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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. is it bad if the first thing I thought when seeing that was "draw me like one of your french girls" >>
  2. Yo momma so culturally unappreciated she become the butt of a whole class of jokes representative of society's inherent misogyny and general disrespect to parents, obese, unintelligent, skinny and non-attractive people. I really wish jokes could be just jokes.
  3. I AM OKAY WITH THIS. I AM VERY OKAY WITH THIS. >lists three of my favorite champions I AM ALSO OKAY WITH THAT. Edit: On a less capslock note >Singed nerfs Yeeeeeeeee (sorry Batl)
  4. @ Skins- Dear god that Draven face That is what Nidalee looks pretty cool but I'm disappointed. When I saw the facebook feed "PBE patch with Draven/ Nidalee skins" I thought it meant her other skins finally got new splashes. qq I still like my French Maid better. Meanwhile Draven finally has a skin which means Zyra is next~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ crystal zyra pls plsplsplsplsplsplsplsplspls steel princess is okay i guess but crystal pls @ Ryan, even though I was ninja'd horribly because I had to leave for half an hour while writing this I DONT CARE Poppy is a bruiser and anti-carry. She goes top, or in some rare cases jungle or support, but she doesn't really excel at any of those positions. Her goal is to use her ult to stop giving fucks to anyone but the carry, and take them out of a team fight immediately. Taric is a support. He goes bot. His goal in lane is to shut down the enemy carry with aggressive play and his stun. In team fights he is his aura and you should be protecting and peeling for your carries. Kayle is a tanky ranged DPS bruiser melee mage support assassin. She goes literally anywhere, and can build AD, AP or hybrid damage. As a top laner, use your Q to kite the melee champions to death. As a mid laner, use your impressive burst and sustain damage to make the squishy mages cry. As a bot laner, win trades with your passive armor shred. As a support, still activate your passive to help your carry win trades, and keep them in good condition with your heal. In the jungle the might jungle- well, don't worry about that until you have armor runes. Use your ult not to save lives, but to absorb burst damage. This is true for any position. Soraka is a support. She goes bot. Her goal in lane is to make sure that your carry never has to leave lane ever unless they want to. She is great for passive carries like Ashe, and against poke or kill lanes. Your ult is global and using it at the right time will make your opponents cry. Alternatively, she can build AP and go mid, making the opposing mid completely useless for half the game. However, this is just a gimmick. Cho'gath is an AP tank. He goes top, mid, or jungle. Regardless of where he goes, learning to land his Rupture is the most important aspect of playing him. Your ult does true damage, and a lot of it, but it is one of the only ults in the game where it is a good idea to use it on minions. If your ult kills something, Cho'Gath grows in size and gains health. In this way, he basically becomes impossible to kill. He gains more from building survivability than he does from building damage.
  5. "You try to cry, but you don't have tears to do so... You try to scream, but you no longer have a voice... Why would you do that to me?"

  6. >heal >bush control >strong poke whatchoo guys talkin' bout like real talk if I'm playing Cait, Nidalee is my first choice for support. They have great synergy between the traps, their poke and Cait's ult Admittedly, Nidalee struggles in team fights- although I haven't yet seen how the changes to her ult are affecting that- but she isn't useless by any means. She just doesn't take the traditional role.
  7. So apparently that con I just went to is getting sued by Funimation. G. G.

    1. Maelstrom


      That's like the preacher trying to crucify the choir in front of the rest of the congregation.

  8. Unfortunately, you have to have a Trainer Card before you can make your sprite, otherwise there's nothing for the sprite to go -on-, dontcha know Welcome, though!
  9. Don't worry, you don't need to use Rock Smash to find Victoria. Keep looking. c:
  10. Hello! I'm the one you spoke to through email, so sorry about our slowness. I met a rather detailed link this weekend at the con... Congratulations, you're now him in my mind.
  11. maturity tends to shine in pewly moments, as seen here. yes it is so funny i cannot contain my laughter
  12. Hihihihihihihihihihiiihihihihihihihih you finally joined! hihihi
  13. Gone all weekend, have fun, don't let the Venipede bite~

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Shanco


      Edge is finally going to use Superpower and start kicking ass.

    3. Summer


      You all missed the point.

      Venipede doesn't learn bite.

    4. Coldfrozen
  14. The only Pokemon in the main series games that do not obey you are traded ones. In this game, that applies to all Pokemon. There was never a distinction between starter or non-starter, only Pokemon you caught yourself or someone else did. It certainly isn't an oversight. The main reason I have the level cap in place is to prevent people from mindlessly solo-running the game. And that's done most often with the starter.
  15. You should probably stop playing against your cousins.
  16. Yeah, the sprites are selected from a sheet via Pokedex number so there's nothing I can do to make it choose alternate forms... :x Sorry
  17. Because he totally would >> Hello! And welcome to today's episode of what the actual fuck is this
  18. Someday I will feel something other than stress before a con....

    1. Maelstrom


      On that someday, you and everyone else will have done everything as early as possible and will have nothing to fret about. Dat someday.

    2. Amethyst


      pretty much. procrastination for the lose.

  19. why would you build tear on orianna like just no stop
  20. do you ever just stop and think... wow, my teeth are really sharp

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. diana


      You aren't the only one. But uhm. Vampirethyst would complete my comparison of Ame to that chick from Morganville Vampires, Amelie. >>;

    3. Eternal Edge

      Eternal Edge

      Sometimes I just check to see which teeth I still have =c

    4. Dark Desire

      Dark Desire

      Awmg Nutcase, i loved that series :333

  21. Oh my, it levelled up too much and skipped learning confusion o-o Kadabra only learns that at level 16... Ouch.
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