So from that other topic I've gotten a list of things we're going to look at shifting this season. This topic will be used for discussing only those things. If something was dis-included from the other topic it's probably for one of these reasons:
--There's a large amount of controversy around it
--It would dramatically alter the metagame
--It was voted on for the opposite movement in our previous tier revision
--There isn't currently evidence to support its practicality
I'm not saying that some of those things can't be looked at, but now is not the time, being that we're already behind schedule, and trying to do this quickly (totally my fault, but let's just go with it. >>)
This topic will be open for a few days and then we'll go to voting
Listed are the Pokemon, their suggested movement, and the arguments for them.
Outclassed by Thundurus in OU
Outclassed by Conkeldurr in OU. Although it is still a potent attacker, it no longer sees much use. Note that our BL is about equivalent to the 4th Gen OU. It can also counter the currently BL Blissey
Strong defenses, good move pool, Regenerator, makes for a potent offensive stall, especially in such a low tier.
In Sun, it's extremely potent (note Vulpix is allowed as low as LU, so Sun is available in UU) with the boosted STAB Overheat being able to KO nearly anything.
High stats, decent move pool- able to run over most of the tiers competition unchecked currently.
Strong Attack/STAB + Sturdy nearly guarantees it getting a KO in every battle in LU.
Mienshao has fallen off in popularity since the early OU. It isn't bulky enough to really abuse Regenerator. There are better leads, and the free health to give to Life Orb doesn't make that much of a difference.
Eviolite makes it a very potent tank with access to Pain Split, Will-O-Wisp and other good stalling moves. Its defenses can peak at over 500 making it very difficult for lower tier pokemon to KO
Prankster Will-O-Wisp/Recover/other strong utility moves make this a nightmare to face in BL.
Regenerator + a ton of HP + Clear Smog to counter set up + Spore make this a highly utile, bulky stalling Pokemon, able to counter a deceptive number of threats.
Out classed by other Pokemon in LU. Mediocre stats give it few advantages.
Similarly outclassed by other LU Pokemon- very little going for it.
High Speed/Sp.A make it a deadly threat in NU. It has interesting utility combos as well (Sub/Disbale, for instance)
Weak to rocks and with a poor typing the Ice Rotom has little presence in UU.
Weak to rocks and with little strength behind it, Flying Rotom also has little presence in UU.
Although outclassed by Chansey, it still serves as a stronger special wall and actually has the Sp.A to cause damage outside of Seismic Toss/Toxic
Strong typing and STAB but plays a somewhat different role than Lucario. It's difficult for UU Pokemon to KO it effectively.