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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. to be fair it's like in episode what, six? seven? so it's not much of a spoiler. but yeah, we should probably be more diligent about spoiler tags
  2. Woah, I am not prepared. Okay, work with me here. It's current version so far - Officially 9. 9.5 is just a development release Manufacturer I guess that would be me, so... Yeah, Amethyst Liddell Location of Manufacturer Denver, Colorado Release Date It looks like the first episode was April 16 2012 Processor details I have NO idea. My best guess is the system requirements listed on the download Display and Rendering formats ^ except without the best guess. How should I go about finding this, do you think? List of Possible Peripherals/Interface Devices wat Game Storage Medium Uhhhh. Does that mean how it stores the data, or...? Operating System for Developers Windows Software/Languages Used by Developers RPG Maker XP, Graphics Gale, and Ruby/RGSS
  3. With its popularity, I would be shocked if it wasn't. I would venture to say it's among the top three anime right now. It really ends next week? I only just started watching.
  4. It's not sunnyday, it's any situation like that. I've seen it a number of times.
  5. At the beginning of my Bible class a student in the back randomly informed the teacher that today is the annual 'Talk Like A Pirate' day and humbly requested that the entire lecture be delivered in pirate-speak. This is an elderly, formal, presumably Christian lady. Her response: "Not a problem."

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. The Radiant Aeon

      The Radiant Aeon

      I can only imagine what a teacher like that would sound like..and what a Christian Class as well, but I already been to a Christian Private School. NOT. FUN.

    3. Magus


      I've had enough of that for the day, especially in English. This kid thought it would be funny to read all his lines in Oedipus like he was a pirate.

    4. Godot
  6. yo imma let you finish but I feel like there are some key points missing here. Now this isn't a formula I followed when writing Reborn unfortunately (although I have with things since) but it is a technically sound backbone for characters- Very simple good character formula: 1) What do they want? 2) What about them is stopping them from reaching #1? 3) What strengths will they use to overcome #2 to get to #1? This is the basic character development and story progression outline: They have a goal, they have flaws that stop them from reaching that goal, and they have strengths that through the story will overcome their flaws to reach their goal. .02
  7. The PC is next to the healing machine. But thinking about it, I may or may not have only added that with the 9.5 release
  8. Actually they probably don't presently give $R. I'll fix that later. I'm not sure how I feel about a minimal content rule- not all replies, or RPs will require long posts. Maybe it could be specified per thread?
  9. Keep in mind that these descriptions are extremely dated- and at this time there was not a game planned.
  10. A PC actually appears if you lose to it
  11. Hint: You can rename Traded Pokemon in Reborn!
  12. Fun fact, Amelia, I actually made the quiz with you in mind for Electric.
  13. I wanna recycle this topic- because I'm concerned that both Steelix and Abra are a bit too easy. Thoughts?
  14. Although it's kind of a sensible concern, it's not exactly the same. The problem with over-sexualising women isn't just making them sexy, it's making them ALL sexy so that girls feel like there is no acceptable alternative, OR it's making them sexy as their only redeeming trait, OR making them sexy just so that they're an object/prize. The first problem has more to do with a demographic than any single character. In that regard, because it is still commonly popular that only women are over-exposed, in vast majority compared to men, the examples you've listed do not hold weight. The second two problems do apply to specific characters, but I do not believe from my understanding of his character that Kratos applies to either of those. And I can't pretend to know context enough to remark on the men of Killer Instinct.
  15. Berries- It really isn't an impossible function, but one I removed originally because it had no place in the first about 8 episodes. Now that we're getting into naturalistic areas I agree it could have a place there... But it wouldn't, of course, be just limited to what you find in the wild, since they are presently purchasable. Reconsidering it, it might be nice to have the basic berries purchasable, but then finding rarer, more useful berry types can be side-quest rewards for exploring those areas... Hm....
  16. Dear diary; today senpai noticed me. She noticed six words to me, and they were in the middle of an exam, so nothing could be done about them. Fml

    1. Ikaru
    2. FlamingBattleSword


      Wow... so beautiful :'(

    3. FlamingBattleSword


      Teasing you Ame. Maybe you should do the same thing you did again but not during a test?

  17. Aya 5ever. I always thought she was really cool, although I don't know how she curls her hair like that in the ancient era.
  18. Legendaries will all be post-game. Speaking of post-game, so will that other thing you mentioned
  19. Tfw promoted two divisions at once (although I had a suspicion I would be) love me ika <3 http://prntscr.com/1qsqtw
  20. ^ That's my goal However I realise that there is only so much to do in the game up to a point... I mean, this is an incomplete project, and I'm amazed at what you all have found to do while waiting for each next episode. I certainly never imagined this would turn into the sort of thing people would just play every day, so I haven't accounted for that... It's practically impossible for me to do so anyway o-o
  21. I want a dark/fairy that isn't legendary... THAT CAT IS SO CUTE THO also gg chespin fans.
  22. Oh, that's kind of an interesting coincidence... You're... strangely right, though my father is couple months older, and no longer practices any direct form of psychology. I hadn't even thought of that (lol i had to seriously think about what my father's age even was) ((actually i might be three years off... im blonding and cant remember exactly how old either of my parents are...)) Anyway, he was too busy doing his photoshop-torture to bother writing out any real elaborations c:
  23. You can get a free trial version to start. If you were really crafty you could maybe even turn that free trial version into a free not-so-trial version, but obviously I would never support such a thing, nor would I bother telling you that you would probably just need a quick google search to find how to do that. That would be unthinkable.
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