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Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. Trying very hard to not launch into a full literary critique of the song... it is apparently the expression of a person's inability to continue their expression of love in their relationship, and further, their resolution of accepting that. This is fairly concretely supported via the explicit statements such as "I can't keep lovin' you." Of course, this is later juxtaposed against the similar line, "I can't stop loving you," which illustrates the dichotomy of his two halves and their direct opposition to each other. In spite of this, the musical tone behind the words remains fairly constant through out the piece, suggesting that the speaker is in fact not at all ambivalent, but rather that he has already reached a conclusion. That conclusion is actually subtlely implied early in the song in the line, "Half of my heart's got a right mind to tell you that I can't keep lovin' you, oh, with half of my heart." To paraphrase, the speaker says that half of his proverbial heart cannot continue loving 'you'. While this is glossed over in the context of the song as simply restating the misgivings of this half of his heart that is 'a man who's never truly loved anything', it actually reaches into the other half as well. If half, or 50% of the speaker cannot love 'you', then there must be at least 50% that does not love 'you'. This also means that the amount that does love must be less than 50% and therefore the inability to love is not actually strictly limited to that one full non-loving side of his heart. This supports the consistent tone of the music, which together suggest that the speaker has already resolved to accept this 51+% percent of himself that does not love 'you' inspite of the 49-or-less% that does.
  2. Because you never on the server anymore, foo' There is no meaning. This isn't to be depressing, it's just a silly question. I may as well ask what is the meaning of golf, or what is the actualization of singing, or what is the coefficient of cheese. Asking "What is the meaning of life," is problematic because although those words fit well together in the form of the English language, the question does not make actual sense. There are a good many better questions to be asked, such as, "how ought one live life?" or "for what purpose did life come into existence" which could be possible interpretations of our original question. Those could perhaps be answered, but this in itself is a silly generalised inquiry that has been popularised to be some deep and unanswerable question when in truth it is little more than a convenient sham of phonemes.
  3. Mr. Biggles must be exterminated
  4. A NEW CHALLENGER HAS ARRIVED and dayum holy pretty cosplay (that is a cosplay right? or are you just being cool and unique?)
  5. Your drawings are cute, Kendall and in one case, slightly terrifying just wanted to say that. I'd introduce my own, but, well, I don't think that would quite work. c:
  6. With all the animosity around these things, I feel like this is a really nice level-headed way to clarify your stance. Well said. Anyway, welcome to the site...server...stuff!
  7. That feel when your boss calls you sick soviet america Also, that feel when you end the call saying, "Okay, feel better," and she says "You too" grrl i aint the one who sick
  8. silver youre a very pretty toothbrush
  9. Yolo. Changed Tech Nerd to Techie, added for girls the Punk and the Doxy
  10. ...A scanty prostitute class might actually be a nice contrast to all of the male street rats hanging around...
  11. dat requested image not existing trying to get my hair right for my cosplay I feel bluh for taking these cheap bathroom mirror pics, but it's literally the only place in my house with enough light. >>
  12. See everyone tells me these things I know them I've taught other people to play Annie but I cannot play her myself I just feed meanwhile jungle zyra check.
  13. excuse me winx is awesome lay off
  14. Alistar is tank, but builds AP if anything damage wise. He used to be able to function as an AP mage. He goes either bot or jungle (although admittedly I don't know if AP is best for him in jungle too, or...?) Ziggs is AP mid Katarina is AP mid Nidalee can be either top mid or bot support, and can go either AD, AP or Hybrid Udyr is AD and jungle If I were to.... uh. Top: Vi, Irelia Bot: Miss Fortune, Vayne Support: Morgana, Zyra, Orianna, Lux, Fiddlesticks, Taric (after rework only. >.>), Nami Jungle: Zyra, Fiddlesticks, Evelynn *deep breath* Mid: Lux, LeBlanc, Fiddlesticks, Diana, Evelynn (I finally learned her S2 and then boom deathfire change >.>), Katarina, Annie, Nami, Akali,
  15. This is mainly for the benefit of the Sign up topic. Below is a list of all planned and current Trainer Types in the game. I'm not saying I won't add others, but this is what I'm looking at atm: Male Street Rat Elder Hotshot Techie Fisherman Youngster Gentleman Police Officer Meteor Grunt Casanova Orderly Black Belt Psychic Meteor Knight Meteor Ace Hiker Clown Ace Female Lady Posh Punk Doxy Arcade Star Meteor Grunt Battle Girl Psychic Meteor Dame Meteor Ace Nature Girl Ranger Harlequin Ace realising that there's a huge imbalance here; I'm open to suggestion for more girl's classes.
  16. Am I the only one who didn't know that The Hobbit's a trilogy suddenly?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shadow♠
    3. Ysera


      Quality and detail, my friend. Open up your head for once.

    4. Maelstrom


      It's not even a big book. I didn't know until last night either.

  17. I am witness. The opposing team cried sweet tears of sorrow as Ashe fell beneath the bold text- Double Kill
  18. im sorry rodaku, i misclicked. ily. im sorry

  19. Oooh. We should know who you are? Hm... Anyway... We have someone called Shirinui who pops in here too, so having the name Ram to fall back on is nice. But welcome!
  20. we put lights on our tree and they burned out the next day :c
  21. shoulve bought the shirt last night

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