Ain't even mad. I don't hate Akali anymore now that she's not vomiting on the mid-lane. She needed this.
I still think she's a boring character, but I can feel okay about picking her up again now.
Although this kind of makes her more like Diana...
...which is fine, I guess, I like Diana, but Diana's still a stronger pick, so idklol.
As someone who plays almost no ADC except Cait, I'm actually fine with this. I didn't play her spamming headshot on towers, and if she's better late that's more my style anyway.
Hello, Cass. Welcome back to viability. We've missed you.
because you counter all the champions i hate and are countered by all the champions i like
...Honestly, this isn't the change she needed. I agree, she probably could stand to have a more vulnerable lane, but um, her shield is already enough of a trade off to avoid harass in itself thanks to its steep mana-cost. The stacking change is actually somewhat nice.
...Speaking of which, they didn't change Lux's shield like they said they were going to from the PBE? Ah, that would've been nice too. xP
Perfectly fine with this too. Of course it's also better-suiting her to a midlane role than a top, sooooo c:
All these tiny buffs continue to encourage me to make Nami mid a thing.
This is huge. I kind of feel like this might almost take him out of the midlane because he now has even fewer opportunities for his already sparse AP damage. He has to spend a lot more time auto-attacking now, and while 30% is nice, it makes AD more tempting. Then they also remove the AD scaling from the blue card so ????????
I dunno, I'll be curious to see where he ends up.
Were they ever viable?
In any case, I don't think so. Their problem is in team fights, not lane.