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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. It was pretty impressive. I gave her a test battle when she came back before I gave her the spot again She 6-0'd me without a second thought.
  2. It's because of how the formula works. It's partly based on the score of the leader required to face the leader in question, so since every non-champion leader is required to have been cleared in order to face a champion they are almost always going to inherit a very high score That's exactly why we take into account inherited score in the first place. It's a measure of the expect skill of challengers.
  3. ... pls. y must you do this to me :c

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Magus
    3. Felicity


      Seriously, what is happening recently? Some sneaky shadow guy is stalking the forums?

  4. I have bad news, guys. I will no longer be making the Reborn game. It has just became too taxing.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie
    3. Felicity


      Imma Headbutt someone now.

    4. Sutoratosu


      I sense a troll... *Begins looking around*

  5. We actually used to have this on PO1. It wouldn't be hard to do again, I think, if it's getting out of hand
  6. If anyone wants a Curse voice beta key, say so and I'll PM you one. I have two left.
  7. Leaving Breloom on medium or heavy is generally something the last (active) auth should be doing anyway. That's why we have it, basically
  8. dont mind me just passing through
  9. Yeah, the HP checker himself hasn't been updated. I don't know if the type selection is different-- it must be with fairy type-- but the power is always 60 now. I don't know if this is going to be a priority for 12 though
  10. In theory this is answered in the game FAQ. Whoops. You found me out. To be more serious, Episode 12 is going to be a bit shorter after my rewrites, so there's a chance of it being finished quicker. However, production for this round has been slowed down by me finishing up Mega sprites, and a number of other custom area graphics. It's getting there though. I only have three more (somewhat sizable) maps to do.
  11. By the poll, it looks like Vulture is a clear winner, so we'll go with that.
  12. As awesome as it might be it would mean everything like the back sprite and OW sprite would have to be redone for every combination which is, in short, not happening.
  13. So apparently this is because the code I installed yesterday works on a more recent version of PHP than is enabled for the site-server presently I've made an attempt to update it, but I don't know how long it needs to take effect. If this is still going on tomorrow, someone please post up confirmation again Thanks guys
  14. If it's spring in XY we should make it spring here But we can do something different for the shiny
  15. It's looking normal to me... Is it like this for everyone? Any other pages doing this?
  16. idk this champion just does no damage :/
  17. *floats by on a rainbow* cain's not gaayyyy he's paaaaaaaan *floats away*
  18. I think it's a far cry that we'll be implementing seasons into Reborn. Which form should be the default?
  19. Turns out there isn't such a button in our theme. How silly. This was tough. It doesn't seem to be something I can fix for you as an admin, but don't worry, I found a solution. First, go to your messenger. Here's a link: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?app=members&module=messaging Then, find that Disable button, and right click it. Choose to copy the link it would take you to, and paste that into the URL. Part of that link will say something like "disableMessages" or whatever, so just change the disable to say 'enable' instead. Then access that link, and you should be clear. Sorry about that.
  20. It's not the difficulty, I just lose interest in playing at all. This happens with a lot of things. tbh I have a lot of emotional issues around video games in general. That's not for this topic. The sequel without the first? Ludacris. This is the first I've heard of that. What's different?
  21. I've started White like four different times and I always get bored before like the fourth gym
  22. Oh. That's it? Hm. Well, I wouldn't count on it for now but it isn't impossible.
  23. Not at once, just in a row.
  24. This isn't too bad but as it turns out after a discussion on the server, we've decided to go with a different concept entirely, modelling after Dragonair's colours. For the earlier evolutions we'll make them look like normal-dragonite's colours instead, likewise. Mewtwo done It looks like we have the same outline problem with the black on the backsprite. The blacksprite if you will. After a highly scientific experiment, I also think it would look better if we let Tauros keep its eye This is another situation where I think we just have to limit ourselves to recolours Rat family done Jinx family done What if reverse the current red and teal parts? Since I think it's usually the heads that are pink on vultures Paras done Darker is great Can we just take down that lightest shade on jiggly and iggly fronts though? It looks like someone's shining a spotlight on them Psi-yi-yi-- ...done? Articuno done Touching up the bottom of blissey back. It's just one shade though, so good as done We're going to do something spiffier with Steelix, but that's for a different day. With Venonant... Yeah, it's the top that's a-- thing. In both sprites, that orange shade needs to be made lighter (I fixed this up in venomoth's from what was posted as well). By "that orange shade" I mean the one in the highlight on the back, and around the yellow as an outline on the front. You can keep using it as a yellow for the outline, but on the places where it's currently used for an outline and the yellow does not directly touch, use a darker shade. Then, on both the front and back, try drawing in some extra of that orange below the yellow tips to 'fade' into it
  25. It can be purchased extremely rarely. Vending machines have a small chance of accidentally dropping it. There's also a chance that ice cream sales people might have some, but it's expensive and will go out of stock in a blink.
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