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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. Tauros accepted Iggly line accepted Do people like this better than the snowy versions? If so, on growlithe, the mohawk is darker on the back sprite than on the front, should be lightened and the back-stripes on the front don't blend in very well with the rest of the fur, should be darkned and faded a little Mankey and Kabuto lines accepted Pidgey and Pory lines accepted Staryu...mie looks fine, but I don't think I like Starmie...yu. I think a more cohesive colour theme would do well Vulture Fearow accepted Ekans- I think hazmat reads more yellow. Let's make the body a golden yellow, and what are currently the yellow stripes, black. eyes will be a problem... Make the eyes red, I think Arbok- Again, Yellow Body, but with the front sprite, the symbol on its 'wings' can occupy a larger area than it does-- even if that's larger than what the original sprite does. Also, it can be solid-ish black. No need for the white stuff. The following things- I don't think the aura strategy is going to work out like that, so let's go ahead and scratch that Cubone is probably fine without the aura Marowak, I'd like to see if we can get it more ghost-like. This will probably entail changing the black sections to also be a sort of faded bluish-white that might look specralish. Let's leave the bones alone so it might look like a spirit occupying them. Hitmonchan- I think the Little Mac idea makes more sense than this, I'm afraid. Hitmonlee- I can appreciate this reference more. I'd like to see it without the aura though. Doduo line-- I'm okay with this concept, but it needs a little tidying. The pink outline contrasts harshly against the black parts of the outline. It also has much higher saturation than the other pink shades. These things should be smoothed out. I'd also like to try making the neck/beak things whiter as opposed to tan. That might be a deviation from pinkan island, but it'll make it look more valentinish. If it doesn't work we don't have to use it
  2. I don't hate you, that's why I've changed the E12 pick up table to be much better. I was too harsh in my changes too it for 11. I didn't realise it because I hadn't laid it out in a visual format yet, but when I made the site table I realised how absurd some of the placements were.
  3. Gulpin is far from 'too good', but it's problem is the opposite of what you suspect: I've had a place for it since the very beginning. However, I suppose it is a candidate for the sort of pokemon you could get from an early-game event... Starly was removed from the early game for that exact reason. Rufflet has been another Pokemon that I've known where it would go since the start though, and you all have made a pretty good guess with it. Ametrine mountain is, in fact, the main ice area of the game. But I'm sorry to break Vinny's heart, and whoever else, but thanks to some rewrites I made to increase development time, we won't be getting into Ametrine in 12 to be perfectly honest there aren't going to be a ton of new pokemon in 12. some, to be sure! But there isn't as much room for sidequestisms.. yet. soon, though.
  4. I can correct that if I know all of the ones that's happening with. Someone can make a topic for compiling them, I suppose. This is an interesting idea, but I would be worried about writing new things that may or may not be true about the Pokemon themselves. I would feel better if the dex entries described the Pokemon in specific relation to Reborn, but I'm not sure there's enough material there.
  5. Mightyena is pretty lackluster, so like Kricketune, I'm fine with it being abused early. It's the things that scale on to be so good later-on that I'm concerned about.
  6. The server status is going to be because of nyunyu, but I suspect the latest discussions thing is a cache issue. I had to enable extra cache settings to keep the site from gatoring, which has the effect of making that discussion feed update locally less often
  7. I had already decided to change that one too. I'm thinking I'll swap it with Gothita.
  8. i would never hurt innocent little animals :c or innocent big animals its okay though, I know it's all in humour.
  9. Then that should be fine. If you post your link and banner, I'll get you up
  10. Because the point of attacking the train wasn't to get rid of the train, but to blow up the Peridot Station so no one else could come to Reborn. As to the original point, it's pretty much what's been said. It seems customary to 'start over' when moving to a new place. The reference to the player being a strong trainer is implying that s/he has completed a Pokemon game in the past and as such has already been champion somewhere. Canon pokemon games make the opposite inference- they assume that the player character is a brand new trainer. While necessary for global marketting, that isn't the kind of audience a fangame will be attracting.
  11. As a confirmation of sorts, Anna was diagnosed as Schizophrenic. Noel as having Asperger's, Laura is OCD, and Charlotte has Conduct Disorder. Of course, these come from Sigmund, so feel free to disregard all of them.
  12. Oh, my apologies, I overlooked the fact that this was for the profile feed specifically. Good to note that that isn't working though. So strange since I literally just copied the profile feed code onto the side bar...
  13. It's possible that recent or old host issues have broken it. I recently deactivated the old domain so it's entirely possible that it was somehow working through that still and I didn't realise. It might also explain why I've never seen it be used. I might just remove it. We're not so want for affiliates now that we have plenty of incoming traffic from the game. That said, I assume that means you have your own site, so talk to me here about it. And sorry for the issue.
  14. He... should change to a much shorter dialogue for rebattles. Either something about 'falter before me' or 'crags of life'? Did that not happen? (And I'm assuming that you weren't resetting? Otherwise the game won't have saved data of you fighting him so of course he'll say the same thing) Are you on a mac? Wine users have to delete a few files to avoid these sorts of things.
  15. I think that was a misunderstand that became a miscommunication The chance went from 1/655xx to 700/655xx. That's where those numbers came from
  16. The Abra is no longer level 100, don't worry Those are accurate, but I will be tweaking those stats once I get a feel for where those battles are in difficulty now.
  17. I really like the new fairy type. I've always liked the occult types but dark types are too edgy and aggressive and psychic types are too weird and ghosts always feel lackluster but then fairy comes along and everything is just super cute
  18. This sometimes happens when a user's browser settings aren't configured entirely correctly. I can't say that I know the exact source of the problem-- it might be java, so enable that if you have it disabled-- otherwise browsers do weird things or something, and you can probably get around it by trying whatever you aren't using between firefox or chrome. Sorry about that though.
  19. That's been more or less the idea, but for a while I humoured exceptions for things like Vulpix and Magikarp whom, the events I had planned for them really only made sense earlier in the game With Bulbasaur, you raise some good points. Keep in mind that part of the game was technically made before Chespin existed. It would be pretty easy to switch those two if I decide I want to, but tbh neither event is very difficult, only later
  20. Don't worry, I really have no interest in doing that. But PULSE forms were something already alluded to in the story line, I'm just giving them a visual representation.
  21. I don't think the above statistics are quite accurate. 1.07%. It's okay, once we get all the custom shinies in it'll be much more interesting...
  22. Dashie isn't entirely wrong. By default the save file goes to the folder described, but if for whatever reason that folder doesn't exist and can't be created, then the save file is created in the game's folder as said
  23. Er, no. That's why he wasn't of things that are excluded, i.e meaning that he was indeed a leader online before Accurate.
  24. I'm not saying I'm jealous of Amy's house, but if anyone happens to know where one like that actually exists, feel free to snatch the deed for me...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Amethyst


      What am I doing???

    3. Noivy


      I know the thought processes of a game developer. And I have looked in the right places here. I know exactly what you're thinking.

    4. Epic C

      Epic C


  25. That's a whole novel. :I and yeah, all of the characters in the reborn game sans myself, the protagonists and openly meteor characters were once leaders for the online league
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