Alistar is tank, but builds AP if anything damage wise. He used to be able to function as an AP mage. He goes either bot or jungle (although admittedly I don't know if AP is best for him in jungle too, or...?)
Ziggs is AP mid
Katarina is AP mid
Nidalee can be either top mid or bot support, and can go either AD, AP or Hybrid
Udyr is AD and jungle
If I were to.... uh.
Top: Vi, Irelia
Bot: Miss Fortune, Vayne
Support: Morgana, Zyra, Orianna, Lux, Fiddlesticks, Taric (after rework only. >.>), Nami
Jungle: Zyra, Fiddlesticks, Evelynn
*deep breath*
Mid: Lux, LeBlanc, Fiddlesticks, Diana, Evelynn (I finally learned her S2 and then boom deathfire change >.>), Katarina, Annie, Nami, Akali,