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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. I don't think so, actually as when I updated 9.5 I didn't touch much event stuff, particularly not Ditto. There were also some people in another thread who though the game was glitched because Ditto hadn't appeared but it was eventually figured out that they just hadn't activated the final thing to initiate that event, so...
  3. I do remember that actually, and I think that applies to all queues. Each person has a 20% chance to be picked for first spot, but if someone in a premade or duo queue is picked then the 'captain' of that lobby will take the first spot instead. So yes, it's effectively 40% for whoever created that lobby. But if it's MMR then that makes sense, so thanks. also "since you've done fairly well in ranked lately" hah But then does that mean that ranked games also organize queues based on normal MMR? I.e... We know it tries to assemble teams so each has a 50% chance of winning- but is it using the rank or the MMR to pick those players? Because I had thought the hidden MMR was only for normals
  4. So I think I'm confused about something, and maybe someone can clarify? I understand that pick order in Draft is arbitrary, but I was under the impression that in ranked it was assigned based on who has the highest rank. However I've noticed in my recent games that that's.. definitely not the case, as I was the lowest rank in my last game, but was second pick. So how does this work?
  5. There are 16 ounces in a pound. So half-an-ounce is 1/32nd of a pound. Nonetheless, that will serve about eight cups of tea (or up to three times that amount if you reuse the leaves) so it's not exactly insignificant. Besides, with that other tea I mentioned, you aren't going to get a pound of it. According to our price index, a pound of that kind would be a little over $17,000.00
  6. Hidden Power is out, and Blind is like fourteen steps ahead of you there.
  7. Eh, I'd rather just do normal ones since pretty much all of them bar like seven suck
  8. that feel when you're entering prices on bulk teas and you mistype $5.10 for a half-ounce as $510.00 and you're like oops but then you look down the list and realise that there is a tea that is actually more than $510 for half an ounce
  9. F12 is the soft reset key btw, but maybe you've figured that out already
  10. tfw the one of the people you lost to in provisionals was just a smurf is actually somewhat reassuring. I got matched with him in a normal game and he's like 'woah I remember you! and im like huh, and he's like oops it was when i was ranking for my friend' So maybe I'm not that bad. Cool.
  11. i saw kass nerfs and got really excited and then it was just in non SR maps qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq
  12. I promise nothing. I assure you from the beginning it won't be anything near an MMO. Maybe if the city were five times larger and the story events weren't all so centered around your character. As it is, the main series has a better layout for an MMO than Reborn does. While co-op games would be cool, (and if you've heard me talk about my future project I am all over that) I don't think that would be practical.
  13. Waiting for X and Y for upcoming features is lame. It's so lame, in fact, I would almost say that it's... *sunglasses* Bull-shit.
  14. I'm usually home by the time league starts, but it sounds like there isn't much time?
  15. someone actually likes fern??????? ??????????????????????????/
  16. That's more or less the fun of it. Shinku! In the name of Father, I will punish you! except the new season just keeps reinforcing the shingintou ship and i just nevermind ame this isnt the place for fangirlranting ALSO GET THAT HAT OFF OF ME, I was considering putting in Rhyhorn. I still haven't decided yet actually.
  17. Missing out on event Pokemon will only be a temporary setback, so no worries there. Anyway... ...Don't make me regret saying this... ...It's actually not entirely impossible for some multi-player features (that is, probably just battling) to be instated in the future. I know there was at one point the structure for it within Essentials, but I think it was removed because it was so incomplete. So, although it would be absurdly difficult to implement, the possibility is there someday.
  18. Depending on what 6th Gen sprites look like I could potentially do custom shiny Pokemon for Reborn
  19. Stealth Rocks have already been fixed for E10
  20. ...oh. so apparently the pokemon reborn forums weren't giving $R at all. fixed~

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Magus


      T___T at least it got fixed.

    3. The Radiant Aeon

      The Radiant Aeon

      This would've been MUCH more convenient when I first got here. I posted at the Reborn forum a lot back then and questioned why I got diddly. Thank you, Ame for making me want to post at Reborn. (At least I got the Blazer outfit, though it looks like crap with Ragna's Coat.)

    4. Godot


      You mean I was lying to people!

      I blame you...

      I forgive you... hey hey ame! Your awesome

  21. Does Fiddle see much play at your level, Bullet?
  22. There are already a number of champions who can't be balanced just by the nature that their kit will always be too strong or too weak. Hence we have these rework situations like rengar/olaf/xerath/yorick etc The solution to that balance is not just tweaking numbers, but a full kit rework, which makes this question hard to answer. If I interpret it as, "What champions might need such a rework," Then... kassadin pls
  23. Ah. Yeah, no, this is like the tall grass from Gen 3, where it can't be ridden through on your bike... or anything else.
  24. The player sees their own Pokemon's front sprite quite often: evolving, PC, summary screen...
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