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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. Early game, she's weak. A longer-ranged opponent should be able to establish lane dominance. Late game, where she shines, perhaps not. But if she's diving into your team (which is kind of necessary if she wants to do anything other than press Q once every three seconds) then she makes herself vulnerable to focus. Act accordingly. If you force her to ult herself then you've burned a stun. If she doesn't, then she should die soon. Ideally, anyway.
  2. Mine was "Light" Not at all sure why, but that was distinctly the case.
  3. You will probably never have your life sorted out, until you know how and when you're going to die. That's the point
  4. PS let's make this a thing. It will probably make finding groups easier.
  5. That feel when you have to avoid walking through a certain part of campus, because of the haze of assorted smoke that just permanently lingers between the library and art building #colorado
  6. I think that's total stats, not base... I'll play though. HP- I eat healthy, so I hardly ever get sick, but strange sleeping schedules sometimes make me less than fully functional. 6/10 Attack- I do, in fact, not lift. Indeed, I try to avoid lifting as much as is humanly possible. That said, I can, if I must. 2/10 Defense- ...Idk, no one's punched me or anything. But physical contact in general is something I avoid, if only out of self-imposed isolation. 4/10 Sp. Attack- At the risk of being arrogant, I'd like to think I'm pretty well-off in this regard... 9/10 Sp. Def- The only one who can hurt me is myself. Unfortunately, I have a habit of doing that. 8/10 Speed- Actually, I'm very fast! But I'm a sprinter, I can't run distance to save my life. 7/10 Ability- Going for broke here, and springing for Magic Bounce. I love to reverse things on people and pin them down by their own words or actions. If you guys have seen some of my old logs when dealing with trolls and such, when I was having fun with them rather than just deleting them, you might know what I mean. Tier- Well, if only for Magic Bounce I'd say OU, since that tends to be pretty high in-demand. If I end up being outclassed by Espeon, then BL.
  7. Okay, so quick shizzle post. ...And by tha way, I kinda promised a cold-ass lil couple playas dat I would put the next shizzle post I made all up in gizoogle before postin cuz I'm professionizzle like that, so uh, please don't be alarmed. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! I be bout ta edit out the racial profanities. Anyway dawwwwg! So tha votin has finished, n' we pretty clearly poised ta move Kyurem down, so we'll git on dat fo' realz. As we holla'd before, if it do turn up ta be a issue then we can always move dat shit back up yo, but I suspect you pimps might be surprised. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! ^^ Episode 8 of tha game is soon... Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Sooner fo' Ace Members. Like straight-up soon. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Yo ass don't even know. Finally, tha other thang I wanted ta announce is that I be goin ta be startin up movie nights again! As it has a sick rang to it, I be bout ta be streamin Summer Sundizzle Movie Nights~ Exact time is flexible- what tha fuck might work dopest fo' everyone, biatch? I be currently lookin at about 8 or 9 EST. As I be a relentless dictator, n' like more importantly, as I be tha one whoz ass is ghon be bustin tha streamin (weupgraded our router so I don't gotta lag no mo'!) I'ma be choosing the movies yo, but I aint gots a cold-ass lil certain theme up in mind n' as such be open to suggestions. But fuck dat shiznit yo, tha word on tha street is dat I do promise nothing. I intend ta start as early as tomorrow, n' I'm thiiiinkin I wanna show you pimps a old, amazingly hilarious but lil-known comedy movie by George Lucas, Radioland Murders. ((fun fact, gizoogle tried to turn every instance of "movie" into "porno" and im like nope we're not having porno night))
  8. At 24-10, Kyurem-B will be moved down to OU.
  9. 1) you almost lost because HA balances things out by denying backing. in a real match you would have snowballed hard. and even so, you still won. and even-er so, kha's not that broken. I don't mind facing him mid actually. 2) free week champion vs a champion I know and play well and who eats squishy things for breakfast without any milk? that said, yes, okay, you did not play that as it could have been played but it was a learning experience for you, I think, or at least I hope, and that's okay. 3) are you really going to be upset about not beating me on my favorite champion with an ADC?
  10. ............oh hey look a pretty image to change the topic!
  11. ...how2lowerstats when stat changes are annulled when switching out??? Also, excellent that they're finally doing some customisation.
  12. Awwh, now isn't this a cute little town you have here! It would be ssshame if ssssomething were to-- ...wait what
  13. okay time for who's that pokemon because ame can't remember its english name that big flat ice thing go

  14. No problem, Annie-time! Ezreally no problem to come up with LoL puns if you're Quinnterested, since there's a Zilean of them
  15. The most heartbreaking thing is how precious all of our emotions are to ourselves, but how worthless they are to anyone else.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Maelstrom


      I wish we were psychic so we could truly convey to each other what it is to feel the way we do. Shit would be so much more simple.

    3. SapphireSkyWillow


      Truer words have never been spoken...

    4. Godot


      My personal problem is conveying other people's thoughts, emotions, and state of mind and try sympathizing with them...

      Also learning how to speak people, because talking like a grown educated individual doesn't seem to work...

  16. i have been recruited to say kind words kind words and then i look back and realise that it wasn't said exactly in those terms so i have failed. the point is though that i was recruited which betrays the true motives of the recruiter as if he didn't betray them enough in the opening post scandal. but um happy birthday tho!
  17. i think we have bigger concerns than a few loose pills in a school yard.
  18. They're going to put you in jail for a year for bringing anxiety medication to a school? are you kidding me
  19. >Ahri >>Lore >>>Friends >>>>Wukong ... No Riot! Don't you dare support that stupid pairing!
  20. http://prntscr.com/142x41 new headcannon for azurine lake
  21. For now, they're one-shot only. When the game is complete I may or may not include re-battles. I know they're a much nicer source of grinding but remember in the full game there's going to be continually higher leveled areas, so the need to grind in stale places is going to be considerably diminished. And then- those normal-trainer rebattles are going to be lackluster compared to what I have planned for the post-game. So no promises.
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