so here is deal!
This image needs to be dissected so that we have individual icon images for each Pokemon.
Each icon image should be titled "iconXXX.png" where the XXX is replaced by the Pokemon's national dex number.
If the Pokemon has multiple forms (it looks like we're missing some, will note below) then each subsequent form should be "iconXXX_1.png" ... _2, _3, etc. The first or 'default' form doesn't require any addition- only the second form should be mark with the '_1'.
At a normal resolution, icons will be 64x32. These will be doubled for game-use to 128x64.
Each individual icon, however, is 32x32. The reason it becomes 64 is because 2 frames are necessary- note how the Pokemon sort of bounce up and down when in your party. We're going to mirror the 32x32 icon in a frame next to itself, making the 64x32. In that mirrored frame, the icon should be shifted down or up one pixel or so. Here's an example:
Notice how in the second frame of this image, Stoutland is shifted up about a pixel. That'll make it 'bounce' when it's active.
Here's how to do this (again, I'm assuming you're using Graphics Gale):
Open the above image in Graphics Gale
Choose the selection tool and drag a 32x32 area over the next Pokemon's icon
Copy that area
Open a new image in Graphics Gale. Make it 64x32
Paste the copied selection from the original image into the new image
Select the custom-grid option from the top menu and choose the 32x32 option
Select the snap-to-grid option next to that
Paste the copied selection into the new image again, and drag into the 32x32 space next to your existing frame. It should snap right into place. Don't click the selection away though!
Deselect the snap-to-grid option in the top menu
Drag the still-selected second frame up or down one pixel
Now de-select that frame (right click)
Go to All Frames > Resample > 200%, Keep Aspect Ratio, but uncheck the 'Smooth' option
Now choose the blue oval in the tool menu and click on the white background
Now, go to Image > Make Alpha Channel >
Current Selection; Anti-alias should NOT be checked, but Invert SHOULD be - Click OK
File > Save As
Title the file as described above: generally, "iconXXX.png" where XXX is the Pokemon's national ID number.
Make sure 'Save With Alpha Layer' is checked
Because I know that this all seems rather complicated laid out like this, I've made a quick little video showing how to do it.
And naturally, since you just saw me do that, there's no need to do Chespin.
The other forms we do need to find:
Pyroar Female
Meowstic Female
Offensive Aegislash
Flabebe/Floette/Florges in Yellow/White/Blue/Orange
When you have all (or as many as you intend to contribute) done, zip up all the files, (7-zip is good if you don't know how to do that) and upload them somewhere (such as Mediafire or another file-hosting service) and post the link here.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask!