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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. Oh, you're right, it is that door, but Cain didn't give you the key, remember? He gets distracted chasing Heather when she flies down to the Lapis Ward
  2. Night lasts like 10 hours real time... It's... you know, night.
  3. Someday I'll have a british accent for some reason.
  4. There are currently only three stickers in the game.. If anyone's made it to the fifth floor there's a problem. ^^; Next episode, however...
  5. Which is worse by itself, darkness at night or darkness during a thunderstorm?
  6. That feel when doing really well and then suddenly "Adobe AIR client has crashed" pops up right as a team fight starts, tabs you out, and you proceed to lose the game because of it.
  7. well i signed on the site for three more years so y'all better stick around :c

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Pocky


      i thought phanpy was the new president

    3. Neo


      As if we all won't jump ship the moment Mysidia triumphantly returns.

    4. diana


      I won't leave anytime soon.

      I wonder who's hopes I've crushed with that sentence~

  8. what if all of the hair on your body was like your eyelash hair

    1. Voctrode


      i would be a sad panda.

    2. diana


      I would lash out at everything


    3. Cyrus


      I would be hairy as fuck.

      oh wait...

  9. That feel when trolled by force of nature My job has a policy where it cancels if the temperature is under twenty degrees.I have to leave at 1:50. 9:30: 7 degrees 10:30: 9 degrees 11:30: 12 degrees 12:30: 12 degrees 1:00: 12 degrees 1:30: 21 degrees. my jimmies are rustled. and cold.
  10. Scootaloo's talent is with her scooter Applebloom is really good at design things. Not clear what form that'll take , but she is definitely highly artistically expressed. adverbadverbadverbadverb
  11. Valkyria Chronicles. It's a PS3 sRPG about a militia defending their town from an invasion. The movie we watched was about the Israeli Palestinian conflict and a case where one town rose up and stopped the Israeli army from stealing their land. Although the Palestinians did it all non violently there was one scene where the village was invaded and it reminded me of this game, which I'd seen a trailer for like two years ago. Funny how that works.
  12. mfw rozen maiden confirmed for this july : http://dequis.org/desu.html <3333

    1. Neo
    2. Cyrus


      You guys are too slow.

    3. Ashka
  13. That feel when a very serious historically and politically based movie you watch for class somehow gives you a very strong urge to play a game you've not only never touched, but never even seen played. subsequent feel when the game is like 60% off on amazon. #sold
  14. That event is the weather based one, because the Pokemon and boy shouldn't appear except on windy days.
  15. Amethyst

    Hi owo

    do you have a trainer or can i catch you?
  16. Oh now come on that was totally a perfect set up for you to pull the ">mouths >typing on internet >????????????" thing work with me here
  17. y'all need to shut yo smart ass mouths
  18. meanwhile Ikaru last night: "Oh look Wolfie's playing Irelia I'm gonna go spectate and yell at her every time she dies"
  19. I had more too but I accudentally deleted that when I woke up too. >>
  20. rather than making tangible progress ive decided to redo this and, as ikaru can tell you, fail at it about twelve times
  21. yolo mode engage

    1. Maelstrom


      Fine. Don't blame me when you end up pregnant.

    2. Pocky


      This is what happened to Ikaru.

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