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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. I didn't like Vi at first. and then "Care for a spot of tea? Or maybe a spot of punch in the face!"
  2. cait being awesome? I'm okay with this .jpg inb4nerf
  3. I have a fairy godfather!!!

  4. Okay. Okay. Done with my 14 page final. Time to stop panicking. Start working on the game again. Stop panicking...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Yuki


      get drunfk

    3. Yuki


      get drunfk

    4. Shanco


      I agree with Hark, as drunk as he might be right now judging by that comment and his status.

  5. Will would like to participate as well. His computer is dead, though, so he can't post himself, but he's confident he can still produce a gift. (I'm refraining from participation this time because last year, Taro was my santa and got me a thing that no one can follow, and I don't really want anyone to do so after what happened to him) ((That probably sounds really sketch, but it isn't actually ask sketch as it sounds))
  6. Oh look... Stupid old habits... Au.

  7. Why is this good? The gauntlet deals it to surrounding enemies, it says, but Lux should never be that close to an enemy to use it. The slow is wasted around herself too, isn't it? I would still rather have Lich Bane.
  8. (If it was, it may not have been removed)
  9. This. >:c I already own most of the ones I want, but I almost never play mids except my main four even thought I want to just because I enjoy playing them so much. >>
  10. @ Enigma A funny image, but it's kind of counter-productive really. Even in solo queue, people shouldn't be blaming their teammates, but asking themselves what could they have done to create a better outcome. It's about shifting the focus of control back on to you. Blaming others is easier, but also useless.
  11. >Singed took a hit GOOD. being that I main ap carries I couldn't be happier about FoN's removal >> But uh, I don't feel that Ionic Spark has a place on Ashe. And yes, that spellsword mastery does look delicious, especially with lich bane but the nerfdhbjhbjerdfhbjh qq
  12. >hecarim buff no >seujani buff pls >everything else k.
  13. what if syndra's dark spheres are what happens to ahri's orb of deception after she dies and why do all of my favorite champions involve balls
  14. stupid songs making me ship jasmine with alice

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Yuki



      Ship ALL the things!

    3. Yuki



      Ship ALL the things!

    4. Summer


      stupid ame making me read comments

  15. so, how does one call their grandmother and say, "hey you know that 20 dollar thing i asked for for christmas? jk, I need a 200 dollar thing?" and not be awkward about it?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Eternal Edge

      Eternal Edge

      Tell her it was a typo

    3. Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

      Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

      Say it like Aziz Ansari would.

    4. Summer


      tell her she bought the wrong one and maybe she misheard

  16. So this was fun http://prntscr.com/l16x1 ika es #1 support na
  17. WAIT I MADE AN UNINTENTIONAL PUN because I said baller about lich bane but we were just talking about orianna who has the BALL ahahahahahahahaha ok ill go kill myself now
  18. If people are impersonating your clan, it's okay to ask an auth to remove the tags from their names. I'm sorry to hear that there's been conflict though. :x
  19. ...Well then the weakening to it might be okay because then it'll be affected by my magic penetration stuff, yeah? Baller.
  20. It has MR presently; they're removing it. The damage is already magic damage, too... I think? Well when I said that in the first place I didn't realise you were referring strictly to AP mid Teemo so sure. >>
  21. I build it on Kat/Eve/Diana because AP melee if I'm already up and in their business and autoattacking anyway why would I not want it to do 400 extra damage? And then on Lux and Ori because it syncs with their passives, I build it on Ahri for a reason that doesn't actually make all that much sense to me but absolutely wrecks every time none the less especially with her low cool downs, and then on Zyra because she's sustained damage with a long range AA. But yeah I mean, I don't build it until I already have a good 300-400 AP If it makes my autoattacks do 500 damage that's basically another ability in itself It makes turret pushing and hard-carrying for AP possible Gives extra damage for in between cool downs I really don't understand why I would not build it. The lack of MR on it now makes me sad, because previously if I was ever doing poorly in lane I could just snag Null Mantle and know that I'd be building it into Lich Bane later. Plus the changes to Lich Bane's itself, even with Spell Sword, the new Lich Bane is less effective once you have more than 250 AP which is always when I build it so bleh :c
  22. Trust me, Hark, I'm well acquainted with Ori by now too. XD She's one of my mains. But I build Lich Bane on her syncs with her passive and her good attack speed/long range, proc'd repeatedly by Q, more sustained damage, and idk i have a fetish for lich bane or something.
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