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Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. It's not a bug; it's deliberate and permanent. I always knew that I would add another section to the power plant, so having them level-able in the front like that was temporary in the first place.
  2. This one will be fairy self-explanatory: We just need to add the type listing of Fairy to old Pokemon that were reclassified. The lines you're looking for will look like this: And obviously we just need to write in "=FAIRY" instead. Here's a list of the Pokemon that became fairy type (including the new Pokemon, but don't worry about those for now.) http://www.serebii.net/xy/fairytype.shtml
  3. Strangely Reborn isn't on there. #whoops
  4. Ooh, I see. Okay, could somebody please look through all of their normal front/back sprites and just make a list of which ones are different/better than what's currently in our spreadsheet in the first post? And then I'll review those specific listed sprites via the spreadsheet and find permission accordingly. I'd go through and look at everything myself but I'm trying to get other things going simultaneously.
  5. @ Ika: The program will slide them down behind the menu, so it's not a problem. @ Flux: In each one it's different. I'll address the ones you said before. With Chespin, Fennekin and Froakie, it's mainly that their faces look a bit distorted compared to main series sprites and I know 100% for a fact that there are higher quality sprites floating around. I saw them when they were first announced. We just need to find those. Even if I hadn't seen those better sprites though, I'm uncomfortable using these sprites because the weird proportions of their faces look awkward. With Braixen- admittedly, this one is very, very close to being good, however, it's looking away from its opponent entirely, and I'm not sure just moving the eye position will be enough to make that not look awkward. I might actually give that a try, looking at that one again though because the rest of it is pretty solid. It's just going to be weird if it loads up in battle and people are like ...why is it looking at its own health bar? @ Khayoz: I haven't seen Showdown's sprites. Can you link me?
  6. Moved to Radio Tower. I'm also curious though, if anyone else has good ideas too. As far as Romhacks, I'm curious what my competition is ^^ I haven't really kept up with hacks since the days of Shiny Gold and Prism, and of course the former was rendered entirely obsolete with the release of HGSS sooo meh.
  7. There's not much for me to explain here, but: If I want to include any 6th gen things as event Pokemon (which is particularly important for legendaries), then I need overworld sprites for them. In that sense, this task is kind of 'optional' but the more overworld sprites we get the better. If we get them all, then there's a chance that I can implement an HGSS-follow system. No promises on that, but I know Melanite, which uses the same program as Reborn, did it, and I have overworlds from everything in the other generations. Aside from that, the more we get the more events I can do, as I'll explain in a later thread I want to use even more event Pokemon than I have before. Sooo, the task is to find any 6th gen Overworld Sprites and post them here. All I need is three or four facings, which two frames each. The Ylvetal posted in the old sprite thread, pictured below, is a great example. They don't need to be arranged in any paticular way for now, as long as I have two frames of each facing (remember, right/left will just be mirrored, so we only need one of those) Aaaand the hunt is on. Go!
  8. Updated with a lot of backsprites from PO. Turning it over to you guys now.
  9. So someone posted a little spreadsheet in a previous topic with a collection of custom 6th gen sprites. Now if you'll remember, I said in my prelude topic that I'm picky. I reviewed that collection of sprites, and have decided: Only a handful of them are usable. Also, we're missing back sprites entirely! So! This topic is for the further collection of higher-quality front-facing sprites and well, backsprites at all. I've recycled the previously posted spreadsheet for organization: Backsprites: The front-facing sprites have been greyed out of the second image just to indicate that we won't be using them like that. They're effectively place-holders. I've also colour-coded the backgrounds of the spreadsheet (only front-facing so far): White means the sprite is useable Grey-background sprites will either need to be replaced, or corrected. The dark background means we need to find a replacement flat-out. The correction step will come a bit later. For now, y'alls task is to hunt the interweb for higher quality sprites and post them here. I know for a fact there are some floating around Deviant-Art, but we may need to get their creators permission for usage. In that case, when you post it, please post a link to their profile and say that someone will need to ask them for permission. Credit-list:
  10. There isn't much to this one actually! But I'm putting it up here for someone to work on while I get more topics up. All there is to do is update the listing of which Pokemon get new abilities. Here's a list from Serebii: http://www.serebii.net/xy/pokemonabilities.shtml I notice Chandelure now has Infiltrator instead of Shadow Tag ( :c ) but I dunno if anyone else's abilities have been overwritten. Just keep an eye out for such things. Here's how it's notated: As you might tell from 6A1, we're using the system name for abilities, which means they need to be written in ALLCAPSWITHNOSPACES If the Pokemon has three abilities total, the third ability goes into the HiddenAbility field between 'Abilties' and 'Moves'. It's possible that this field doesn't currently exist if the Pokemon doesn't have three abilities already. In that case, just make a new line and write it in as you see in that quote. If the Pokemon has two abilities, they should be noted as you see the Abilities = line in the quote above, even if one of those two abilities is actually a hidden ability. Ferrothorn comes to mind- even though Anticipation is a hidden ability, we're going to put it in Reborn as a normal one. If there any questions, please ask.
