Welcome to another highly profession news post by the highly professional Ame.
Today we're welcoming not one, not two, but two and a half new moderators to our team!
First up we have Swimming95! Already a line host, Swimming has helped out with our scripts and even received user recommendations for the position.
Secondly, Brave Soul AKA Nirvash who's been with us since the start of the year,
And then the half mod is Mczipo. He only counts half because he's mean to me. But in actuality he's still just as modly as the others. But you didn't hear that from me. I would never admit to something like that from someone who's mean to me, b-b-baka...
Secondly, we're firing up something for the Reborn League that we used to do quite frequently: Rankshifts!
Older members will remember these quite well, but we have yet to do them in Season 2. Formerly they would be done every weekend, but since we've switched logging systems we've been unable to practically do that. As it stands, this may not yet be a regular thing, but for now...
It's important that the sequence of leaders in the league be somewhat progressive in terms of difficulty. That is, we wouldn't put one of the easiest leaders last nor one of the most difficult first. That wouldn't be fun at all!
But, Leaders sometimes find new strategies that let them do well, or their old ones don't work quite as well. Maybe a leader we expected to do well didn't quite meet the goal. So what we do is we total their wins and losses and assign each leader a score, and then re-order the leaders according to their score.
You can check the Leader Line-up page to see where each leader is currently ranked!
We have made some changes, but most of them are subtle. Perhaps the biggest difference is that Saphira has dropped from rank 16 down to about 11. Yikes! Anna and Hardy also switched places, as well as a few of the earlier leaders. Nothing too big. I think you guys will do okay. c:
As a side note, we update the trainer cards to reflect these ordering changes, however the script I use to do that is kind of struggling to update everyone's. This is probably because it was designed for about 40 cards rather than almost 1000 (yeah, we have that many!). So if your card ends up a little wonky, well, just bear with it or let us know or something. It won't affect which badges you have- just the order they appear in.
TL;DR? Rankshifts change the order of the leaders- don't be too surprised. Okie bai!