Actually the IV/EV thing is a script mod posted for general use in Essentials games, so it's not like I stole it directly from Zeta. I did modify the control method to make a bit more sense though.
The nature thing also didn't come from Zeta-- it was an idea provided to me by a homeless person who stayed with us for a while. He was a character-- he had a penchant for getting irrationally frustrated with games, but came up with some really out-there ideas. This one happened to work out, so thanks to him for that.
I have no intentions to implement an IV stone, because if that becomes the case there won't be anything left that makes an individual Pokemon unique. That said, I /would/ like to get the 6th gen breeding mechanics into the game as soon as I have support for it, and maybe stack them in the player's favor somehow.
Currently doing rolling reuploads for another fix. This version 11.0.2 will fix the following bugs:
Cannot fish in Iolia Valley
Psychologist crashing
Psychologist may be stuck in off mode from beta
Duplicate dialog in Beryl Ward
Crack overlays in Railnet need work
Walkable tile on 7th Street Wall
Walkable tile at crest of Beryl Wall
Luna's Badge doesn't raise level cap
Reviver doesn't accept 6th Gen fossils
Additionally, the 2nd Gang Sidequest should no longer require night-time