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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. Actually if you open the project in RPG Maker it would be really super simple. But you'd have to have it in order to do that.
  2. Common candy lowers friendship by exactly as much as you gain on a level to prevent people from abusing it for that. All other candies increase happiness. I think ice cream too? I can't remember if I set that. maybe not ice cream, that would be too exploitable
  3. Thanks. Definitely noted to fix stuff Regarding partners' strange movements- that's not something I have control over Regarding the forest lag- fml. Regarding the ice stairs- they only disappear once you open the front door to the factory (otherwise you'd have no way to get in/out). I've noticed people such as shofu- never open the front door. >>;
  4. This one I haven't seen... Which door did you come out of, the upper level museum or the hidden room?
  5. There are actually some common candies hidden around that area in case that happened. o-o
  6. The missing effects thing is because of the lag. Although I split that map in half so it -should- have been better, not worse. Hm...
  7. The current banner is the closest we've had yet- and I intend to continue making those for each Episode release. The lineart for the present banner was done by will; I digitized and coloured it. I'd like something like that too but I don't have the time to endeavor in making it (as opposed to making the actual game)
  8. Amethyst


    ...Doesn't that just turn into SheerForce though? Sheer Force, like moxie, is an incomplete ability and will have no effect. That's unlikely to change until I get someone to help with scripting.
  9. ...chrome is an operating system now, wat
  10. Amethyst


    Oh, I see, it was the old way of doing that... Hm... I believe I would still preferred if we could get the current script repaired because that would apply to all events/trades/opposing pokemon as well... But perhaps I can set this in a common event as a temporary solution
  11. Amethyst


    But... that's the script I'm currently using... ...could you paste the relevant section here, just to be sure?
  12. Thanks for the <3 everyone~ For people interested in behind-the-scenenesses, or others who are learning to use the RPG Maker program too I recorded how I make the maps, with one of the episode 10 areas
  13. Ahaha, nah, I was just putting in strange things for them to say What-a-to do to die today at a minute or two 'till two? A thing distinctly hard to say and harder still to do To beat a tattoo at twenty 'till two, a ratata-tatata-tatata too, For the dragon shall come at the beat of the drum at a minute or two 'till two today, At a minute or two 'till two Try saying it out loud. It's a warm-up tongue twister we would often quickly drill in theatre in high school. And it's just really fun to say.
  14. sorry not sorry but yeah ill post relevant things from time to time and probably irrelevant things too if i dont forget
  15. I've seen other people successfully get Sheer Force on the Totodile line in LPs Unfortunately that ability, like Moxie, is currently incomplete so you're better off with Torrent for the time being...
  16. i like fiora as a character i really do and ive seen ika make some 11/10 plays with her but im 2scared to try her again because ive never played her out of the jungle and her jungling is sooo weak after the season three changes and just every experience ive had with her on SR has been terrible maybe i try maybe i think about trying but cry instead
  17. Afraid not, sorry. The script for dream world abilities is currently not functioning for Pokemon with a total of three abilities :x
  18. Horizon, I love you forever and ever no matter how much I may try to deny it immediately after posting this status message!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ousawa


      This made my breakfast and coffee :D

    3. 片思い



    4. Ikaru


      idk what you mean

  19. "Chespin is thrilled to bits"...? how do you thrill something to bits
  20. fun fact trick room is broken and by that i mean it doesn't work at all and the scripter hasn't even tried to code it in *kills self*
  21. I'm not one for stereotypes, but I think there's something to be said for- walking into my feminist literature class, and every girl in the room has hair chopped short. And then there's me. Did I miss a certain dress code memo?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Luke



    3. Soysauce


      Now the question is, did they realize it? =p

    4. Brockze


      What is this feminist literature and where can I sign up?

  22. Some more: Chespin is flawless Chespin's hair is insured for $10,000 Chespin does commercials for cars... in Japan Chespin's favorite movie is Varsity Blues One time, Chespin met Ash Ketchum on a plane. And he told it that it was his best friend. One time, Chespin punched me in the face. It was awesome.
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