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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. You said it yourself- it's human psychology. Research shows all kinds of people are drawn to anything in a game that allows them to feel like they're expressing themselves. That's most commonly how one looks, but could also be what Pokemon (or champions) one uses, what class or strategy one plays, etc... Fun fact of the day
  2. To be clear, this isn't 100% for sure yet. We want to see how they feel in the actual metagame first.
  3. But you can customize that too. Granted most people will probably follow the paradigm, but I'm really excited for this. *casually never plays anything other than mid or jinx ever again*
  4. So, as everybody's playing away at their shiny new XY games- or... like me, wishing you had a shiny new XY game to play away at... Pokemon Online is making good on their reputation of updating simulators in record time, and we expect to see the new client in a matter of days. Accordingly, like those of you who were around Reborn at the end of fourth gen will remember, this means that the Reborn League will be taking an extended hiatus beginning after this Friday. The goals of this hiatus are as follows: * Allow everyone, including the leaders, to get used to the new metagame * Re-rank all leaders according to the new strengths and weaknesses of each type (Will we see a new champion?) * Allow existing challengers to update their registered teams * Update the Card system to accommodate 18 badges * And of course... preparing the 18th leader! Of course, I'm not so forward as to give you all the deets on the newest addition to our line-up, but I will leave you with this I'll get back to everyone about how you can update your registered teams (No, you will not have to lose any badges you've already earned, although there may be some restrictions on updates for higher challengers) - and some other things that the onset of 6th gen means for the Reborn game, at a later time.
  5. ...Well you don't need to find me to download episode 10, and having downloaded episode 10 you certainly don't need to do anything so rash as pummel it to the ground. In fact, that sounds like it would end poorly for your computer. That sounds like a bad plan, and I suggest you abandon it.
  6. Except in rare circumstances, our server doesn't usually lag. I haven't been on lately for the sake avoiding XY spoilers until I actually play it- but to my knowledge this hasn't changed. One thing of note is that Reborn is originally a competitive battling community. We have the PO server not for the purpose of being a chatroom, but for the purpose of being a platform for battling. However, as long as it is also a chatroom, it is redundant to bother with maintaining a separate chat (especially one that would have ostentatious features comparatively- All these Xat and Chatango things really make me cringe). What I will grant is that something like Showdown is more accessible, being browser based, and I'm not entirely against transitioning to that if the need arises. For now, however, I believe that would be far more work than it's worth, especially considering the scripts that maintain the league on PO.
  7. Yeah, I originally wanted it to be out by XY but that didn't happen, so I'm just waiting a little bit to let hype die down from that.
  8. Yeah, that's what I mean. Half that stuff isn't reflected currently in the actual changes list of the other post, so we don't know by what amount Plus that says they're increasing W's range and the other post says it's decreasing.
  9. oh apparently S@20 hasn't finished reporting the changes so depending on how much they're increasing her ap ratios this might work out because tbh she does need the help late-game (at least for AP Zyra) although if they're lowering her lane damage (which she admittedly does have some room to spare within) it might leave her a bit too weak considering her main advantage in lane is her level 2/3 burst and that seems to be what they're trying to not make happen? idk shutting up until things are finished
  10. sivir sounds like teen titans' raven im okay with this im surprised but okay with this boo. oh well, not like anyone was building rylai's on her when they snowballed anyway. See, not that I'm complaining, but I'm kind of confused as to why Riot is passively giving her the effect of her core rush item that made her so bursty in the first place? but i mean ok I'm really surprised they actually lowered the damage on her W like that though, considering that leaves less incentive for her to go in like they wanted her to have to choose to do in her original design. But like, this really hurts her late-game more than her laning... And her late-game wasn't exactly stellar as is. I like the Morgana change but I kind of wish the missing health amount scaled at least slightly with AP because as it is there's hardly any reason to build it on her... This certainly helps though. and boo, i thought they were buffing zyra, not nerfing her. -.-
  11. That's because ika-kun doesn't know how to have fun!!
  12. ... what were YOU thinking of?
  13. Homestuck character His favorite thing is behaving ironically.
  14. >increasing ahri's burst damage FUCK YOU IKARU ITS NOT A NERF AHAHAAHHAHAHAAHAHAAAHHAAHA jk itll probably still amount to a nerf but honestly if theyre putting her back into the mage category which is how ive always thought of her anyway and taking the other three down a peg then im fine with it
  15. Really, Lux? I dunno, I'm not sure I would say Lux was the MVP in that game. Instead, I'd posit that it was Lux. Although Lux did really well too.
  16. That's not really a spoiler. I've said before that leader rematches and stuff will be post-E4
  17. ...We don't talk about that.
  18. This is Reborn, not Nonary >:c
  19. ....wow, i kept hearing people talking about haloween skins but it took me this long to realise it's october fuck
  20. Looking over the recent riot posts, I get the feeling they're doing a pass on the mid-lane in general in 3.13 I dunno about the Heimer stuff- as far as I can tell that's just a joke?- but * Xerath rework in 3.13 * Alleged buffs to Morgana and Zyra * Alleged nerfs to Kass and (</3) Ahri * Morello confirms that the mid assassins are the "least-healthy" range of characters * Potentially donger rework too? idk on another note, jinx pls
  21. Pfft. No, you'll be "dancing" with your old acquaintances.
  22. Nope, 'fraid not. I'll be adding a thing to make this more clear shortly, but that's a post-game area.
  23. You beat Amaria? Impressive.... considering she's not battleable in the game yet. xP Welcome.
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