Reborn's debut Fairy Leader has been revealed! After a long and gruesome hangman game in which a poor random user was banned, the 18th Leader's name has been unlocked~ Although our 18th leader won't be joining the line-up until the league re-opens after we get our Duckletts in a row, we can find out now about... Adrienn~ However, Adrienn is going to require a bit more introduction than our other leaders. Why, you ask? It's a matter of identity and respect. As a matter of respect, I will be expecting that (although it may be difficult to adjust to at first) everyone in our community adheres to Adrienn's pronouns. Pronouns? you shout indignantly, Goodness gracious, Ame, I come here to play not to deal with this doof-doof English-crap! What in the seven hells is a pronoun?! Don't worry, I'll explain! A pronoun is a part of speech that substitutes for a person. We use them all the time! The most common ones are "he, him" or "his" for males, or "she, her" or "hers" for females. But did you know that there are other pronouns too? Just like Pokemon can be male, female, or have no gender, the same is true for people! Sadly, many people don't know this because it is not a very popular thing to identify as a non-gender-binary individual. However, Adrienn is one such person who chooses to identify as neither male, nor female. In otherwords, xe is genderless, or agender. We ask that as a matter of our community rule of respect, everyone please respect Adrienn's gender-identity. Xe is neither a boy, nor a girl, and as such, xe does not need to be referred to as either. For pronouns, as you will see me using presently, Adrienn asks that people please refer to xem using the 'Xe' set of pronouns. As such, instead of saying 'he, him,' or 'his', one says 'xe, xem' or 'xyr'. As Adrienn has said, "it's awkward if you're not used to it- but you'll get used to it." Adrienn will be available for battle as soon as the league restarts, but you'll meet xem even before that in an upcoming episode of Pokemon Reborn!