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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. Not at all. In fact, there won't be a separate 'update pack' for E10 like there has been for the past couple episodes anyway. Just delete your old Reborn folder and download the new one (remember, save file is saved elsewhere, so no worries!) I'll probably have an E11 update download but, partly because some people will have 9.5 and others won't, I feel it's necessary to sort of 'reset' every now and then to be sure everyone's on the same page.
  2. I feel like an email update might be tedious, but if you want one what you could do is subscribe to the News forum. That will, unfortunately, give you all of our news updates, but that'll include the episode release I try and release an episode about every two months. 10 has been a little late because I also did the 9.5 revamp, and because I held off a little bit because of XY. ...I guess I'll go ahead and say it; Episode 10 is entirely done, and I'm currently patching it up from the first round of testing. It needs a bit of intense love before beta, though.
  3. I got Hyena Warwick from Luka so um thanks I guess but I've literally never played Warwick (except in maybe like on ARAM...)
  4. Can anyone please confirm for me if, after having last healed at the machine in Aya's living room and then blacking-out, the player is returned to that place or the Pokemon Center last visited?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. T-Raz


      Yeah you do return to Aya's place after losing a battle.

    3. Amethyst
    4. T-Raz


      Your welcome.^_^

  5. its happened, she blew up

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Amethyst


      no no no theres just a certain point in every person's mental breakdown where they begin to refer to themselves in third person. its been an interesting night!

    3. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot


    4. Noivy
  6. It also says they increased his windup speed, so it sounds like they made some changes to the animation and the aspeed buffs are supposed to account for that (or maybe they're to nudge AD thresh back into being a thing after his previous nerfs?? idk) i was intending to spam ahri and jinx tonight in ranked since they are my two best and two favorite champions and they're both about to get nerfed but #lol my keyboard broke because im dumb so much for that patch 3.12 i will miss you dearly
  7. I feel like this is really indicative of what happens with a lot of classes, particularly foreign language ones. And like, I get it- Immersion is supposed to be the best way to learn a language. What those teachers aren't considering, however, is that students cannot be immersed in a foreign language when they are attending school in their native one (and even, English classes still!). I've done a lot of reading on immersion theory when I was taking learning Japanese more seriously than I am now- and from what I've read it is literally not possible to get what they are trying to do to work in the timeframe they have to do it. Now, that's frustrating for a teacher as well, but I think those teachers also need to consider how they're coming across to the students. This is the stuff that makes me sick. I was going to try and say something intelligible but I am actually speechless.
  8. Let's continue this here: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=5735
  9. I'm copying all of this from the Ranting Topic into its own thread to avoid cluttering that place. For the last couple posts, regardless of whose 'fault' it is- perhaps both students' and the teachers', as it does take two to tango- I feel like yelling is always an ineffective solution. It seems primitive, and I would very much hope that a teacher wouldn't feel it necessary to resort to that. If the teacher, an adult, cannot respect their students enough to speak kindly to them, why should the students respect the teacher?
  10. no no no no not yet pls riot not yet
  11. Oh? When you say 'reform', how so, and why does the teacher's union dislike that?
  12. Relevant to this, I have a question of curiosity for any of our European users (I'm assuming Alatreon is from America? I can't remember atm, and if not this is going to be awkward)- and particularly anyone from the Scandinavian countries because I've heard no small amount of praise for that area's educational and social systems: Is the scenario described above familiar to you? As an American, I know it all too well but my first inclination is to blame it on our educational system. I can't speak for other states, but I've grown up with my mother as a teacher, and later working as a tutor for high school students- I've consistently seen both sides of the local educational system and to sum it up in a word, nobody involved likes the state of things here- teachers and students are both unhappy. Yet, I know that there are twisted values at the root of our educational structure that essentially corrupt it (its all about good scores on tests to get funding). But I will with some shame admit that I know little of the European educational system (aside from tumblr infographics that make me want to move to various northern-European countries) or the forces that motivate it- Is it as cankerous there?
  13. Ame is a blondeface and can't find that topic on here where the wild DW ability work-around was posted; does anyone else remember where that was?

    1. Requieon
    2. Amethyst


      ....Yyyyyyyes! Thank you! No wonder I couldn't find it with a title like that, haha.

