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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. Hm? You can joke, of course. I was only joking too. xP Although I really don't watch TV.
  2. Friends? TV? What kind of life do you think I live?
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Gyaradoskiller
    3. T-Raz


      Very well done!

    4. aerodynamik


      That's pretty cool.

      By the ways, I don't mean to be rude or pushy. But, could you please approve me as a user with full access? I've been registered for four days. :c

  3. First post is updated; removed the Pokemon I did from the list, image is updated, and marked a few more Pokemon for colour correction... maybe I'll use a different background colour for those. Eh, later. Calvius- I took a look at the edits you made, and they don't look bad but there's a different problem. It looks like you used some kind of blending tool on photoshop or something? The problem with doing that is it results in a loooot of different colours (by colours here I mean specific shades of brightness/saturation/hue) which becomes really messy and impossible for sprites to efficiently work with. Like, in Quilladin's tail alone there were around fifteen different colour shades x,x
  4. B/W2 definitely definitely definitely I've been tardy in updating this; will do so in an hour or two
  5. Because the dialogue changes for that event if the player has completed the police sidequest. But you can still get it either way
  6. If I change the running toggle key I could maybe do that but I'd have to take a look at how those keys are set up within the program currently. I may not have access to the W.
  7. Welch from Star Ocean... I'm normally all over the hyper off-the-wall characters but her voice just breaks glass...
  8. The increased shiny chance applies to wild Pokemon and eggs already. There's no way, nor need to separate it ralts line shinies haven't been changed yet Third abilities can be gotten in the wild, not positive about eggs
  9. Uh... Link Stones are here to stay Also this topic is eight months old.
  10. ...Um. Ashe is literally the Kite poster-girl champion. Reading over the post, I think I see, about Lucian. I've always thought of him as kind of a joke too, despite always doing well with him when I play him. But he admits: "Culling is such a forgiving and weak ability"- The reason he's good isn't his ult at all; it's because the rest of his kit is so strong. I imagine the Q changes a patch or two ago had this effect since they changed the the targeting on it it's much harder to dodge now. It was already a high-damage ability, but it was easily avoided before. Now as a targetted nuke, good luck. Really surprised to see Trist on there though.
  11. I think it's Noon-8PM Of course, this is Budew we're dealing with. Budew is an ungrateful soul-leeching parasite of affection. Instead of attempting to raise Budew, I recommend you, instead, find a brick wall and bash your head on it repeatedly because that will probably be a more enjoyable experience. ...sorry, I've had issues with Budew...
  12. Could be, but I doubt it I haven't done anything with IV inheritance
  13. I put them in as the same as the other legends but I just want confirmation from one of the big sites.
  14. Nope. The first one has no prerequisite.
  15. Basically there's some information we don't have yet about the new Pokemon, so I've made up the numbers as best as I can approximate based on other similar Pokemon. However, when the information does come in, just post it here so I can correct it later. The made-up numbers are as follows: Because it's very important we know how many steps it takes to hatch those un-breedable legendaries.
  16. Admittedly the sidequest prerequisite for it to appear doesn't really make sense. Noted to change it.
  17. Malamar, the Walking Uterus Pokemon

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Shanco


      Wait, you're saying Ikaru is...

    3. Summer
    4. Gyaradoskiller


      Meanwhile I was making dirty jokes at my field trip to The Getty art museum.

  18. Am I the only one who doesn't see this as a big deal?
  19. Nah, just delete the entire old game file and unzip the new one and run that. Don't worry about your save file; it's stored separately.
  20. Since I can't work on backsprites during class, I started working on this already; I'm trying to knock the more difficult ones out of the way so that you guys can clean up the rest. So far I've done Chesnaught, Xerneas and Klefki, and I'm doing Espurr and then the Littelo line next. Can't upload them from here but don't worry about those.
  21. I was right, there WAS an outlet behind battery chicken girl!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Chevaleresse
    3. Shanco


      I feel like I should get this reference...

    4. Maelstrom


      so the battery girl was running on an outlet the whole time??? I've been living a lie.

  22. Nevermind, we got it resolved quicker than expected. Sorry for the panic!
  23. So for a currently unknown reason, the server is currently super borked. No one has auth, battles don't work, and it's basically just a mess. This condition is temporary but indefinite; Nyu will fix it as soon as he can. In the mean time: We're going to keep the server up, but we currently do not, in lacking auth, have a way to deal with outside trolls. As such, we've temporarily passworded the entire server; all users now require a code word to gain access. In addition to this, because we cannot enforce rules among community-regulars even in main, I encourage users to set up and join back channels where chanop privileges can still be used and some order may be maintained. During this time, we encourage users to use their own maturity and respect for the community as discretion when talking in main. Even if we can't mute you, we will judge you. Harshly. >:C If you want the server password, feel free to PM myself, another auth, or ace member; I'll be posting the password in the hidden Ace forum, so they will have it. If you have the password, feel free to give it out to other members, but do not post it publicly. Any posts or statuses with the password will be deleted, and we will judge you even more harshly. >>>:C I'll post again when this is resolved. Sorry!
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