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Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. I know I've seen you around the server for x number of months Welcome and such, cool that you finally decided to join
  2. Yeah, I'm aiming for around January for the next episode
  3. That's pretty much all it ever is. xP
  4. ^ True story. I'm still not going to add it to the list, either, until there's a reliable one in the game.
  5. Those came as a pack- I didn't have to make those. Christ, if I did this game would not exist. Anyway, McMc, that's really sweet (hahahah see what i did there hahahaha) of you to edit it like that for me, but I actually have something else I want to do with the graphic. Thank you though! Stats properly decrease when you level down. In fact it even shows you which, like when you level up.
  6. It's perfectly acceptable to make a separate thread for an individual issue. What we want to avoid is multiple threads for the same thing.
  7. Glitch is actually a girl by the way. xP But yeah! In fact, do you even have to rename them? I was pretty sure you could just put whatever songs you want in BGM and then loop them from the Jukebox
  8. I'm pretty sure some of the Street Rats in the lower city have connections that could hook you up with 15 "Rare Candies"
  9. i would cry if someone did that
  10. That's correct, I believe. And ahh, yes. Item pictures aren't exactly a priority for me now, but I definitely will eventually. xP
  11. Okay, so I've been getting an increasing number of reports about crashes/lag that are related to well, slow computers. I would super-appreciate it if everyone, even people who have not experienced these issues, would answer some questions for me. Ah, let's just copy paste the below, please? c: Also, if you've played the game on multiple computers, filling out one form per computer would be helpful. If you're unsure how to check your computer's processing speed or RAM, check the spoiler below: I would be lying if I said I knew anything at all about the Mac equivalent, sorry. [quote] [u][b]Your Computer...[/b][/u] [b]Operating System:[/b] [b]Processor Speed (GHz):[/b] [b]RAM (GB):[/b] [b][u]Have you encountered lag in the following places...[/u][/b] [b]While healing your Pokemon?[/b] Yes/No [b]While starting battles?[/b] Yes/No [b]Walking around the train tracks in Opal Ward?[/b] Yes/No [b]Walking around the east (rightmost) part of Opal Bridge?[/b] Yes/No [b]Around the Yureyu Building?[/b] Yes/No/Haven't gotten there yet [b]Any other places? Please specify[/b] [b][u]Script Hanging...[/u][/b] [b]If you've used the animated sprites, have you gotten a script hanging error mid-battle?[/b] Yes/No/Only used Static [b]If so, did it happen only once? Or every time a certain Pokemon was sent out? Which?[/b] [b]Have you ever gotten a script hanging error outside of battle?[/b] Yes/No [b]If so, where/when?[/b] [/quote] Admittedly, because of the limited control I have over the platform the game is developed on, I may not be able to fix all these issues, but at the very least I can better-understand what level of computer is capable of running the game, and report System Recommendations accordingly (because tbh the ones on there are total guesses >> )Thanks for your time! I'll post an example below, too, since I'll be reporting my own computers. ((If formatting is an issue when you paste the code from this post, hit the lightswitch icon in the top-left of the post editor.))
  12. Very solid point about the move thing. Honestly, I think if they want to go through that trouble though, I'll let 'em. >> Opens more options in a sense, but I doubt anyone will willingly take on anything so tedious. As for having them in bulk.. I'm currently thinking it should be fine if they're easily accessible. Because, yeah, they should only ever need a few... But that means there's not much harm in their being readily available. What's the worst someone could do? (and it would be nice to think it was clearly stated enough but there are a lot of people who complain that they can't beat x leader because their pokemon became overleveled one way or another.) ...I guess someone could, theoretically, buy a bunch, run to a high level area, and then de-level all of their pokemon so that they could never escape that area... But I'm not terribly concerned about anyone doing that...
  13. Yo party people in the house whats up So I was playing around with the things The level cap exists to prevent people from only grinding up one or two Pokemon way above their current level, taking the fun out of the game. However when players don't realise it's there, forget, get a lot of trainer battles in, or- god forbid- if something were to happen before they received their badge and they don't get a level cap increase when they expect it- it can be really frustrating when one's star players suddenly ignore somebody- and there isn't a whole lot to be done about that. ...So, what if you could just pop a couple common candies when your Combusken hits level 26 before the second gym, and the problem's fixed? No need to worry about over leveling, and the stats are properly reduced so it can't be abused. HOWEVER, I'm curious if you guys can think of any ways this could be abused. Nothing can go below level 1 so that's not an issue, but this does make things like level 16 Electrodes conceivable. Aside from that side effect, are there any other ways this could be problematic?
  14. Yup, the active save should always be Game.rxdata
  15. Find your old one here, www.pokemonreborn.com/game/save.html aaaand just rename it c:
  16. Nonono, actually. There's one part where you walk behind a tree and it's much less visible than I intended it to be, so that should be easier. Among other things that happen in episode 9
  17. I get that ideally that's the case, but I would feel silly on people being that invested.
  18. But you're not always going to get those roles...
  19. What's the point in listing a preferred role for a duo queue?
  20. Perish Song and Mean Look are both reported as properly functional
  21. Don't get too cozy with Chrysolia in its current state. Having said that, do as you will.
  22. Amethyst


    I'm told Magneton/zone do really well >> Alakazam definitely saved me when I fought her but I was still 1-0 with Ala in red health x.x
  23. Amethyst


    Cute person! Welcome!
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