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Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. What changed about Banner? I don't recall... Also I definitely would not get Rylai's on Nami. I would sooner get Iceborn. Rylai's slow is going to be weak stacking on top of her other two + the stun. The only thing that would really benefit from it is her W, and even then I'd argue that it's hardly worth the gold since she isn't lacking for slows between her ult and low cooldown E, and her W will be hitting allies as often as it will opponents.
  2. What would you get instead? The scaling on her W (among other things) makes that not a terrible idea now.
  3. Uhhhh. They probably don't all work the same way
  4. Maybe that's a little hasty of me... Shall we say that fall, then? Perhaps the following spring? I mean I understand I set high goals for myself but even I have to be realistic sometime. Perhaps 2019 just to be safe.
  5. Running from Teddiursa shouldn't cause it to no longer exist, but it might run off somewhere else.
  6. Oh, true. At the time I posted that I wasn't planning on re-uploading again, but since I did, yes, you can now get Pokesnax from Pickup. I wonder if your Pokemon sometimes find snax and just eat them instead.
  7. i'm shooting for early 2017
  8. Amethyst


    You'll be able to teach it shadow ball in E11. I spent most of yesterday doing the TM lists for Gen 6 Pokemon (they were supposed to have been done before, and they were reported as complete but apparently only the first and last few were done at all
  9. Amethyst


