So I tend to be pretty open in general about some things. Here are some things you may or may not already know
I have been, for the most part, the only person actively working on this project (with the recent exception of some scripting aid).
I made the first episode, start to Julia, in about two weeks
I continue to delude myself into thinking that so long as I devote the time and energy to the project I can continue at that pace
I continue to delude myself into thinking that I have that time and energy in the first place
As you might guess from my tone and/or the increasing amount of time between episode releases, that has not proven to be the case. Part of that is not being in hyper-overdrive-mode, part of that is life being in the way, part of that is working at a higher standard than when I first started.
Regardless the reasons, I'm an impatient person, and the current pace of production is unacceptably slow to me.
Some more things:
Although this project is unfunded and cannot be profited from, I intend to direct a new production after I finish Reborn.
I intend to crowdsource that project with myself as the designer/director. However, while I have every confidence in my ability as a designer, managing people on a single project is not something that I have so much comfort in.
So, in order to solve both of these problems, I'm going to do what I have refused to do before, and attempt to coordinate others helping with Reborn.
Ame is picky.
No really. She is really, really picky.
And she'll probably make the people who help her cry.
This is a good thing though- er, the picky thing, not the making people cry part- because if she wasn't picky about stuff, y'all probably wouldn't be here now. So that's going to have to be dealt with. That said, she is fairly confident that she isn't going to be arbitrarily mean. This is bad, isn't something she will say, but she'll say This needs work here, here, and here. The people who help her should at least be ready for that.
Ame is also a control freak and wants to maintain full sovereignty over her game
This does not mean she is not open to suggestions!
But it does mean she will not be happy if someone sneaks in their favorite Pokemon suddenly learning Outrage as an Egg move or hey look there's a really good TM in this secret place because whoever worked on that part wanted to be sure they could get that for themselves, or something else weird.
That's partly selfish, and partly sensible, but that's a condition we're going to be working with.
Ame also isn't sure why she suddenly started speaking in third person.
Shhh, that's enough from you, bullet points. Sleepy-time now.
Anyway, I'm going to do what I can to try and streamline this development process as well as I can because I want to get these episodes done well as quick as possible, and I think that's a goal that everyone here shares. I'll post up what I feel comfortable imparting on others to do so that people who are interested in helping the next release can do so. Also, all contributions will be credited in the Readme.
For now, this will most likely just look like data processing and sprite-work as we build 6th Gen into the games. This may be kind of tedious. Be ready for that.
However, as we move into working on the new content of Episode 11, this may become a private forum to avoid spoilers for users who are uninterested or inactive in helping out. I may also choose some specific moderators to help with this organizing this place. Who I select to help with these things will be based on my judgment of each individual's character, ability and contributions as well as their willingness and availability to work on things. When it comes to this, don't be upset if I don't select you, and if you do end up helping out for the longer term, don't be upset when I'm critical of things.
That said, for the time being I'm going to do what I can to arrange things so that anyone can help casually whenever they feel like it. This'll probably look like editing a sprite collection or a cloud-storage document. I'll post details on that when I work them out.
For now, that's the end of my little sermon about this development forum. Things will start appearing for 10.5 soon.