecting entirely too much light
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