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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. the cycle of life and fish continues we will fish they will die (Low scores because these games were enemy surrender at 20's c:)
  2. the extra ~150 per auto attack on AP varus isn't half bad either js
  3. http://prntscr.com/1683xo I AM DETERMINED TO MAKE AP VARUS A THING also it doesnt show but i got a quadra and very nearly a penta but kayle ult trolled me :c
  4. Welcome! I've only recently started reading Homestuck, so I don't quite get your name, but I'm sure when I get there I'll be like oooooooooh meanwhile in the land of what is going on in this story Anyway, welcome! Glad you're enjoying the game and all, hope you enjoy the community too c:
  5. Is up and available from the download page on the main site graciously linked for your convenience right here! Note I did something new with the downloads this time- If you're updating from a full Episode 7 copy (or Episode 8 beta) you can use the 50 MB download instead of that hulking 250 MB one and just merge it with your existing game folder. As far as what else... Well, in lieu of actually coming up with content for a news post, I'll just copy the patch notes from the episode's readme: * The Name Rater has been changed- you can now rename traded Pokemon. * Mudkip, Tepig and Bulbasaur events should be fixed. * The city music is currently in the process of being re-done (2/8)... * The Drifloon event has been fixed! If you were robbed of your chance to get a Drifloon, and you're highly invested in getting one, contact Amethyst and we'll see what we can do. * Nosepass and Magneton now evolve by being levelled up inside the Abandoned Power Plant * The Ice Rock for Glaceon does not yet exist. Moss Rock exists somewhere within Chrysolia Forest. * Roaming Pokemon have been removed from the wild, and made into normal event Pokemon that will play sort-of Hide-and-Seek games with you (Such as Lillipup formerly) * The weather patterns have been reworked to be more stable- Weather now properly calculates the day of the week leading to more reliable reports; It will no longer be sunny at night. Sun now works again. * Partner Trainers now use more than one Pokemon. >>: * A Move Deleter has been added to the North Obsidia Ward * The endless rain after the Orphanage event should be fixed. If it's been storming in your game for ages, this might be why. Reset it by travelling anywhere on Amy's boat. Enjoy!
  6. The problem with the released vs unreleased thing is that thing are still subject and likely to change. But it can still serve as a starting point
  7. Ikaru: "I didn't choose the squidlife"

    1. Cyrus


      Ikaru IRL

    2. Epic C

      Epic C

      Silly Ame. he chose the Octopus life. ;o

  8. Here's another one for the older members:
  9. that feel when thirteen years after its release you're still unspeakably envious that you dont get a secret magical crystal fortress run by things that just want to grant all your wishes

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Amethyst


      i hope you get impaled by one of those angry crystal stalagmite things

    3. Voctrode


      that feel when thirteen years after its release you're still unspeakably envious that you dont get to destroy the flotation ring of a secret flying fortress run by darkness </3

