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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. INFP as well. Of course, I've known that for years. This is a very old, popular test. Although most of the versions I've taken are longer... >famous people list is like 80% famous authors I'm okay with this.
  2. The original shiny rate is about 3/65500 Reborn's is 700/655whatever So, they're still quite rare, but it's actually reasonable to expect to see a few now. Finding two so close together is definitely a feat of luck. Good job!
  3. Okay to clarify: PO is not ending any time soon As such neither is Reborn Reborn will probably stay dedicated Pokemon commuinity but if y'all want to run extracurricular events go for it The domain change is actually something I would like to do because I die a little bit every time someone calls here "Poke Place" because it's a dumb name that I casually made up when I was 14 and didn't expect this to ever leave my little circle of friends. Happy April Fools, loves.
  4. Turning off the 3D feature does not magically create a sprite. It creates a 2d image of a 3d render which is still problematic for PO's current scope. That said, I don't actually know myself what the whole scoop with the issues is, the above is just my guess, and what I said in the first post is what was mentioned in the note.
  5. Okay, so firstly! As promised last week, Ladders have been reset for.. every tier ever, even some tiers I didn't even know we had, but, you know, whatever! As such, we're starting up a new laddering competition! Again, this runs across all tiers, the top three non-duplicate names of every tier with a top score of over 1300 will be awarded prizes. c: And I didn't think I needed to say this before, but... no boosting, really. If you were found boosting before, then you are ineligible for this competition as well. This contest will end at the end of spring, AKA June 21! We'll also be doing some final tiering stuff piece by piece as we go, probably starting next week. So, look for that. Now, um, you might be wondering what I mean by "final". Nyu notified me a few days ago that with the latest dev version of the serverside PO stuff, a note was posted-- Now that I think about this, I wonder if I'm actually not supposed to be telling people this publically... oops. ...Anyway, a note was posted to the server developer people (which includes Nyu). Basically, when Gen 6 comes around, as we know, it isn't using the traditional sprite set up that every other game to date has, in favor of the whole 3d Rendering thing. As a result, it's apparently looking to be problematic to incorporate on PO, and as such, um. Coyotte has said that he plans to discontinue support for PO with the advent of Gen 6. So that's fun. This poses a few problems for us, but as the staff, we had talked about this before when Gen 6 was released, and already decided on a plan of action in this event. Basically, Reborn isn't going to end with PO. The league will, and that's - well, it might be time. But we're going to change the community a bit, and keep on keeping on. Currently, the plan is to migrate to an alternate chat client. We're not sure quite what this will be- likely something such as IRC. We'll see what our options are. Furthermore, rather than limiting ourselves to Pokemon without any real simulator to back that up, we're going to expand into a general gaming community. Specifically, we will probably begin offering more site features and support for things like Minecraft and in particular, League of Legends. We already have a lot of users who are heavily entrenched in these games- and we've had our own MC server for forever already. I think focusing on these things, the variety of online multiplayer games we all enjoy besides (but still including!) Pokemon, will be a positive step forward to the community. And besides, like 90% of us already play LoL, so it's only appropriate. There is one issue with this change, and that is actually our domain name. Obviously pokemonreborn doesn't mean much for a general gaming community, but I would like to keep the handle of 'Reborn'. We need to switch to a new domain, and I'm not sure what yet, but I am totally up to suggestions. I would love to do something as simple as reborn.com but it's unlikely I can get that. My second thought is something like reborngaming.com Totally open to ideas. I'd really want something shorter, though, and preferably without that ostentatious hyphen we've got now. TL;DR: Ladder reset, competition over, PO is ending and Reborn is converting to a general gaming/LoL community- looking for suggestions on the new domain. I ask everyone to bear with us through this transition. Even though our time with PO may come to an end, I can promise that we as a community will be... Reborn~ ily guys
  6. Teacher: "Okay, for your assignment, you're going to need to visit an adult store such as Fascinations" I- um.

    1. Skeleton


      Mymomownsanadultstorethingaaaahelpme. q x q

    2. diana


      We have one of those here in town. You always see so many truck drivers there...

    3. Maelstrom


      Lonely travellers. But go there with friends. That always makes it more fun.

  7. That feel when both teams ace each other at the same time "So... how is everyone... Let's get to know each other for the next minute or so before we go back to killing each other like we're supposed to."
  8. Sad to see you go, but maybe a break will be relaxing in some sense. On an another note, you can't expect others to 'make your day' good. If you do that, you're setting yourself up for disappointment. Make your own day good. It's something only you can do in the first place.
  9. subjective ame incoming no, chatspeak looks stupid :c
  10. Nevermind. Akali's still broken. As I expected.
  11. goddamit i went to go make dinner in the form of a nice pleasant peanut butter jelly sammich and then i remembered why my life is ruined

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. diana


      At least you can manage to make a sandwhich without forgetting to toast it then forgetting theres already nutella on it and putting it in thebtoaster and catchibg the kitchen on fire with chocolate

    3. Ikaru


      >catching something on fire

      I guarantee you Ame's probably done something that stupid at one point or another