  11. This seems to be complete! No idea who did it, since it just shows in Docs as anonymous, but thank you kind anon(s)!
  12. Amethyst


    No, I saw the screenshot before and I know what's going on. ...Not why, or how to fix it, but this has happened to two or three other people so far... So far nothing I've been able to do has been able to correct it. What happened before this started going on?
  13. Zelient sent me a PM earlier and though it looks like it's no longer relevant I'm posting here because my answer may be informative in general: At a glance, those both look good to me! If there's syntax issues or anything, the program will tell me when I try to run it in game and I can hone in on it then. Also, that's a good point about the flags, but we can always update it later no problem. I had forgotten to say in the opening post but if you have any questions please do ask me. ^^ So thanks, Zelient.
  14. Other way around! The game was based off of the happenings and leaders from our online league. ^^
  15. I reuploaded a fix for this this morning. Sorry about that. Check the news post for details; download link is the same.
  16. IV = potential EV = growth iirc the woman is the EV checker That said I am interested in having them be more specific. ...What, exactly?
  17. if i were the developer of pokemon reborn i would remove telport from the game
  18. Amethyst

    Joltik and beldum

    ...Well, fuck, I didn't account for people using Teleport. kill me.
  19. They don't really matter, we'll just put them in alphabetical order like I said before
  20. This is done in XP. Any future projects I do will be built from scratch. It probably won't become private until after 10.5 is released Also, for the time being, y'all don't need any special skills or programs to help out. See the 6XX topics for details.
  21. That's a fair guess, but also I don't want current trends to continue, hence that subforum.
  22. I checked bulbapedia but all 6th gen abilties show as ID 000
  23. In this step, we'll add the 6th gen moves to the data files for the game. While this is more complicated than dealing with the abilities, the same principle is followed: First, we have to follow the specific format of the file, which I'll post about below. Secondly, we need to determine if the in-game descriptions of each move have changed in XY, AS WELL AS if their actual effects have changed. Whenever possible, I would ask people to refer to their own copies of X and Y for this, however here are some reference links for this leg of the project: Old abilities that have been updated (check the descriptions and stats against the current files): http://www.serebii.net/xy/updatedattacks.shtml New moves and their descriptions: http://www.serebii.net/xy/attacks.shtml This page describes the format that our data file uses: http://pokemonessentials.wikia.com/wiki/Defining_a_move You'll note that this is a pretty complex thing. Let's walk through this: First, the ID number. This will be the next chronological number. The last one was 559, so this is 560 Next: The internal name, or basically, the move name in ALLCAPSNOSPACES. Let's use Serebii's list which is arranged alphabetically. So the next move is AROMATICMIST 560,AROMATICMIST Now, the name as the player will see it, which is much kinder. 560,AROMATICMIST,Aromatic Mist, Next is the function code. This is what gives the mood its actual effect, but for most 6th gen moves it'll have to be coded in yet. So, just for now, please leave all function codes as '000'. 560,AROMATICMIST,Aromatic Mist,000, Next, the base damage. If the move had a power, it would go here. Aromatic Mist is a status move, however, so we will put 0. 560,AROMATICMIST,Aromatic Mist,000,0, Next, the move's type. This is also an internal name, so it will also be ALLCAPSWITHNOSPACES. 