This isn't too bad but as it turns out after a discussion on the server, we've decided to go with a different concept entirely, modelling after Dragonair's colours. For the earlier evolutions we'll make them look like normal-dragonite's colours instead, likewise.
Mewtwo done
It looks like we have the same outline problem with the black on the backsprite. The blacksprite if you will.
After a highly scientific experiment, I also think it would look better if we let Tauros keep its eye
This is another situation where I think we just have to limit ourselves to recolours
Rat family done
Jinx family done
What if reverse the current red and teal parts? Since I think it's usually the heads that are pink on vultures
Paras done
Darker is great
Can we just take down that lightest shade on jiggly and iggly fronts though? It looks like someone's shining a spotlight on them
Psi-yi-yi-- ...done?
Articuno done
Touching up the bottom of blissey back. It's just one shade though, so good as done
We're going to do something spiffier with Steelix, but that's for a different day.
With Venonant... Yeah, it's the top that's a-- thing. In both sprites, that orange shade needs to be made lighter (I fixed this up in venomoth's from what was posted as well). By "that orange shade" I mean the one in the highlight on the back, and around the yellow as an outline on the front. You can keep using it as a yellow for the outline, but on the places where it's currently used for an outline and the yellow does not directly touch, use a darker shade. Then, on both the front and back, try drawing in some extra of that orange below the yellow tips to 'fade' into it