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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. He's kind of the co-founder of the site. Just saying. Anyway, we've talked about this now, so to prevent further grrr here, I'm gonna go ahead and lock this topic. Please PM any questions for leaders to Edge!
  2. As much as I do enjoy a good death in a story line... ...I'm gonna pass on that one... The legendary thing is also a no-go. However, I do like the idea of a black market in general... Get those "Rare Candies" in circulation. Hesitation there would be figuring out what kind of stuff they'd sell, what kind of stuff they'd buy. Like, from a game-play perspective, using the shards there is fantastic, but I have to ask, what would people in a black market want with shards? Balls it, what does anyone want with shards? x.x
  3. I had to delete the ability inheritance part from the script, so parents' abilities have no effect on their offsprings'. However, you're suffering from the bug of 'pokemon with 3 total abilities can't get their DW abilities' which I only recently discovered, so there isn't anything we can do there for the moment
  4. I would be all over a sabretooth fossil Pokemon, that sounds super cool. Like congrats, you've set me up to be hardcore disappointed by whatever XY fossil is not that.
  5. ((I might be slightly biased because my entire competitive team is based around Hydration Vaporeon and it's like of my favorite Pokemon so yeah >>)) My suspicion is that Adaptability > Always Water Absorb Anticipation > Always Hydration Run Away > Doesn't have a corresponding slot therefore it picks one randomly? Of course, I have no way to confirm this. And honestly, of any of them, run away should have been the 'always water absorb' slot, so idk.
  6. finis.

    1. Maelstrom


      Dare I guess what it is that has been finished?

    2. Shanco


      What Aaron said

    3. Adashening
  7. Hydration isn't in the same slot, because Eevee has three abilities, while Vaporeon only gets two. But that said I do find it strange it would go to Hydration. (Although, Hydration is like one of the best abilities competitively, js)
  8. whaddya mean it rained and nobody told me... :c

  9. Hey, is le- *shot*

    1. Mashew


      Probably not 17.0


  10. ...I think so. Not positive, but that's what I'd expect.
  11. With common candy in, you won't have to worry about that anymore c:
  12. Nyu's site is down too, so we can't reset the server; we have to wait for him :c

    1. Wendel


      okay i'll wait

    2. Sir Flash™
    3. ipwn4trance


      Welp, Guess I'll play LoL or Maple or something >>

  13. scumbag luka makes topic to post where people are and instantly 1-ups-- no, 39-ups anything anyone else could possibly post
  14. .... i didnt even think of that wow was that an xspecial in that alley? I don't think so. but if it wasn't, I'm changing it to one.
  15. ...Well... I was only going to post one Steelix screen originally, but... With a scene like this, it's hard to resist. Showdown time.
  16. Everyone ready to face the first level 100?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ikaru


      everyone ready to destiny bond the first level 100?*

    3. Garnet.


      Destiny bond is a Luxury.

    4. diana



  17. Well, I also did the sprite shop items.
  18. ...Uh. Strange, didn't know this occurred when using the sprite shop. Okay, advice: Firstly, make sure you have a trainer card so that there's something for the sprite to go on But that shouldn't cause this error Honestly, the thing to do might be to just try again later. I think the site is like trying to re-settle itself or something.
  19. Both the male and female protagonists were designed by me, just using items from our Sprite Shop. There wasn't a whole lot to them, tbh, but they've gone over well. >> If you wanna mod the graphics for your own playthrough, awesome. If others want to use it, double awesome. For the time being I probably won't include it as the default graphics though.
  20. ame- making the reborn game impossible for nuzlockers, one battle at a time.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bearadactyl


      Personally... I'm all for it, Nuzlocking in all honesty just seems like a Try-Hard thing to prove something.

      I'm not saying it's the unviresal truth, but it seems like people who Nuzlocke are taking the fun aspect of the game away.

    3. Dana


      I nuzlocked Red because I played through Kanto so many times and i thought about changing it up a little. and it was really fun.

      It's probably not something I'm going to do when I play through White 2 and X though

    4. Adashening
  21. The problem is her lack of counter play for mid-laners was also her number one strength They kind of killed it, so she doesn't have much left. >>;
  22. a dark/psychic that isn't hideous. also grass/ghost grass/fire fire/water and pretty much everything/fairy
  23. on a disappointment scale of one to ten, i'm a thirteen and a half. they finally make a dark/psychic type and it's that. ew.
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