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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. I actually was already planning on including this next time we go through revisions, but that said, we need to get Clear Skies done first.
  2. That moment when you realise you're exactly like your cat and so many things make sense...

    1. 片思い


      Can you understand what your cat means when it meows? o:

  3. No... ...but this might be.
  4. Awhh, Summer :C Happy late birthday! *fires the hugcannon!*
  5. 's back up, y'all.

    1. Brave


      Thanks, gurl

  6. Don't you trust me, yet...? http://prntscr.com/nyvtr
  7. Yep~ I -really- wish I had gotten a picture in my full dress/outfit, but whatever... And thanks, guys. c:
  8. This isn't even my final form! ...because I didn't get a pic actually in my cosplay, but this is at least before I had undone my hair from it.
  9. ...wait, what? I don't remember anything like this. Why did you stop?
  10. i shouldnt have gone

    1. Phoenix


      what happen ?

  11. okay fine ill go

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Maelstrom


      So then who's in charge of Reborn while you're gone?

    3. Summer
    4. Shanco


      The squid, of course.

      Yeah, try explaining that a squid is in charge to the new ones.

  12. okay i have a room i have an outfit i have a method of transportation why am i still so nervous qqqqqqq

    1. Shanco


      You got it all? Awesome!

      EDIT: maybe your new sig might do it on the nervous front

  13. I found an old journal file from high school on my computer, and was kind of enjoying looking back at what I thought back then. It also kind of hurts. But I couldn't keep up with a journal just myself so I figured I'd make it somewhat public and maybe other people's responses would give me motivation. Also I secretly wanted to be cool and funny like hyperboleandahalf but im really bad at funny :c
  14. > walk down to thrift store to buy new heels >"CLOSED UNTIL JAN 2 DUE TO ELECTRICAL PROBLEMS" fml nope nope nope nope

    1. Iolite


      >getting ready to go out

      >no mascara


      #girl problems

  15. and i cant pay for anything convineientlyl dfkbvkj nmedfsxc fdim not going

  16. i dont even have shoes. i cant forgot i belieive to get shoes. ugh.

    1. Voctrode


      Shoes aren't important

    2. Melody


      Can't forget you believe?

  17. no. im not going. i wont. you cant make me.

  18. Why do you always feel the need to justify everything you do?
  19. that feel when you finally turn on your phone and you have 26 missed messages
  20. Mczipo should still have the list of who has what person, so we can work backwards and figure out what's up. I'm almost sure that there are a number of people who have stuff ready and just haven't sent it yet.
  21. Insomnia is an over-applied term. I stay up till 4 or 5 each night but I don't have insomnia. I choose to not sleep because I get so wrapped up in whatever. I don't get tired. Insomnia is being tired, wanting to sleep, but not being able to. Lying in bed exhausted for hours, but never falling asleep. If that's what you have, then you have a couple options. Either trying to clear your head of whatever's keeping you up, taking some sort of something, be that tea or medicine, to help you sleep, or switching to a polyphasic sleep schedule (taking naps periodically instead of sleeping all at once). If you don't have the literal insomnia, then it's just a matter of self control. Self control is a muscle- it needs excercise like anything else.
  22. Sherlock, season 3, coming to the BBC this spring.
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