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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. The timing of this topic is somewhat ironic.
  2. I was thinking you could ask her on tumblr so I just checked out her Q/A tag to see if anyone else had asked and I found this: So it would seem she also uses FL. I also use the Sytrus plug in, for the record, but I may have to look into some of those other ones...
  3. In direct contrast to the above: Autumn surely must be the season most loveliest, For in it is sorrow, pleasing, though ugliest, As descension, death and decay- all despite, We linger, here now you i Still very alive
  4. Some of these have already been answered, but for completion: 1- I use Fruity Loops, and occasionally GoldWave. As for Glitch, no idea, sorry. 2- Scripting is Ruby/RGSS 3- This is something I'll be showing in a video tutorial at some point, but as I mention in a video I have yet-to-upload most of what's in the Reborn game is edited, if only just to keep a consistent style with other Pokemon graphics. However, when I am making something from scratch, I generally just draw the outline in black and then work on adding details to the form until I have solid line references. Texture and colour after that. 4- N/A but the current spriting videos I'm uploading do show me working on some custom area graphics. It's a matter of drawing them out and then spacing them into 32x32 tileset files. If people wish, I can make a video on organizing those files too. There is a spriting thread, but as for the music, most of it is Glitch with a few other random artists. Then I did the city overworlds, as mentioned below, along with the Pokemon Center and Evolution musics. Using a tablet for spriting is like using a machine gun to kill a moth. I HAVE one but it would be a waste of energy to try and sprite with that. Actually, that was in the original o-o I just left it there because I figured since I was putting Mudkip in that area anyway~~~
  5. Do remember that this game will go well beyond eight badges. That said... How about an actual legendary?
  6. Ika is correct. In fact for Pyrous, I believe I cut it down to 50% tempo. You miiiight try Goldwave. It should have both pitch and tempo adjustment. RPG Maker adjust the two together automatically.
  7. This is true? If so, and assuming we can get permission to use them (or whatever PO uses) then this will be a huge load off of my shoulders I appreciate this topic, guys. I was going to make something like this myself but I decided it would be better to wait for the game's release. To address other concerns: It won't be practical to replace pokemon currently in the game temporarily Adding new Pokemon is more or less easy, if tedious, and I may set up a forum topic for everyone to help out with this. Our only real obstacle is the sprites. Mega Evos are a different story, and I think we need to worry about those only after we get all of the normal 6th gen Pokemon in. I am going to be very picky about sprite quality. For instance, that Mega-charizard front sprite looks to be unusable. This may just be poor resizing, though. I'd have to see the original. At a glance, the back-sprite looks okay, though I need to confirm dimensions on these. Battle sprites should be 80x80 at a normal resolution, or 160x160 at the resolution the game will use (they will eventually need to be in this format) There is no restriction on overworld sprite sizes but I need at least two frames per facing (up, down, side). The two frames are usually something like, left-foot-forward, right-foot-forward. Overworld sprites are optional but it will be very difficult to do sidequest events for Pokemon without overworld sprites. Icons are 128x64 for game-use or 64x32 at normal resolution. These are also two frames. Check Graphics/Icon/ for reference. There's no restriction on color depth, transparency, or background (provided it is a solid colour) At a glance, the Ylvetal sprite sheet looks great except lacking a second icon frame, although I haven't checked the dimensions on it. It is, at the least, quality work.
  8. awwh, you're cute. <3 um. pyrous. pyrouspyrouspyrous, Aha! It's GlitchxCity's Johto Burned Tower remix
  9. It occurs to me that Senpai has literally no sense of fashion.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Nyrias
    3. Aaron


      ame is longer a doll

      call the police

    4. Skullkin


      My Senpai has fashion sense...sorta. He's my dad. :P In karate, A senpai is a black belt student. xD

  10. All the stores probably have had the game for some time now- they just aren't authorized to sell it until the 12th. Now that I think about it, I may abscond from the internet for a few days around that time and try to keep a few surprised for myself as I play,.., something I've certainly never managed to do before.
  11. ...senapi pls

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sir Flash™
    3. Adashening


      I feel your pain...

    4. FlamingBattleSword


      S-Senpai.... Wow, so nothing is happening yet...

  12. ...Oh. I had heard about that threat, regarding the healthcare, but I didn't think that this would... actually happen. Huh. In regards to the voting/two party thing I remember seeing on the tumblrs how Australia manages its votes, wherein rather than just voting This or That, you vote based on priority so as that if your first choice doesn't end up in the running, your vote goes to your second choice, and so on. In this way, the fear of 'throwing away' a vote on an independent or unpopular candidate is erased, opening the system up to greater change. I would very much like to see an adaptation of that here. Of course that's only one of many problems.
  13. um what wait what happened i have not heard any of this
  14. im doing it again, someone stop me

    1. Voctrode


      there are no brakes on the ame train

    2. Zetaark


      I could get a brick wall to stop you.

  15. scumbag riot puts free week syndra in the same cycle as zyra and heimerdinger the only way it could have been worse (or better?) is if they had annie too
  16. You know, I didn't really think that through to be honest. It's not like he's the only one. I could see some of the others being mad, but personally I'd be surprised if he cared much about a fangame. Even if he's in it it's just a video game to him.
  17. To clarify: The game is based off of the present and former leaders of our online-server. In some cases the game's events are based off of actual events but this is not always the case. For instance: Julia was our original electric leader. Sigmund replaced her when she left the server. But for the game, so that I could get both characters in, I made Julia the gym leader, and Sigmund and antagonist.
  18. "Diana is my home qurl" ~ Ikaru 2013

  19. Then for now, Ayama, there isn't a fix. Just play past it. Sorry, and thanks for bringing it to my attention. I'll be sure to correct it for E10
  20. Then we can confirm that the issue isn't that the files were dis-included with the download. To others who have started 9.5: Did you not encounter this issue? To Ayama: Download the normal 9.0 release- does it still happen?
  21. I haven't considered it before but I really like the idea of mobi boots on her. Get you into bubble range. As nice as CDR is, at least in my experience, I tend to buy enough kindle gems and codexes on her to make those boots extraneous.
  22. Let's see if you can find the graphic files themselves. They would be in, for instance, Pokemon Reborn/Graphics/Pictures/introOak.png
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