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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. That feel when your mom asks you to leave early to drop off a package before work So you leave early so as to not be late for work But that means you don't have time to do the chores she also told you to do so she grounds you because you choose not being late for work over doing chores and then becuase there was no traffic you end up getting to work forty minutes early like a sod.
  2. Welcome~ Seems like you'll do pretty well around here. And that's quite a story you've going on, too. I'm a writey person too, so I know all about the struggle to finish things. Sorry about the wait on the account approval, btw, but seems like it's all good now. >>
  3. Not really, especially since there have been other discussions there lately, and that topic there is still valid for more personal feels
  4. Models always look better in-game than static outside it.
  5. So we've had this going on in the ace forum for a while, and it has been 50+ pages of famously successful And I see no problem with bringing a public version out to play. It really isn't a terribly lofty topic, just a little place for your feels. For example (I remembered the one that I had forgotten earlier!) >that feel when finding fresh water in your daily life actually becomes a concern ^ true story
  6. Random revival is random o.o Don't say you love me; you don't even know me. If you really want me, just give me some time... The difficulty here is that I switch so often. Lately my go-to song, though, is In All My Dreams I Drown from the Devil's Carnival, though as of this morning I've recently taken a renewed fascination in Emilie Autumn's I Want My Innocent Back. that awkward moment when both of those are centered around sexual abuse well fuck. ...Unless I'm forgetting someone, probably in 9th grade, when I decided I could be cool by picking on the nerdy kid. I said some pretty mean things, and threw half his lunch in the trash, and I felt terrible about it almost immediately. Incidentally, it worked. I became really popular for most of freshman year, and then decided I was sick of it. Said "nerdy kid" became one of my closer friends for the rest of high school. Aside from the PO server for a couple misunderstandings, and some servers owned by trolls that were mad that they were banned from Reborn, I don't think I've been banned from anything. idk... Sour Skittles, in very small quantities. If I eat a lot of them, then my mouth feels like firey death. But they're really good just a few at a time. If I'm going to gorge, I'll just- WAIT BACK UP I'm banned from the candy store at the mall here! I kinda am not allowed to go in there because i always buy way too much . The reason my pun-fu is strong is because I started watching the Pokemon anime with the express purpose of adopting all their puns. This is a Pokemon server. Do you really expect me not to apply content of such relevance here? also because without them i have no sense of humour well, i do, but only bibliophiles get it. and even then it basically boils down to polysyllabic puns Because the last time someone took a little girl to a baseball game she had an existential crisis that resulted int he entire universe being reorganised with her as its God. English, people, and internets. http://i.imgur.com/3Fb3B.jpg the internet named your dog, not you. how do YOU feel I'd find something reliable to invest it in, try and live off of the interest and investments as much as possible. I'd quit working, and focus on making a living from my creative projects. Psychology. Just cuz its a stable thing I don't mind doing if none of my artistic ventures play out. I like my fingers and toes where they are, thank you. When I was in middle school, I tried to dye it a dark grey, because I had had a halloween costume with grey hair spray that I decided looked cool. instead, it dyed solid black and then turned mahogany and then chestnut and then a normal brown and then kind of reddish and then orange and eventually it worse off, but my hair was never as light as it used to be. :c hence why I'm going to bleach it back to platinum soon. does it have to be specific? because if so, that last one. (In order: Misa from Death Note; Cynthia from Pokemon; Humanised Orianna from League of Legends; Angela Blanc from Black Butler; Will of the Abyss from Pandora Hearts; Suigintou from Rozen Maiden) I actually will be cosplaying Misa for new years, and I'll be doing either Cynthia or Angela in March depending on if I've dyed my hair by then.
  7. //ban banbanbanban /happybirthday happybirthdayhappybirthdayhappybirthdayhappybirthday
  8. Recolouring requires creativity. Although it's simplistic, it is still the self-expressive manipulation of elements in a purposeful or aesthetically pleasing manner. Therefore, I disagree.
  9. is dat sum sonic scroodriver ah see
  10. So we've already been talking, but welcome! I think you'll fit in just fine here~ ...except one small problem and that is that you are going to have a hell of a time dethroning hark as king of typos
  11. I'm sorry. I was vs Blitz and just trying to not get pulled, so bot was just a straight farm fest. Then with the like, three four-person ganks we got it was a bit difficult to stay alive. also MF rushed black cleaver league of cleaver This is why I stick to mid qq
  12. He needs it. He was balanced before, but I'm seeing too many Teemo quadrakills since this newest patch. >>
  13. Oooh. That sounds nice... I wanna be a glitterwolf. Kiri, bite me! <3
  14. wolfie. not dog. wolfie. or fox. but if i cant have those, cat.
  15. The old music for it in the game was boring. http://www.poke-place.com/Evolution.mp3

    1. Ringabel


      It's awesome!

    2. Maelstrom


      You're right, but that's a hella long evolution animation that would have to go with it! xp

  16. @ Mash's status- Ever since I first played her, I've loved the idea of using Soulstealer and sneaking assists to power up, because honestly, I feel like she really needs that extra power, and she does have the tendency to snare assists left and right, But I always feel like a nub if I build it on her, because only nubs build soulstealers and they're typically stupid if they do (therefore I don't). Is that something that is actually reliably viable?
  17. barefoot op http://prntscr.com/lpvqj
  18. Your hair is actually really cool. On a semi-unrelated note, that Spiritomb Aura on your Trainer Sprite syncs really well with your name being Chemical. >>
  19. Having seen this first had in a game yesterday I have to agree asdfredgfnbhjbvjhgfgrfdvcbjhgvhg
  20. okay before you go any further, please please be aware this is not for the Reborn League on PO, this is for the Pokemon Reborn game ONLY. If you have not played that, please do not vote (On the other hand, if you have played that, even if you haven't finished it, please do vote!) I'm going through and re-balancing the game so far, so I wanted to get a general census on how people were doing with the leaders. So, vote for reach one, please, on a scale of 1-5: 1: lol i swept that nub 2: Okay, that was kinda easy, but I'd be a little afraid if you made it any harder 3: The difficulty seemed pretty all right. It was a close battle. 4: That was actually really hard, but don't make it easier! It was a fun challenge to overcome 5: what the actual fuck is that battle supposed to be impossible If you've played through multiple times, please consider your most recent playthrough. Thanks~
  21. As a clarification about what you send from the s(pr)ite shops- You cannot gift items with a total value of more $R than you have.But, if you choose to do this, you won't be charged for those items. So say you have like $R650. You can send your person up to $R650-worth of stuff from the sprite shop, and then still have all that money yourself.
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