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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. Wait, what? Everything should be in 2x. It has to be otherwise it looks like poop when you play on the smaller resolution
  2. Probably easier just to PM me to fix your save for that
  3. I intended to... But it's somewhat tedious when seven of your eight pets don't actually hold still ever.
  4. There isn't; why would you want to?
  5. Every Pokemon has to have four moves. Just follow instructions it says for Ditto with -- on new lines in place of blank moves
  6. The donation button at the bottom of main-site pages should take you right there o-o
  7. The movepool isn't so much of an issue. Sucker Punch/Super Power/Psycho Cut hits every Pokemon currently in the game for at least neutral damage. Fire Blast is also an option over Psycho Cut; same story.
  8. I'm so #done with the corners in that place it's ridiculous. @ Killblaze.... Probably another problem with story skipping... Sigh. Send me your save.
  9. I really like Dyansty's in-game actually, just the splash makes her look mrrrrrr Midnight masterrace Firefox also masterrace
  10. it's so pretty i cant even comprehend how pretty it is and then it has wings i have a thing for wings i guess but i dont actually care much for birds. these wings are so pretty though. i could cuddle it to death and back
  11. Second patch in the first post~
  12. Sometimes I like to pretend I'm not evil but then I make area layouts like this.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. JayDo


      Evil is cool, you get to wear black.

    3. Adashening
    4. Luke


      Wow just wow

  13. Always. Basic rule: If it's at the top corners of a tree, its passability is probably broken here, and has probably already been fixed. That explains almost all of the passability errors you posted. So if it's at the top corner of a tree, you can skip that. Everything else noted though
  14. Those were going to be introduced anyway, and I didn't realise Moomoo Milk was 100 so that's actually perfect. As for Tauros, Imma be copying XY all up in hurr
  15. o yeah i forgot about those lol. ok
  16. Things like the bridges have already been fixed
  17. Well, that is the result of your computer not being able to keep up with everything... Just how many Pokemon do you have? o-o
  18. I'm like 114% sure im going to regret this

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Brockze



    3. Joker


      If it is Dratini in the next episode of The Reborn Game. Nah, you won't regret it. :D

    4. Luke


      Please add groudon

  19. No! I love you guys! ...but I do think it would be neat... It rains in the marsh and all the water types come out to bask in it... I feel like it would give character to certain areas. However, it's one of the last things I'd have to focus on even if I do get someone who scripts well.
  20. Ah, that would have the same effect. try again, I reuploaded to fix another freeze later on in the same scene. Remember, you'll have to refresh the map by, for instance, re-entering and exiting a building first.
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