    I wonder... c: Obviously people won't be turning their computers upside down, so I gave it a very fun evolution method.
  10. Soooo uh, it's been a little while. Where are we with this, does anyone have that first set?
  11. So why is that? I would think it's something like... Either, 1) opposing junglers know how to extort those champions' slow clear speeds in order to snowball an early advantage because they can do so at that point, or 2), they're more active about challenging opponents via counter-jungling or invades. Is that about right?
  12. you trippin' on my mega gardevoir imma be trippin' on yo face Wallace was my favorite male champion so I'm a bit sad that people don't like him. He was really cool though. Favorite over all goes to Cynthia though. Least favorite- I almost picked Alder but I know nothing of his personality in English since I only played BW in Japanese so that wouldn't really be fair. Excepting him, I'm kind of tired of Lance. He's like, lol i like dragons and they are t3h powerfulz therefore i am champion and that's boring.
  13. Twitch was my first Penta as well, although that was a troll game. Our team decided that we should all pick ADCs with smite, so we just kind of roamed around together taking buffs and killing people before they could get close to us. Also gotten pentas with Nidalee, Syndra, and three with Ahri. Some other random things on ARAM but I really don't count ARAM. Don't worry about not getting them, guys, they kind of just happen. You should be more focused on what needs to be done to win rather than getting an arbitrary accomplishment like this.
  14. I remember them talking about that change a while ago, but I get the feeling it was eventually refuted. Personally I've been very interested in Leona Jungle ever since, firstly, hearing about it once in the LCS, and secondly, having someone in a ranked game pick Jungle Leona and absolutely demolish our enemy team. He showed us his match history too and all his games were like that, although sometimes with Fizz or Lissandra jungles instead. I chalked it up to him just being a strong enough player to compensate for those champions weaknesses, more than the champions themselves. Regardless, this kind of makes me want to give that a try. Maybe I'll queue up for it on Team Builder in a couple days.
  15. I didn't factor Lich Bane in for ease of math, admittedly, but the problems are mostly the same- the item cost is no different from the other things I mentioned and since that's taking her to more of a sustained damage route, she still has the issue of floating into the the enemy team without any resists besides her W. In short, it's still #notworth To wanderer's comment, that's kind of a cool bot lane idea, though I'm more interested in Leona as a jungler. How much do you know about that? Is the main reason that that isn't more popular her slow clear time/weakness to counter jungling? I imagine now that the spirit items give sustain that it would be a bit easier for her.
  16. My mention of Rylai's was unrelated to supporting. Peeling aside, if you're playing Leona you're probably going to be diving the enemy carry. Let's assume that a level 18 carry has about 2000 health. This isn't taking lifesteal into account, and it's kind of a low number, but it's a nice workable one. AP Leona's combo at level 18 will deal 990 base damage, which means she needs 1010 damage from AP Scaling. Her total ratios add up to 190% AP which means she will need 531 AP to burst a 2000 HP target. This is also very generously not taking into account any MR or regen, so the actual number is going to be far higher than that. In order to get that much AP she's basically going to have to build glass-cannon, which also means that as soon as she jumps into the enemy team she's probably going to explode (and I don't mean her shield). Leona isn't an assassin; playing her that way is going to be a bad time. Nonetheless, in order to reach 500 AP (we'll say she's getitng at least 31 from runes/masteries) she'd probably need something like, rabadon+zhonya+dfg ((granted if she has dfg that adds another variable into the burst damage, but it doesnt solve the problem of the game basically becoming a 4v5 before our glasscannon leona can finish killing the carry)). These items total a little less than 10k gold. Therefore if you're going to build damage on Leona, it makes more sense to build for tanky DPS. Even with just a Sunfire Cape Leona will have enough health to still fulfill her role as a tank- she can soak up damage and resist the opposing carry's lifesteal, meanwhile doing constant damage to whoever she happens to dive around. With the movement speed from Triforce she has no trouble sticking to any target, especially considering her E's low cooldown. If the enemy team tries to blow up the tanky Leona diving into the team then they're wasting a ton of cooldowns allowing her team to follow up the engage very effectively. As we know, focusing the tanky people is bad, mmkay. Meanwhile if they let her do her business, our AD Leona still has a full 990 base damage that she's dealing out to the carry plus 43 damage per second from sunfire, plus her damage combo: (E-triforce) AA- Q AA- (Q-triforce) AA (her Q is an aa reset, remember)- which, assuming level 18 and no AD other than triforce, that looks something like 129 + 258 + 129 + 129 + 258 = 903. Factor in the sustained damage from sunfire, other AA's and her lower cooldown Q/E procing triforce and she's going to very quickly surpass the damage an AP Leona does. All of this is only with two items, Triforce and Sunfire, which cost about 2/3s of what it would take AP Leona to do similar damage (and die in the process)
  17. Rylai's would be a poor choice for Leona; the only thing that would benefit from it is her W because everything else already has CC. Stacking a slow on top of a stun is wasted gold, and she really has no trouble sticking to a target as is. Iceborn would be passable but in my experience Triforce is better on her. I sometimes build Triforce as a support if I get really ahead.
  18. If you're getting freezes in battles, I suggest you take a look at the patch I posted yesterday.
  19. You have two options. The first is to download the 10.5 release which features a Large screen size option The other is to press Alt+Enter for a full-ish screen mode. However I suggest not doing both of those things together because it got stuck when I did that >< idk, your mileage may vary
  20. For some reason I read this as Pants III and I'm really really really not sure how that happened Anyway AD Bruiser Leona is definitely passable since she actually has tools in her kit that are useful for that.
  21. Her ratios are low, she has no poke, she has low burst, the lane is too short for her to stay on an opponent to do sustained damage, her main damage is too obvious to rely on in a solo lane, her passive is completely useless when solo, she can't do significant damage in a team fight without being in the middle of the team Even if you happen to need a tank-mid, she's outclassed by things like mid maokai and even mid malphite
  22. 10.5 has been reuploaded, again. The updated link is on the first page and also here: Download~ This download fixes the HP glitch that has been observed, as well as the freeze in the Azurine Woods. However, for those interested in fixing only the HP glitch, see the attached file. Copy/paste it into the data folder and overwrite. Scripts.rxdata
  23. Amethyst


    Oh, no, on the contrary it's a bit too possible.
  24. To everyone's amazement these haven't been posted anywhere before- we generally just say that our rules are a mesh of our server rules and typical forum etiquette. If you know both of those things, then you should be just fine. However, so that everyone is clear, here are some guidelines: Be respectful No chatspeak No trolling No derogatory language No advertising No overtly sexual content English only Necroposting: If new information comes to light in an old topic and it's useful to post, then this is okay. However, there's no reason to post a casual remark, such as a greeting or agreement, in a topic that's more than a couple months old. Double posting: If there is a reason people need to see the topic again after a long period of time after your old post, this is okay. For instance, suppose you were the last post in an Art thread but made a new drawing several days later and want to post it- fine. However if you're making several posts in a row all at once, there's no reason those shouldn't be kept to a single reply. Signature length: Our general rule is two-trainer card heights (not counting your trainer card). If it's longer than that, consider a Scroll or Spoiler tag. Quality of replies: Make sure each reply is on topic and has a purpose beyond simply saying you agree with something or think it's cool. If you must post those sorts of things, at least elaborate on why you agree, etc. You earn $R for each post, so make sure your post is worth the $R. If there are any questions on exactly what these mean, you are, of course, free to ask for clarification.
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