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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. I'll leave the floor open in case anyone has any real solutions, but my advice is this: Close the program, and run far, far away, get RPG Maker, Pokemon Essentials, and just use that >> I once tried making a game as a romhack. >once. I may be more than a little biased, but RMXP is just about seven million times easier.
  2. Ooooh, I see. Yes, okay, to correct that: All pseudo legends will be in eventually, though I don't necessarily know where they will be. I have decided where two of them will be. They will not be in Episode 10.
  3. If it isn't your place to ask, which I don't know why it wouldn't be, then I'll ask: Can something be done about battle speed? I'm legitimately unsure if there are arbitrary wait commands inserted into the script to pace it, or if it's really just processing speed
  4. I don't know where you got that idea from. Psuedo-legendaries will be among the last things I include. Aside from that thing Ackalacka posted, which I should advise no one to count on getting, and I am not even considering it to be a valid method of obtaining them. Not yet. But hopefully in time. Noted
  5. but really how do i actually get senpai to notice me

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Amethyst


      i was going to, two days in a row, and then both days the teacher went over the thing i was going to ask her to help me with in class


    3. Amethyst


      If Senpai HAS noticed me she needs to say something!!!

    4. FlamingBattleSword


      Haha reminds me of Caine's comment- my friend Stenner was over at my house and he read that and flipped out. "How is that a pokemon game! GameFreak never does that kind of stuff!" Took me ten minutes to explain that this game isn't made by Nintendo.

      S-S-Senpai. Why are you looking at me like that? I'm just kidding! XD

  6. I'm fairly certain walking is, but remember, it's 255 steps = 1 point of happiness for the lead Pokemon only. so... it's not exactly a lot.
  7. Motivation is always a boon. c: The canon names are Vero and Alice; I voted for female just because there's already an over-abundance of male protagonists in general media. As for the story- It's all based on the league leaders from the server + the Infinitas and Meteor conflict Will and Ice created. Although I was directly responsible for putting everything together and into the game, I can't take credit for all the ideas upon which it is based.
  8. This is a cool topic, I typed out something similar on the first version of the forum. My thoughts about the dragon/ice thing was that because dragons were creatures of myth, lost in old legends- and ice has a sense of timelessness to it (cryogenic freezing, freeze literally means to stand still). Freezing dragons would be the equivalent to putting them back into that timeless, purely mythic state.
  9. Yeah, TMs will definitely be there in the future- the reason they aren't now is because I won't know until later what TMs I want to put there ....or even what TMs will be in Gen 6...
  10. It isn't impossible. I know Pokemon Raptor, which is made with the same program, has a feature that you choose your controls at the start of the game. I was hoping to get the script from that but have so far been unsuccessful.
  11. Only good for the first person to find it. IF anyone does.
  12. I'm afraid there isn't yet a way for custom settings. Even the F1 button configuration stuff doesn't seem to work (>.>). Sorry!
  13. The most nervewracking thing: Having a black kitten, on a black carpet, who has decided that the most fun thing is to squirm and crawl about under the very short black legs of your rolly chair. Trying so hard to not move...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Sir Flash™

      Sir Flash™

      nope, just people i know ika, about 5

    3. Noivy


      I don't know you.

    4. Ackalacka


      ... That's what she said...


  14. "he's my #YOLO <3" kill me

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Radiant Aeon

      The Radiant Aeon

      um.. eh?

      Well I do have Minerva just laying over there but..Do I dare kill you?

    3. Rycast
    4. Cyrus


      Ame will you be my #YO to your LO?

  15. I'm afraid it is just the wild tauros in that area, sorry~ Though it would be cool otherwise, I can't do that through this program
  16. what the fuck bullet i mean congratulations but wtf
  17. Ah, this was a failure on my part to correct the obtainable list on the site. Noted to fix, thanks
  18. Kitty's kitty had kittens so we're getting one of Kitty's kitty's kitties today~

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LGND Red
    3. Pocky


      I heard she named them around pastries or something, idk

    4. Maelstrom


      Don't burn your muffin, Ame!!!

  19. They taped over your mouth Scribbled out the truth with their lies You little spies Crush Crush Crush Crush, crush
  20. As the FAQ mentions as compensation for that, they may gain multiple divisions (although)
  21. That's a really cool idea actually and I had at one point imagined setting something up like that. But exactly what do you mean by 'what happened to it'? Did it flop?
  22. Oh, okay, so it is based on MMR but then even the LP gains/losses are based on that too so it becomes fair. That explains it much better, thanks
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