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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. He's already detained by the courts it seems, so regardless of how the trial actually goes, we have to get a new one. Fortunately, I've learned from the past three years to keep back-ups in mind pre-emptively. Soooo!
  2. I'll get to battle sprites eventually I have like four videos I just haven't uploaded yet... I guess I should do that...
  3. ....There is a wind effect as of Episode 9 though o-o (or was it 8?)
  4. Awh, that's kind of you to say~ I remember talking to you too, about the Sucker Punch OST when that movie came out, and I was surprised to see you posting here after so long. Well, welcome back! As for milotic and slowbro... hm.... I feel like I might have included slowpoke in 10, but I honestly can't remember if I did decide to... Probably not actually... We haven't really gotten to the big water areas yet. Someday though!
  5. Amethyst


    Imma let you finish but little note about this TM stuff I'll be updating all TMs to gen 6 for episode 11. So this is going to be weird. lemme splain Suppose a player finds TM 51 in Reborn's current Episode. That's Ally Switch. But then when I update to gen 6, the player will still have TM 51- only it'll now be Steel Wing. However, in order to balance the progression of moves a player will encounter as they play through the completed game, I will probably change the currently available TMs. For instance, I may not want players to have Steel Wing yet, so I would change what TM is currently awarded by finding that place where you got TM 51. The side effect of that, while it creates a stronger game for future playthroughs, is that it makes in-progress files a little wonky. Because later, when I do decide to put Steel Wing in, older files will already have it. It also means that whatever I decided to put in the place of where you originally found TM51- wouldn't be available at all. ((though for now I've pretty much only put in "trash" TMs to get them out of the way so that the good stuff can be sidequest rewards later- so if there's enough "trash" TMs (lol quash) in Gen 6 that might not be a huge loss)). This is similar to what some players have already encountered with Julia's signature move changing from Volt Switch to Charge Beam- they have the Volt Switch TM instead of the Charge Beam one. Although by some kind providence, all TMs currently given by leaders in 5th Gen Reborn, are still TMs in 6th gen. So that helps a lot.
  6. Oh, okay. Well, Sunny weather obviously doesn't exist at night, but changing the clock too much can also screw up weather systems in the long run. In general, if you want to change the clock to a different day, go backwards rather than forwards. If you go forwards and reset the weekly pattern then it won't reset again until a week after whatever week you jumped forward to. In this way, it's possible to lock yourself into a certain pattern for a very long time. You may have locked yourself into a sunless pattern.
  7. I really need to get cards showing up in sigs and profiles again by default...
  8. The hours if playtime isn't so important as the days you played, and the weather patterns on those days. There are some weekly weather patterns with no sun at all. Although unlikely it's possible you've only gotten those. Or, you just haven't played on the sunny days of the weeks' patterns you have gotten.
  9. I'm really interested in what was mentioned on twitter about utility scaling with AP (specifically, Janna's shield's AD increasing with AP). I don't know if stat-scaling is the extent of which they intend to apply that to, but I hope they don't stop there *cue wild imagination*
  10. I agree- This is better suited to the Trainer Journal forum, so moved it there. Anyway, since I was directly called out- I'm a senior in college, about to finish a degree I hope to never use, majoring in psychology with a minor in women's and gender studies. I also pretend to work at a tea shop to support myself, but the truth is our sales profits are almost nonexistent so I never get hours (more time to work on the game!). But as far as a life outside of cyberspace, it hardly exists. I work on whatever I can on the bus, in the middle of class and during breaks. I don't really go out either. In short, I'm kind of a shut-in who doesn't talk to anyone or really have any friends outside of here. And I'm okay with that.
  11. Actually I could've had it out by now; I gave it a little time to let XY hype die down. Between that and Reborn, Reborn loses hard. I'd rather not pick such competition~ So, I've focused on some other stuff instead of rushing the episode finished. Like actually playing through XY Also, it's not an amazingly long episode- unless you do the whole sidequest dungeon stuff Anyway, don't worry. I won't hold out for much longer~
  12. It's an allusion to the forum status. It'll be a post-game area.
  13. Discussing leader's sexualities with an outside source :I

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Amethyst



    3. FlamingBattleSword


      OH GOD AME WHAT!?! XD how did someone get into your account and post on your wall? :/

    4. Epic C

      Epic C

      i dont even. what.

  14. One of the Aqua Gang members also does Sokka's "~-Water tribe-~" thing. Sorry, I like that show >>
  15. its funny because ive been playing ad much more recently plus i havent faced a fizz in ages. although both of the last two fizzes i laned against were diamond so i didnt have a good time.
  16. I, for one, welcome our new Pokemon overlords. Perhaps we should start paying tribute to Arceus. Aduro, Creo, Iudex; Mei Divinitus...
  17. It is, in the short-term limited to prevent players from endlessly farming items and such before like the fifth badge There will eventually be a limitless supply
  18. so last night i had a dream that i was pogo-sticking across town and when i got to this one particularly empty, run-down neighborhood i encounter a bloodthirsty fizz with flesh dripping from his teeth and he tried to chase me down and i couldnt pogo-stick any faster and im not sure i like this champion anymore
  19. feel when you queue and get matched against someone else from reborn that you didnt even have added hi blind!
  20. no the legend of the jinx first-ban continues. q-q
  21. ^ id buy it on another note jinx free week im crying blood tears
  22. Yeaaaaah backsprites are a huge issue But this is a great start. I'm putting a note in with the E10 release calling any bored spriters, and we'll probably just put this up as a free-for-all to see what can be improved.
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