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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. Yep. I usually don't have issues with just that. I mean... occasionally I have to go back, but that helps me pace buys too. Though, i guess theoretically, chalice would be better. I guess I'll try that. Right now. Results: They surrendered before I even finished building chalice ._.;;
  2. I don't even build Chalice on her either... Unless I'm doing poorly in lane.
  3. Gurl, I don't even need no guiiiide all up in mah clocktwerk busnass. I play mah own game hunny so dont you even grind mah gears like that, mmhmmmmm?
  4. To be fair, Zyra was designed to be high utility/comboish even compared to most APs. xP It was also Jelly. wat Ori doesn't need those, she should never be in the fray in the first place. She needs CDR and Mana regen muuuch more than those. Pretty much what's been said. The thing is, there are like 30-40 people who play together from here or with people on the community's periphery, and although we have our own little playing cliques, we all still play with each other so often that we can't cram everyone into a 10-max team. We had two separate teams at one point, but neither ever actually played a full game together.
  5. Well, I do feed with Kat sometimes? but your point about the sliver of health thing is hurting my soul
  6. Armor seals are currently what I have. In that case, I'll just stick to my original plan of swapping the mana regen out for those and save my IP for something else. idk what though, I only have 14,000 what do i even do with it qq ill figure it out As for Teemo being 1 dimensional, I definitely disagree. First, he has stealth. I think that opens up a looooot of versatility in and of itself. I'd say that's true for most stealth characters, except for maybe like, Talon, because it's limited to his ult, which shows where he is afterwards. Secondly, is like every role in the game. except tank, and I've even seen teemos build tank and do well. But anyway, AD will play different AP will play different from on-hit will play different from support. On the note of support, I think his blind makes him a better support theoretically than it does actually.
  7. So I was reading over a guide for Evelynn who I'm trying to learn mid finally and the player recommends health/lvl seals because of her low HP. But I'm kinda hesitant. It's... 1 HP per level so 9 HP at level 1 and 180 at level 180. I'm like.. ...does that even make much of a difference? I mean, currently I use mana seals standard for my AP, and I really don't have mana problems with her at all so I don't mind switching that but idk I would almost rather have flat health runes to help me win trades in the early game. Or maybe even the health% runes, which would scale about 20-100 Or just AP... That would be.. about 6 AP flat Or 1-18 AP total on AP/lvl i d k @Kio- I believe it's viable. I'm just saying, I love when it happens. >> om nom nom
  8. I just patched the download with some fixes: --Fixed the crash in Shelly's gym (again) --Fixed the Gang Leader battles --Fixed the crash exiting the secret pool If you've run into these things, give it a download. c:
  9. Amethyst

    Fun fact

    Apparently, I accidentally saved my Sex and Gender class notes IN one of the folders of the Reborn Game. And probably uploaded it. I think it probably was in the betas and possibly episode 4. but that's awkward thought you might like to know. >>
  10. ...You use the same background Kitty does, Nyu. o.o (rather, Kitty just rotates through all of the ones by that artist)
  11. In and of themselves, there are very few differences. The main difference is in the metagame, and where, in PvP, people assign each character to go. Think of it like Pokemon- You're not gonna send in your psychic type against a dark type. Most melee characters have trouble fighting range characters. So they send the range characters to fight each other, and put the melee somewhere else. This is established via the lanes. Range AD goes bot, Range AP goes mid, and then the melee bruisers go top. Now, with LoL, that ineffectiveness isn't nearly as clear as it is in Pokemon, of course, but it does result in this usual set-up. As far as the physical differences... Mid is the quickest route across the map, so minions get there earlier, and as such the solo mid gains levels faster. Purple top is easier to gank, and blue bot is easier to gank, because the tribushes there are reversed. It's easy for the jungler to cut it and get behind a laner. So, when it comes to which is more important, ganking top or ganking bot, purple probably has the better end of that deal (because the AD carry, bot, is more important in a match than a bruiser, top). That said, there's the issue of what Erick mentioned. Although that's not actually a substantial factor, because "angle" only applies for people who play with a locked camera. I play unlocked, and I don't mind purple at all. It's just a shift to make, kind of like switching from normal to smart-casting. It's much better in the long run. Fortunately, I learned that way to begin with, so purple has always felt equivalent to me. Erick, if you're struggling with purple, I suggest learning unlocked. The only other substantial physical difference is their positioning to buffs. Consideration of this is more for when you get into PvP, but: A jungler starting blue will be getting, on the blue side, a leash from top, or on purple, a leash from bot (and mid in either case). A jungler starting red will be getting, on the blue side, a leash from bot, or on purple, a leash from top (and again, mid). Keeping this in mind, you can predict at what time your opponents will reach their lane at the start of a game. However this often does not make a substantial difference unless you plan to get early golems, or to ambush. Secondly, bot has access to dragon. This is the reason that top goes solo instead of bot- you want two people bot to help control dragon throughout the game. If the enemy bot and mid are mia, your bot and mid can easily run up and check it. If you have a duo top instead, then your bot is 1v2 and your dragon fights will be 2v3 (and you will therefore probably lose). Finally, baron. The second reason bot is the most important lane is because it is the farthest from baron. This is important, because when an inhibitor breaks, the defending team's safest course of action is to push the broken lane so that superminions don't overrun the base. For the aggressing team, breaking an inhibitor spells an ideal time to baron because the defending team now has to choose between controlling baron, or defending their base, which is a lose-lose choice for them. However, if the defending team pushes a broken top or midlane, they will actually still be somewhat close to baron, and can consequently steal it. If the bot lane is broken and being pushed, they will have to run all the way cross the map to get that baron- which isn't likely to happen. So simply, bot carries the greatest weight for the end-game because getting the bot inhib implies a successful baron.
  12. I'm still not admitting that mid Teemo is a good thing. >> Go back to DOTA, Horizon. >;c
  13. ...LOL. Okay, fixing that now, wow, i fail. thank you.
  14. Hark, you could beat me 1v1 with any champ, sh. >:c
  15. Finally watched it. Definitely agreeing with Rinny, you just kind of prance off and on the stage and the whole paw thing ish kyoot. Also What was the answer? >>
  16. I think it's really cute when Teemo's try and go mid. I reward that cuteness with death.
  17. Aha. Yep, and to go back and edit each post would be madness. My bad for not reading over it more when I first had it copied everywhere. But that won't be making it into the final dex, so no long-term damage done. c:
  18. I used to think Teemo was OP. Now I love facing him. >> Squiiiiiish. But if they're nerfing him in preparation for Hurricane, I understand.
  19. Fixed those up finally, thanks, Ryan~
  20. If anything it'll make it better, because the creeps will target the boxes instead of Shaco. He'll never take damage from the jungle.
  21. I admit, I haven't. Because I always build her with a focus on survivability over damage x.x I literally have no idea what you are talking about. Is it a PBE thing? Because if not I'm worried. zyar pls
  22. Speaking of things exploding, servers back.

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