    4. Ikaru


      inuki wins

  10. you forgot the pats on the back shoulder and/or head!
  11. ok. Vidya- LoL. I tend to flip-flop on my favorite game pretty regularly but LoL has been the only thing I've consistently played for a while. Movie- Girl, Interrupted. Idk, crazy people are nice. Band- Emilie Autumn (if you feel like it must be a band rather than a single artist, then Emilie Autumn and the Bloody Crumpets, so hah!). She is what is referred to in the professional world as, "the bomb diggity." Anime- Rozen Maiden. season 3 this summer finally ksjhdfbjhbwesdjhbviherbdfiubwiedubviwe4ubdiucbie3udbciubeidufvbiuvbweefd TV- I don't even watch TV so I was tempted to leave this blank, but if I were to watch it regularly, I guess I would say Once Upon a Time. I like fairytale-y things. Pokemon- Gardevoir. I guess. For now. Maybe Absol or Mismagius. idklol. Book- Emilie Autumn's the Asylum for Wayward Victorian Girls. It is the written authority on the phenomenon formally known as "the bomb diggity." Weapon- This was tough, but I'm going with a rapier. It's the most elegant of any weapon, several of my favorite characters from things use it, and I myself used to study fencing, so I suppose it's only fitting. Superhero- Do Teen Titans count? If you answered 'no', I don't care. <3 Drink- Raspberry Lemonade. Cue the sound of no one being surprised.
  12. ..On what merit, the sheer range of his ult? But AP Kog' is hardly even recognised as viable let alone commonly considered as a counter. Anyway, it isn't for the sake of range that Ahri counters him but the mobility, and ability to negate pretty much everything he throws at her... If Xerath can get close, Kog's low mobility would be problematic. Not that it would be a bad pick
  13. Definitely not! Her ult makes her a great counter-pick to a lot of mids. For instance, Zyra, Morgana, Lux, Orianna- these are all champions that rely on keeping their opponent in a certain area in order to deal damage to them. When used to perfection, her ult allows her not only to attack, but to negate large chunks of their damage.
  14. it also probably helps that ahri is xerath's hardest counter
  15. I was playing during season 2, and I didn't really see them carrying much at all.... Exception might have been Master Yi, but even then it was strictly in the lower-skill tiers that he would just kind of roflstomp teams. At higher skill levels he would just be obliterated and that would be the end of it. Fiora was released and a lot of people qq'd about how OP she was, but after like three weeks she settled into her present position of being one of the least popular picks. I dunno, I don't see it,
  16. Ain't even mad. I don't hate Akali anymore now that she's not vomiting on the mid-lane. She needed this. I still think she's a boring character, but I can feel okay about picking her up again now. Although this kind of makes her more like Diana... ...which is fine, I guess, I like Diana, but Diana's still a stronger pick, so idklol. As someone who plays almost no ADC except Cait, I'm actually fine with this. I didn't play her spamming headshot on towers, and if she's better late that's more my style anyway. Hello, Cass. Welcome back to viability. We've missed you. because you counter all the champions i hate and are countered by all the champions i like ...Honestly, this isn't the change she needed. I agree, she probably could stand to have a more vulnerable lane, but um, her shield is already enough of a trade off to avoid harass in itself thanks to its steep mana-cost. The stacking change is actually somewhat nice. ...Speaking of which, they didn't change Lux's shield like they said they were going to from the PBE? Ah, that would've been nice too. xP Perfectly fine with this too. Of course it's also better-suiting her to a midlane role than a top, sooooo c: All these tiny buffs continue to encourage me to make Nami mid a thing. This is huge. I kind of feel like this might almost take him out of the midlane because he now has even fewer opportunities for his already sparse AP damage. He has to spend a lot more time auto-attacking now, and while 30% is nice, it makes AD more tempting. Then they also remove the AD scaling from the blue card so ???????? I dunno, I'll be curious to see where he ends up. THANK THANK Return? Were they ever viable? In any case, I don't think so. Their problem is in team fights, not lane.
  17. * You're trying to kill him, he's just acting in self defense * Chasing you is likely to secure global gold for him/his team in order to advance his team to victory which is the same thing you're trying to do so it's not really trolling * Mushrooms are for objective/map control, not trolling * ^ * Although Teemo does not play a significant role in the average team comp, picking him is still a viable counter to the opponent's set up in many cases (assuming the player is not trolling in which the fault lies with the player not the champion) and therefore need not be seen as trolling the team * See #2 * That's because Rumble and Veigar are jerks and they deserve it. He doesn't troll the others though. Except in that one comic with Tristana and his date, but that's not cannon. * AP champions laugh at the blind, and vision/oracles counter mushrooms and fun fact if you ever play Teemo it's actually sort of depressing how many mushrooms people just barely, or completely miss. You only perceive his actions as trolling because of your hateful predisposition towards him. And it's needless hate. It's cruel. It's callous. He's just an innocent yordle like any other. He doesn't deserve this treatment. You know what. I'm going to start the Teemo Equality Movement We will rise above the hate and liberate this poor yordle from the undue rancor of the world!
  18. He's a cute! There's nothing to not like!
  19. there comes a point in every young girls life when she suddenly realises that nothing in the world can stop her from making waffles at one in the morning. and suddenly, everything is okay.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Will



    3. Cyrus


      >not making chicken like Cyrus-chan.

      Ame pls.

    4. Eternal Edge

      Eternal Edge

      You probably would have burned them anyways

  20. that feel when not knowing what you actually did right that game, and not having a way to watch and figure it out
  21. I've done it a couple times, and it's worked out all right. She doesn't have a huge presence, so people might've just been scared by not seeing her before.
  22. I know, right? People who only play mid are total scrubs.
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