    3. FlamingBattleSword
  14. It's not a true MMR detector; that site only uses your recent match history.
  15. I've changed the available items to match Reborn's level curve (as opposed to the canon series where you've already beaten the game by the level we're now at)
  16. Looking at the page you linked, luck-based things aren't really counted there... Unless we consider them in the "The outcome is not reasonably determined by the player's actions" category? Serra has a few bright powders (down from more than a few brightpowders) to compliment her Snow Cloak, but those are all canon mechanics as well- along with the 60% (90 for the center pokemon in triples!) chance of being frozen from Blizzard. That said, I realise I'm still going to have to adjust Serra some more because I don't want sun to be the only way to beat her.
  17. Actually, as of either 9.5 or 10, I forget which- it'll say the Pokemon blocked the ball. For that reason, I could now make it a wild encounter- but the fact is I don't want people catching Scrafty. Scraggy, sure, whatever, but Scrafty would be too appealing. That's why they can only be gotten afterwards Actually, he's facing forward there, though I can see why it looks like the side. His side-facing pose is much more distinct. If that's a common confusion, I can work with it.
  18. I definitely agree; tedium is something I'd like to avoid. Now as to the comment about evasion/flinching/etc, it sounds like you've had some bad luck. However, I haven't adjusted the 'hax' values for the game at all from the canon, so if there does seem to be more of that, it's purely your own luck- OR it could be that there are more luck-based elements in play than in most canon games. By that I mean- does there happen to be an abundance of NPC trainers with double team? I myself can only think of a few, but I don't choose the movesets for the casual trainers (although I could, I've opted to give them their level-up movesets for the time being because anything I choose will probably be better-equipped to handle player teams). So I suppose its possible that the there is an overflow of Pokemon I've assigned to trainers that just happen to learn double team, sand attack, or whatever. If that's popularly annoying, it can be changed, but it's not something I've noticed. Regarding Leech seed/paralysis- I feel like you might be referring to those couple Cherubi at the beginning of the game? I don't recall if they have paralysis, but I'm struggling to think of anything else outside of story battles that uses it. Please correct me. Anyway, it's a stall strategy- which is something that's perfectly competitively viable, and takes different tactics to get around than just hyperoffensing your way through every match. I'm not going to say that it's deliberate that I've made it this way with random trainers, but I'm not uncomfortable with it. I'm also unsure why it's lumped into the hax category. Similarly, I'm confused as to why multi-hit moves are in there. With the exception of Noel's Cinccino (which is, I believe, the only thing in the game that's holding a King's Rock), I can't think of why that would be particularly tedious (except for the time it takes for those moves to finish their animation cycles, something I wish they would change in the canon). So that leaves us with the conflict you begin with- difficult to level things up without healing which is either expensive or a bit annoying, and you're forced to level other things up because of the level cap. Let's talk about the money thing, first. One thing I notice in Pokemon games that don't have ridiculously expensive clothes shops is that money is not even an object. Just from battling the 9385 trainers in each game you get to be infinitely rich so that you don't ever have to even think about the price of anything at all. From a gameplay perspective, this is off-putting to me. I feel like there's some decision making lost in not really having to consider the prices of things. Although I understand that at some point of the game it will become futile to try to inspire this thinking, I want players to, as much as possible, have to make reasoned decisions about what they do with their money, rather than just "lol i have 999,948,28apple,492,700 pokedollars; lets. go. SHOPPING~~~~~~" However, I agree that having to backtrack so often is rather tedious. It's for this reason that I began adding in the Light Shards- and tell me, tyeltr- have you been playing Episode 9 or the 9.5 release? If the former, you won't know about the Light Shards, which are basically one-time healing points scattered about the world for the purpose of making it so you don't have to go back. Although it will not entirely solve the problem of having to heal 'younger' things, I think it will especially help traversing dungeons and areas with them. Checking out that trope I actually am struggling to see Fake Difficulty in Reborn- however, the article links to "The computer is a cheating bastard" is what's going on. The programmer of the Essentials platform (which I make the game based off of) and I had a chat once about the AI and he told me it does this at higher levels- it basically checks what the player is going to do and THEN makes its move. Its supposed to simulate prediction, but I rather dislike it. In the end, he would not be convinced to change it (it would be a lot of work to do so, so I can't really blame him). In that regard, I am also very often disappointed by the AI and the methods it uses. If I ever get sufficient scripting help, I would like to revamp it, but that will take a backseat to things like finishing move and ability effects, getting 6th gen and Mega Evos in, and whatnot. In short although I would like it to happen, it will likely not in the foreseeable future.
  19. laaaast thingy before the release. I wasn't gonna do anymore, but this looked like a really cool shot.
  20. I was really dissatisfied with Gen 3 when it came out, but it grew on me. Gen 4, however- I don't know what it was, but Sinnoh felt very, very bland to me. It was like the same Pokemon everywhere you went and almost nothing stood out visually or- what. It was just boring. However, Wifi saved it. Incidentally, I also spent by far the most time playing Gen 4. Hm.
  21. It's with some smug satisfaction that I look at your Type Quiz result, Aaron, and realise that it is exactly perfect for you when considering what I had in mind for those types. However, an attempt still should be made to follow rules and such- feel free to continue telling me I'm a butt via PM, but let's at least keep the forum replies to a higher standard.
  22. you make me cry ((not really i just dont like annie and by that i mean i like her as a character but i can never seem to do anything short of terrible against her in any role and also cant play her so im like bleh))
  23. Shinies are going to start getting a lot cooler anyway.
  24. Just a heads up, Magic Guard doesn't work in episode 9. Blind was kind enough to code it in for me for episode 10, but just be aware of that. ...Also, I think you won't be able to get Magic Guard on Abra anyway because of the three-ability DW glitch thing. Clefable will get it, but it won't have any effect until E10.
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