This is true? If so, and assuming we can get permission to use them (or whatever PO uses) then this will be a huge load off of my shoulders
I appreciate this topic, guys. I was going to make something like this myself but I decided it would be better to wait for the game's release.
To address other concerns:
It won't be practical to replace pokemon currently in the game temporarily
Adding new Pokemon is more or less easy, if tedious, and I may set up a forum topic for everyone to help out with this. Our only real obstacle is the sprites.
Mega Evos are a different story, and I think we need to worry about those only after we get all of the normal 6th gen Pokemon in.
I am going to be very picky about sprite quality. For instance, that Mega-charizard front sprite looks to be unusable. This may just be poor resizing, though. I'd have to see the original. At a glance, the back-sprite looks okay, though I need to confirm dimensions on these.
Battle sprites should be 80x80 at a normal resolution, or 160x160 at the resolution the game will use (they will eventually need to be in this format)
There is no restriction on overworld sprite sizes but I need at least two frames per facing (up, down, side). The two frames are usually something like, left-foot-forward, right-foot-forward. Overworld sprites are optional but it will be very difficult to do sidequest events for Pokemon without overworld sprites.
Icons are 128x64 for game-use or 64x32 at normal resolution. These are also two frames. Check Graphics/Icon/ for reference.
There's no restriction on color depth, transparency, or background (provided it is a solid colour)
At a glance, the Ylvetal sprite sheet looks great except lacking a second icon frame, although I haven't checked the dimensions on it. It is, at the least, quality work.