    4. Muin


      If It comforts you in any way, I'd eat it :'c

  12. There's already an ability preview of Zac on youtube. Basically, he punches things And then blobs out hurting things around him And then slingshots himself forward, stunning where he lands His ult is three bounces, the first one knocks up enemies Each ability knocks off a bit of slime which he can collect to regain HP When he dies he splits into four pieces that try to rejoin. Think Anivia's egg. I'm a huge fan of any nerfs to Akali, and I think I'll appreciate the Rumble and Hecarim changes too. The changes they made to turrets are pretty extensive though. Being that I tend to take a more defensive playstyle, and do try NOT to go diving scrubs, I'm mostly okay with this, but I think the minion changes might affect how sieges are handled. I think it'll mean it's going to take longer in general to pull down turrets... Which might be okay.
  13. You DID say that your birthday was tomorrow yesterday! You threw it in like a little side note and I didn't catch it until afterwards and was like wait what but didn't follow up and now this and uhidfcknvjnbiedfsbkjds. Happy birthday! ;-; I hope you get a new internet (and computer I guess?) >>
  14. So I stopped doing this usually, but. Ayiyiyiyi! Have a dream about Nidalee? Get a pentakill! <3
  15. So we've got this snazzy new FAQ for the game going now, but it's looking a little empty. Like I did with our site FAQ, figured I'd open it up to you all if you guys have noticed any questions that need to be addressed in there?
  16. I actually managed to force a smile. Also, #forever on a mission for new and different mirrors to piccy from.
  17. Oh. Did I say expect more? Oops. Well, here have 170 new items.     Both Genders --Mismagius Blouse (Black/Purple, Black/Red, Black/Teal, Black/White) --Mismagius Jacket (Black/Purple, Black/Red, Black/Teal, Black/White) --Tuxedo Shirt (Red, Blue, Yellow, Orange, Green, Purple) --Tuxedo Jacket (Red, Blue, Yellow, Orange, Green, White) --Scarf (Teal, Purple, Yellow, Blue, Green, Red, Black) --Nero's Arm (Red/Blue/Silver) Female --Cynthia's Hair (Purple, Blue, Green) ----Cynthia's Extensions --Gardevoir's Dress (Blue, Green, Purple, Red, Yellow, Orange, Black) ----Gardevoir's Dress Backing --Long Scene Hair (White, Bubblegum, Mint, Turquoise, Violet, Red-hot, Starlight, Paprika, Poprocks, Skittles) --Short Scene Hair (White, Bubblegum, Mint, Turquoise, Violet, Red-hot, Starlight, Paprika, Poprocks, Skittles) --Sleek Hair (Purple, White, Teal, Yellow, Red, Blue, Black) ----Sleek Extensions --Kiki's Hair (White, Teal, Purple, Blonde, Blue, Green, Brown, Black) --Rin's Hair (Blonde, Black, White, Brown, Brown/Purple) Male --Hardy's Hair (Black/Purple, Blue/Purple, Blue/Gold) ----Hardy's Hair Extensions --Nero's Hair (Teal, Purple, Blonde, Blue, Green, Red, Brown, Black) --Nero's Vest (Blue, Black, White, Green, Purple) --Tsuna's Hoodie (Blue/White, Black/White) --Ragna's Jacket (Black) Either Gender --Backgrounds ----Flames (White)       (36F)   More stuff for the guys coming, like really, I promise.
  18. ikaru what does "on the count of 5" mean to you

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Skeleton


      She tried to cook Ikaru?

    3. Kiozo


      ITT: Ame can't count and blames others

    4. Summer
  19. Hi! Okay, so Episode 7 of da gaemz is here! http://www.pokemonreborn.com/game/ As always, you don't need to do anything special to keep your save, just download the new thing and unzip wherever, probably delete the old download if you want to save space idk, and have fun~ I've included notes in the read-me this time, so enough about that. Some site points! ...Holy crap after 10 years of using this forum software I just learned how to tab. Button! See! I'm sorry, that's exciting to me, I suddenly want to make a lot of really pretty posts. But that actually isn't the button I was looking for, this is: The Rupee System is fixed! It turns out the forum update didn't actually break anything, it just turned it off, but that was enough to fool me because I'm dumb I've also fixed some things on the Trainer Card import feature. Namely, it should accept the new formes from B/W2. I also added a note about importing Pokemon with fewer than 4 moves, which presently causes the error wherein one pokemon is duplicated on the card. This was kind of funny because the Pokemon with less than 4 moves was almost always Ditto, so Ditto basically just transformed into its neighbor even on the Trainer Card and I, for one, thought that was a very clever move on Ditto's part BUT some others were not so highly amused, so you know how to avoid that now. I've begun adding some other pages for the Reborn Game. Things for troubleshooting and advertising and being cool and- the idea was for these things to be done so I could brag about them in this news post but that didn't happen so you know whatever you'll see them soon. I had promised that we would reset the ladder and go into the next competition for Spring on the 21st and to make a long story short that did not happen, so, instead we'll start on April 1st. Also, rather than doing tier revisions in big conglomerated lumps, I think we'll just be moving things piece by piece for now. I think the first thing we'll be looking at is going to be Kyurem-B. Let's keep discussion about that out of this topic here though; I'm just letting you guys know my plan. ! There's like 49383495 other things and by that I mean more like 3 other things that I'm considering posting here but for various reason I elect not to but as such you should expect more soon ! !
  20. Like most OU pokemon, those won't be available for quite a while, since they're so valuable. c:
  21. http://prntscr.com/xl6au ??????????????? that is pretty bad.
  22. That feel when ~30 games with Kayle later still bad with her idk
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