So the 6th gen dex doesn't, as one might expect, include footprints for new Pokemon.
That makes it our job.
...look, I know it's just a minor detail, but hey. Completion. Have fun with it. I honestly don't care too much about this, and I suspect not many people do. I'm not really going to be quality checking them, but it would be nice if they weren't blatantly incorrect (or if, you know, we had some at all)
Foot prints should be drawn in solid black on a solid white background on a 16x16 canvas. Name the file footprintXXX.png where XXX is the Pokemon's national dex number. When you've made as many you want to, post the individual images or a zip of all of yours together.
For Pokemon that don't make footprings (flying things, fish, probably some ghosts), just make a 16x16 image that's entirely transparent, and name it properly.
I'll cross off Pokemon as we get them.
Knock yourselves out