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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. Where are you talking about, Pokecommunity I assume?
  2. A furry is someone who adopts an anthropomorphic persona, usually for art, character, identity, roleplay, or some other purpose. For those who don't know what anthropomorphism is: "the attribution of human characteristics or behavior to a god, animal, or object" When dealing with furries, however, we are of course, referring to the animal option there. A furry is someone who identifies with an animal, for instance, as a cat person, so adopts cat like characteristics in their behaviour. There are a lot of instance of furry in media. For instance, one might argue that the characters of the old children's TV show, Arthur, were furry. Another recent example is the Steam RPG, Dust: An Elysian Tale (as a side note, the flying creature in the top left, Fidget, would not necessarily be considered a furry character because she isn't all that human-like (although she is adorable)- but she's not the point; every other character in the game down to the NPCs is furry) As a side note, the usual cat-girl paradigm from anime stuff is not typically considered 'furry'. For instance, Katt from the Breath of Fire RPG series is an example of a character who crosses over from normal nekomimi into furry territory, because as you can see, she actually has fur aside from ears and a tail- however Ahri, from League of Legends, would probably not be considered furry because she only has ears/tail as her animalistic traits Anyway, furries tend to get a lot of undeserved hate on the internet because a few years ago someone, probably from 4chan, popularized the notion that furriness was strictly a fetishistic thing (possibly crossing over into bestiality) and a lot of people got riled up against it without really understanding what it was. There is nothing inherently sexual about being a furry, and they are not actually sexually attracted to animals. So let's just be clear about that before anyone gets too concerned.
  3. Lindsey Stirling is correct kinda been sneaking around finding any dubsteppy pokemon remixes for when we do get to the nightclub.
  4. This time for the obtainable page. Here, you have an option. You can either work from the this topic or from the result of it, this zip. Either one works; which ever will be easier for you. Here's what we need this time: All the same icons of the new Pokemon, but this time in a 32x32 normal resolution form, and titled as XXXMS.png where XXX is the national dex number. Basically, if you're working from the image in the last topic, crop those icons out into 32x32 files and name them in the XXXMS.png format Or If you're working from the zip, return the image to a 1x resolution and crop off the second frame, then rename it appropriately. Any questions don't be afraid to ask, etc~etc, upload as a zip here or through mediafire etc when done~~~
  5. Aaand that'll be finished up
  6. Amethyst

