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Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. It's known, though I may not have it listed... I'd like to say it'll be fixed next episode, but that would be a huge lie. However, I believe the scripter does know about it.
  2. i hate everything that thing is hideous and needs to die.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. SapphireSkyWillow


      I'm sorry I took off my mask I'll put it right back on qq

    3. Garnet.


      does this mean I get to live

    4. Garnet.


      if you look closer, she's talking about one thing that is hideous. She didn't say everything that's hideous needs to die.

      don't misunderstand, that's troublesome for the ame

  3. Admittedly yes, but also consider 1st gym- Level ~16 2nd gym- Level ~25 3rd gym- Level ~30 ... 8th gym (6th badge) ~ Level 50 The experience curve becomes harsh, pretty fast. While I will tweak it if necessary, I think we'll actually be okay. Also, gyms are going to come at a more frequent pace especially in the latter episodes, and in episode 10, which is a 2-for-1 ((assuming I don't change my mind and split it into two episodes and add like 98945865 things like I did with episode 9))
  4. Ahah... Impressive, CrossWind! I didn't anticipate anyone pulling out FEAR sets this early... or at all. I think you'll go far ;D I've made a note to write in something better for beating the Garchomp. I didn't actually anticipate more than a couple people would already. Y'all like to prove me wrong on things.
  5. ...I see you, Ashka. Don't think you're going to get away with that Stinku business around here.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ashka


      Ah, I was wondering if she was getting more screen time in the new season since you changed it to her. I've got to start watching it already >< I really associate you with Sui, though, and vice versa. I'm going to end up cheering for Amethyst halfway through an episode.

    3. Amethyst


      This is okay~

      And yeah, Zuruckspulen is all on her~ She's such a sweetheart.

    4. Ashka



      I just hope Shinku doesn't slap people as much

      *sips tea*

  6. To clarify, that is, it's probably not worth starting new play-throughs just to see how the story changes in the upcoming episode. It'll all converge back to one point. If you guys want to playthrough multiple times again, you know, be my guests~ The true ending stuff isn't going to exist until a final rendition of the game, though, so don't worry about it for now
  7. ...Well. If we gen Gen 6 in here, it'll be 18. But otherwise, correct. I haven't figured out the trainer card deal yet tbh >>;
  8. ...Oh, so Yi's not in this patch? AP Yi cannot die soon enough.
  9. These are good tips for now. Next episode the over-levelling concern will be alleviated with the introduction of Common Candy, so that should help, too.
  10. Eventually every starter will be obtainable- those three just happened to be first.
  11. Fixing something like that, if I can, usually doesn't take me much longer than for me to notice that it's been sent. Readme's in the Game Folder
  12. Yeah, actually what's going on there is the TV episodes chosen for you are determined by how many badges you have. So like, with each Interview Intermission, it changes each time you clear a gym. But right now, for instance, since you've beaten Serra, there's nothing more in the game yet. When Episode 9 comes out, they'll work again with a new episode each until you beat N-- Err, the next gym leader >> Tl;dr: It's a problem that exists only temporarily for people waiting for the next episode. The end result will have it all flow together. Thanks though!
  13. Yikes. Well, I don't expect the game would run very smoothly on an ipad anyway, but I'm afraid there isn't a way to do that presently, sorry :x
  14. The shop system is a little weird; you have to have a trainer card before it'll save your sprite changes, so you can create one of those here- http://www.pokemonreborn.com/league/register.html
  15. I've recorded big changes in the patch notes in the Readme, but I'm not keeping track of little bug fixes anywhere...
  16. spoilers afraid not, like, to be honest, I haven't added that many new Pokemon for 9 because it's really just a second-half-of-8. Same area and everything, so it's mainly a story-driven episode, not as much new exploration, etc 10, however.....
  17. I appreciate your suggestions Kingtrace, In particular, this is the crux of our best bet at maintaining the ladder. Unfortunately, we don't have a method to prohibit people, especially randoms, from laddering. I'm unsure if such a feature exists in PO. Now that I think about it, most randoms will just ladder OU- perhaps we could create a distinct ladder tier for competitions and monitor that.
  18. I usually leave it in testing for ~ week, sooooo... But surely your summer break doesn't end so soon? D:
  19. Don't you even lie, you sat around for a month and quietly lurked before you ever challenged anything. >:c Anyway, welcome~
  20. Either it was overlooked, or the script I had to insert dreamworld abilities never worked properly in the first place. Here's a challenge: Can anyone who played this game pre-episode 6 confirm if, before episode 6, they caught anything with 3 abilities, with its dream world ability? Looking at the veteran-players here. If so: Then I broke it in a recent update and the new one might fix it If not: Then the script never worked in the first place and I need to contact people, find out why and that might not be in time for Episode 9
  21. Uhhhh, you mean like if somebody's save file had a glitch I could fix?
  22. I'm not doing a 'bad end' sort of thing. Just some conditions that need to be met to get a 'true' ending >>
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