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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. Remind me how it is in black and white?
  2. ....Eh? You can just use Link Stones on those things?
  3. That's not half bad, haha. The problem with Medicham - changing the sprite, typing, etc, is either I would have to apply that change to all Medicham, or make a new Pokemon, which would then appear in the Pokedex. I don't want to do either of those things. What I could potentially do is make shiny Medicham have the ghost sprite- and in fact I was originally going to do this with PULSE Pokemon before I took up animated sprites. However that also has the drawback of- it would appear that way for player-owned shinies too. So if someone happened to get a shiny meditite, they could get ghost medicham I'm not entirely opposed to that, what do you guys think? (Though as a note I'm not going to work on any such changes until after we see what the sprite situation in 6th gen is like)
  4. when i beat a diamond player in normal without even really trying but cant even beat the ragtag group of unranked nobodies in prelims ????????????
  5. Nope! But it sure looks like it, huh?
  6. ZEL is three people, Zero (male), Eve (female) and Lumi (female) however those girls occupy Zero's male body. Make of that what you will.
  7. sunbeams don't like to play nice with this program. but i will make them play nice.
  8. I can deal with these guys' text myself easily, and an EV judge would be cool too (I've seen people asking for such a thing on here) but again, it's not a high priority. If you want to? Go for it Bice is dropping out; he doesn't feel he'll be much help, so it's just you two now (unless anyone else joins in) Now that I'm finally on the right computer, let me attach moves.txt for you, Woobo. You can probably see how to add a flag using this page and the entries on the text document http://pokemonessentials.wikia.com/wiki/Defining_a_move So it looks like we're on flag m. I'll probably have to do the tedium of adding the flags to each move myself (unless I can enlist another user to help me with that) but you can at least see what you're referencing here. moves.txt
  9. I strongly prefer LoL mainly just because I like LoL's characters whereas all of DotA's seem boring to me save like, two.
  10. Happy Birthday Nyunyunyunyunyunyunyunyu I love you. No, really. No. Really. *stares at creepily*
  11. if mismagius becomes part fairy then i may have to go see an optometrist to revert my eyes back from transforming into heart-shapes
  12. Actually, I've messed up a bit here in regards to the version everyone has. I sent 12.2 with RPG Maker to Bice and Woobo, but Episode 9/9.5 is 12.1. My working copy of episode 10, though, has already been updated to 12.2, however the 12.2's that the others have won't work with my copy because I've already made a bunch of other modifications from previous episodes. Hence why we just have to record whatever changes are made. I'll add Flame Burst to the list in the first post- I didn't even know it did that, lol...
  13. tfw i wear my ahri shirt and several random people compliment me on it but none say anything about league so im left wondering did they just like the pretty fox girl or are they secretly players too
  14. *walks into room- too cold. rolls down sleeves. seconds later. too hot. rolls up sleeves. immediately too cold. rolls down sleeves. too hot. rolls only one sleeve up. comfortable... but awkward... damn it...*

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Soysauce


      hah! I do the same with my windows... and then mosquitoes T.T

    3. Shushup


      It's like me when I'm sick.

    4. The Radiant Aeon

      The Radiant Aeon

      Must feel weird to to continually rolling your sleeves for the right temperature

  15. [ quote ] tags are a thing if you're just referencing a previous post btw xP Updated the first post with the beginnings of a task list. I'll add more sporadically. The trainers ability stuff would ideally be random, yeah Thanks, Woobowiz--- is there some kind of shortened name I can refer to you by because that's weird to type and Woo also sounds weird but idk Regarding the bike I do know there's a built in increase player move speed function, but I assumed that was what the bike was already using and the stage six built in speed is like whoooooooooooosh and im not sure that level whooshosity is appropriate for a simple bike. Am I missing something?
  16. I see a lot of problems there and very few of them are related to elo hell... oh its bots oh i oh
  17. Would you posit that anyone playing Taric without the Bloodstone skin would be... ...outrageous?
  18. Actually, Twister has already been fixed for the episode 10 release in a patch that the original scripter sent out. I've edited the first post to suit our needs. Since there are now three people who've offered to work on this, it's going to be critical that we keep everyone on the same page. I'm going to write out the beginnings of a needs-doing list in that first post-tomorrow. For now, sucker punch is an excellent choice of project... though I expect a difficult one. Additionally, could you post the changes to the script that you made to enable Moxie? Spoiler and code tags are wondrous, and I can use this topic to keep track of everything before I add them to my chaotic document (which I will perhaps also merge into this thread eventually) Again, I really appreciate everyone's help! Afterthought regarding sucker punch: This page describes how moves are defined in moves.txt in the PBS folder. Wowboowiz, I'm not sure you have that available to you presently, but I'll see if I can't make a zip of it for you. http://pokemonessentials.wikia.com/wiki/Defining_a_move Section 13 describes flags, and I think we may have to make a new flag to indicate if it will or will not trigger sucker punch If that's the case, then someone will have to manually edit moves.txt to add that flag for each move. Yikes, talk about tedious...
  19. I don't wish to get involved with the animosity and intricacies of this debate, but I do wish to make a semantic point regarding the "feminism" vs "equalism" labels: huh. While I agree that the word we presently use is perhaps not ideal, there's your answer as to why it's preferred- "equalism" is not even technically a word.
  20. The word is misleading, but feminism is equality for all genders. Not just women. Feminists are well aware of the way that the patriarchy impacts men's lives as well, and that is not something we ignore.
  21. I used to actually have that page say, "x in current release" and link to a list that said which but that became a hassle to manage in comparison to the chart that's currently available. Plus it was sometimes a little vague- for instance, would we count, for instance, Charmeleon, even though you can't get it unless you pick Charmander at the start? Although it is a little ambiguous I feel that over all this provides a more whole picture.
  22. i maded you a cake but i eated it :c sorry
  23. I used to wonder why Hark was Nagisa until I saw this http://prntscr.com/1nuuvv

    1. Noivy


      I laughed almost a little too hard.

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