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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. Fun fact for future reference, all of Lapis' street names are based off of flowers, so that can be a clue!
  2. Which item specifically? Each is separate.
  3. I'm doing it through common event parallel processes... Which is probably not the most elegant solution as is. I could try moving them into the scripts, maybe.. @ Tenshine, that would work for ralts, but not the things that don't appear unless one already has snax
  4. Yeah, he does. Those two just got custom battle sprites so I suppose I can give them custom overworld sprites too.
  5. 'Kay, so this is an error I was afraid of. Basically, wait around somewhere for a while, like 5 minutes tops, and then it'll work. Don't change maps while you're waiting. I have the system check every so often to see if Pokesnax are held, and you managed to buy them and switch maps often enough before getting to ralts that the system didn't have time to flip said switch. I could make check in a shorter time frame but that would increase game lag over all. So basically I need a different solution.
  6. The leader is waiting right outside her house both before and after you fight her. You passed right by him several times, so apparently I need to make that more obvious.
  7. The item in Jasper is indeed not quite reachable. That's what I get for just dropping things about willy-nilly. Moved it, but it's nothing special
  8. Can anyone else confirm this for E11?
  9. That should have been fixed with the most recent re-upload.
  10. This isn't really the place for this, but definitely open a different topic so we can get it resolved.
  11. Correct-- I don't have a sense of how quickly the game's level curve will even out but it is going to slow down rapidly as we approach 100 and so some leaders will not raise the level cap (instead, they'll give a stat bonus; remember in main series games, some badges give all trainers' stats a slight edge). Before my 11.0.2 reupload, some users observed a bug where Luna's badge didn't raise the level cap to 70 like she said she would. That's because I was noticing that the ending levels of the saves I had seen weren't quite at 65 yet after the episode so I was going to have Luna's not raise the cap. However I changed my mind at the last minute and failed to fully update it. Anyway, the next leader will probably do that. Oh, and by the way, that badges file does exist and you can probably pick out a couple patterns but even the order on there may not necessarily be accurate.
  12. Although I don't intend to do an E11.5 or anything, I will be taking my time with 12. Here are my general goals: Gotta get them Shiny Sprites done fixed up Need to finish Mega sprites Not to mention shiny mega sprites ahwmahgad Also the sprites for the PUL- I, sorry, what? Going to try and make existing field effects more readable (i.e so players know when a move is used that gains bonus power, among other things-- Radomus' Chess field currently does this and it works a lot better than the other ones) Need to get scripting support to change the displayed background mid-battle So that we can make new field effects! Including transformative ones (such as burning grassy field) Finally, all that scripting and spriting stuff aside, E12 just takes place over a large area, a lot of which will require custom graphics, mapping and development time. So as it is, I can't offer any specific date.
  13. Users will find an array of new items in the Site Shop. Their use? To request ... more new items??? ... for the Sprite Shop! In the past, we had a massive conglomerate topic which I would just droll through and people inevitably had far more ideas -- not all of them good-- than I could keep up with. As one might guess from the lack of recent updates to the sprite shop, that ended up not being an ideal system. Accordingly...! Members are now able to purchase requests for new Sprite items. I'll try to stay as on-top of them as I can, but don't expect immediate results if I get flooded. If something isn't going to work out with a request, we can figure out a compromise. The prices range from 100-500 based on the type of item and request. Recolors are especially cheap because I can honestly make those in a matter of seconds. If you have any questions about these new items, feel free to ask here. A couple peripheral site updates: Added a New Sprite Item block to the main site lay out so you can always see what's been recently added At a users request, we now have a page displaying Reborn's Pickup table. Noivy has updated the Community Theme with Arc and Adrienn's sprites. You can find the download on his profile We should get the clean version of the Reborn Theme updated tomorrow. I'll update this post at that time.
  14. I would rather not go over 100, but it's possible if I decide it's necessary.
  15. We tried this before and had some issues with it. Specifically people would end up merging things wrong and stuff would get worse and they'd just have to redownload the whole thing anyway and sooooo on. I don't like to do too many reuploads for bug fixes once the main release is mostly stable so if more issues arise later on then I probably will have to make a small patch
  16. This seems to happen randomly. I'm sorry, a re-download isn't likely to fix that. I wish I had a better answer for you. Was this in 11.0.2? Also, did your lead Pokemon happen to be fainted?
  17. ...Can anyone confirm if Mirror 3 is working, then?
  18. I didn't fix that? Oops. Well... enjoy infinite chespin until the next reupload.
  19. ?????? literally the only meteor in 10 was the random grunt titania was talking to in the woods I think you're thinking of Episode 9 But I feel that it makes sense for Meteor to kind of take a back-seat for a little while, since in Episode 9 Saphira literally kills half of their task-force
  20. All mirrors updated again

  21. you guys have been getting 'oomph' ever since shade. serra excepted, perhaps. we're gonna start looking at surf pretty soon... in fact, that's why-- oh, nevermind.
  22. The alleys have always been like that actually, because I kind of expected I would do something like that with houndour~
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