    Shellos Easta

    ame will admit she does not know how to make alternate shellos appear she also did not think anyone cared
  7. Just based on the fact that you like Pandora Hearts and Black Butler, I'll offer up Rozen Maiden (no one is suprised). A lot of the themes it has are very similar to Pandora Hearts, and shares the same sort of stylistic-base as that and Kuroshitsuji Difference there aren't as many pretty guys to stare at... On a semi-related note, how good is the manga of Pandora Hearts compared to the anime? I was in love with the series riiiiight up until about the final episode or two when it crashed and burned, and I've just about abandoned hope of a season 2 coming in to save it. I hope the manga is less disappointing?
  8. So based on work by Rimmi, Ikaru and myself, the normal forms of Flabebe etc are all done The zip is updated there so that anyone who wants to do the shiny part can I should also clarify what I said before about the purple section of shinies, which I realise was a bit vauge and sorry about that. The green part of their bodies should become purple, white part will stay the same. This is like their canon shiny forms. However after that, I'll be editing their flowers accoridng to their form/shininess. Leave that bit to me though So basically at this point: rename the files currently in that zip to their shiny versions (basically add 's' after the pokemon's number) Turn the green part of their bodies purple No need to keep the original files in tact now because I have those saved and in-game.
  9. Pfft, the Unown page is one of the few reasons I do like them >>
  10. There's a large screen option included with 10.5 but it seems to be a litttttle buggy when used with full screen too idk, your mileage may vary. I run a 1440x900 and large screen takes up most of my screen but then when I try to full screen from large mode it I can only see a quarter of the game window iz weird
  11. Lucky Star is not bad, it's a highly meta anime. Most of the entire show is just jokes and references that rely on other anime. So, only like, diehard fans of the period tend to appreciate its humour.
  12. Yes, and yes. I was considering that, but I'm hoping my slapping the system around will fix it a bit. I lessened the spambot security so hopefully it'll stop freezing real people too.
  13. Flabebe line sprites- easy spriting/renaming thing http://www.pokemonreborn.com/FLABABY.zip So, here's what needs to be done with these: Copy all the sprites there four times! So there should be five in total, as you might expect. Name the files like so, it'll 669.png for the original, 669_1.png for the copy, 669_2.png for the second copy, etc. Basically, for each copy add _1, _2, _3, _4 to the end of the file names. This needs to be done for all of the 12 sprites there ( front/back + shiny/front back for each flabebe evolution )- And, as you might expect, they need to be different coloured. Maybe two different people, or multiple different people can do the renaming/colouring, or whatever. I'll let y'all figure that out Colours! We're not doing the normal Flabebe colours- well, a few of them. But Ame hates Orange and Yellow, so our Flabebe colours will be: Red Blue Purple Green (might be awkward with green stem, but try and make it a different shade of green?) Black ...Basically, the theme colours of Reborn >> Florges' design implements a few other colours for its decorative floral stuff- I'll let you figure out what looks good and I'll edit it later if I disagree <3 As for shinies, for now the main difference between them and the normal will be a purple body instead of a green one. I might change around the colour forms themselves but I think I'll make that decision later, after the non-shiny colour forms are done and the body-changes are made. So one thing at a time: Create 4 copies + original files of all 12 sprites in the zip Rename them as described above Colour the different forms as described above For the shiny ones, turn the body purple And as always, if you have any questions, please ask. When you've done as much as you intend to do, upload the files as a zip as an attachment here or on a site like mediafire and post the link Much thank!
  14. * This place is fine * Fixed the wasteland thing * I'm looking at lillipup, but I don't see that he's on a street light... It should be behind the street sign though. Is that not so? * Noted * Story's not over yet....... Also, what's going on in your uh, avatar? o-o
  15. I'd recommend waiting for 10.5 because the availability of things is going to change and it'll be a slightly more interesting (and hopefully more enjoyable!) experience Bugs can go in the Troubleshooting forum and idk what's up with our registration. I slapped it around a bit yesterday but we'll see if that helps Welcome!
  16. so my great grand mother used to make really really good applesauce before she died, and she would freeze it, and it was basically like candy, or ice cream. i later discovered that this is because she actually put candy in it, which i was unwilling to do, but anyway, i called my grandmother and asked for the recipe so that i could try making it myself. she sent it to me along with the colander, the metal thing that you use to push apples through and make into sauce. so i've been keeping notes in a text document about my experiences with making apple sauce. I figured, if I keep notes of how it turns out each time, I can surely get better. I've decided to share my notes with you. Bon apetit.
  17. how to find psychup and safeguard tms

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Absol-lutelty awesome!

      Absol-lutelty awesome!

      Nevermind that, the bloody things haven't even been located Ame! Don't worry about it you probably forgot about them!

    3. Amethyst


      Other players report having those TMs so they're obviously in game. And yeah, I was looking at that list before but, as you can see, the locations of those two are unlisted. I remembered all of the others anyway though

    4. Absol-lutelty awesome!

      Absol-lutelty awesome!

      Amazing, I can remember my way through an entire 32 acre landscape but not a single tm location. Forget it, it's Christmas! Get some butterscotch and eggnog and drink! Chill out maybe? Just handle it later

  18. Question to more-recent memebers here (like joined in last 2-3 weeks) ...Is the email validation working or not? In the past couple days I've gotten a huge spike of requests for me to validate people but we haven't had admin validation turned on on the forum for a while now, so that shouldn't be necessary. A couple people, I guess, just missed the emails and then it worked, but others say that even the email validation didn't work so like... ...what's the read on this?
  19. Finished the rest myself. Thanks to everyone who helped~
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