560,AROMATICMIST,Aromatic Mist,000,0,FAIRY, The move category: Physical? Special? Or neither? Aromatic Mist is neither, so we, according to the wiki, put 'Status' 560,AROMATICMIST,Aromatic Mist,000,0,FAIRY,Status, Next, the move's accuracy. If the move cannot miss, set 0. Aromatic Mist is one such move. 560,AROMATICMIST,Aromatic Mist,000,0,FAIRY,Status,0, The total PP of the move. I think you guys can figure this one out. 560,AROMATICMIST,Aromatic Mist,000,0,FAIRY,Status,0,20, Now, the chance of an additional effect. For status moves, which do nothing else, set to 0. Aromatic Mist fits in this 0 category as well, but for Blizzard or something like that, the additional effect change would be 30 (30% chance to freeze on-hit) 560,AROMATICMIST,Aromatic Mist,000,0,FAIRY,Status,0,20,0 Next, what the move targets. This one gets tricky. Please refer to the wiki for it, and Serebii's detailed move page. Most things will probably be 00, a standard move, or 01, which targets nothing. Aromatic Mist is a 40 move; it affects all Pokemon on the user's side. 560,AROMATICMIST,Aromatic Mist,000,0,FAIRY,Status,0,20,0,40 The prirority of the move. This one works just like you would expect it to, if you understand the mechanics behind priority. If not, look that up on Serebii or Smogon or something. Aromatic Mist does not have priority, therefore it is set to 0. 560,AROMATICMIST,Aromatic Mist,000,0,FAIRY,Status,0,20,0,40,0 Next: Flags? This gets weird. Refer to the wiki to see what each letter means, then check it against Serebii's detailed move page. A- Aromatic Mist does not make physical contact B- Aromatic Mist cannot be blocked by protect C- ... cannot be reflected by Magic Coat D- ... cannot be snatched. E- ... cannot be copied by Mirror Move F- ... will not make the opponent flinch with King's rock G- ...will not thaw out a frozen user of this move H- ...does not have an increased crit rate I- ...is not a healing move. J- ...is not a punching move K- ...is not sound-based L- ... is not disabled by Gravity. Okay, so Aromatic Mist is a poor example. No flags need to be set for this move, BUT if, let's say, for some reason Aromatic Mist could be copied by Mirror Move, we would set flag E by writing in a lower case e in this section. Because no flags are necessary, this will be left blank- we'll have two ,'s in a row. 560,AROMATICMIST,Aromatic Mist,000,0,FAIRY,Status,0,20,0,40,0, Next- The type of contest move, in 3rd gen contest style. I literally do not give a fuck about this section; I have no plans or method to include contests in Reborn. As long as it's one of the real things, make it whatever you want. The categories are Cool, Tough, Smart, Cute and Beauty. A move like Aromatic Mist would probably be Beauty, but for giggles and to show how little I care about this field, we're gonna write it in as Tough. 560,AROMATICMIST,Aromatic Mist,000,0,FAIRY,Status,0,20,0,40,0,,Tough wow so tough scent very intimidate Finally, the description. I think you can figure this out, but take note of the wiki's caution about if the description itself uses quotes or apostrophes: 560,AROMATICMIST,Aromatic Mist,000,0,FAIRY,Status,0,20,0,40,0,,Tough,The user raises the Sp. Def stat of ally Pokémon with a mysterious aroma. And we're done with that one! I've added Aromatic Mist to the file already.
  24. In this first step, we're going to be adding the 6th gen abilities to the data files for the game. There are two things of importance here: First, we have to follow the specific format of the file, which I'll post about below. Secondly, we need to determine if the in-game descriptions of each ability have changed in XY. Whenever possible, I would ask people to refer to their own copies of X and Y for this, however here are some reference links for this leg of the project: Old abilities that have been updated (check the descriptions against the current files): http://www.serebii.net/xy/updatedabilities.shtml New abilities and their descriptions: http://www.serebii.net/xy/abilities.shtml This page describes the format that our data file uses: http://pokemonessentials.wikia.com/wiki/Defining_an_ability We will pick off at ID number 165, after Teravolt. Also, since the true ID order of the new abilities is presently unknown or unlisted, as far as I can find, let's just go with the alphabetical order as listed on Serebii. So, the next entry looks like: 165,AERILATE,Aerilate,"Normal-type moves become Flying-type moves." And so on. I've added Aerilate to the file already. The link is below. It may also be helpful to post when you make progress on the file, and also if you find any other abilities whose in-game descriptions have changed.
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