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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. So with the whole Shelly vs Bennett controversy, one user reminded me that we actually haven't done a popularity check on the Season 2 Leaders yet! ... Well, here! Vote for as many as you'd like. c:
  2. Once upon a time Ame was too tried to finish this sentence but somehow decided that it was a good idea to post it anyway

    1. Will


      Follow your dreams

    2. Ikaru


      Too tried!

  3. Don't even say anything. Reset.

  4. ...While Inuki has a point, I'll provide some harder support. Of course I'll see this. c: And if this really did get that many votes, then of course I would consider it. You certainly aren't the first to express this concern; I'm sure you won't be the last. Jirachi is definitely a very cheap Pokemon, although it doesn't take 'no strategy' to use. Knowing when it's appropriate to go for a flinch vs paralysis, when to recover, when to switch in... It's not an auto-win Pokemon; it's just annoying. Moreover its flinch mechanic does have some weak points in the form of hyper-offense, resisting types, and priority moves. Some examples of Pokemon that make good counters/checks to Jirachi might be Chandelure, Heatran, Blaziken, Excadrill, Gliscor, Breloom, Prankster Pokemon, Swift Swimmers that resist electric attacks, Dugtrio, Sandslash, Zapdos, Thundurus, Other fast pokemon with Volt Absorb/Lightning rod, Darmanitan, and probably plenty more because these are just things off the top of my head. Note a number of these are even in the BL tier or lower. Jirachi can be very challenging, and even infuriating to play against when used well, but I don't think there's any need to ban it.
  5. @Dark and anyone else relevant: I don't get annoyed by people, I'm just bad at responding. Don't think it's because I have anything against you. D:

  6. Like I said in the opening post, Chimchar is fine, the only problem is Iron Fist. So just save before you pick it and reset until you get Blaze. It's a 50/50 chance.
  7. Er... left out a word. *Just heard from Bennett

  8. ...Just heard from for the first time in a while...

  9. e.e Careful with that levelcap on Grandall and Ben. It's only level 35 until the third gym.
  10. Hiii we've talked a little already but hiii welcome~
  11. Welcome! Quite creative, especially with the topic titles, haha~ That's a really cool image in your sig too; is it from something?
  12. Except the fact it keeps nuking your save file? ._. Did you ever find that second one?
  13. Welcome~ I know I've talked to you a few times.
  14. Anyone know what DSS mode is in macspeak?
  15. I don't think Tropius is in Sinnoh...
  16. Good, I was worried about her being too easy. >> they're all supposed to be hard.
  17. [u][b]Amethyst-[/b][/u] [b]--Male:[/b] ----Slash's Hair ----Slash's Extensions [b]--Both Genders:[/b] ----Slash's Tophat ----Fierce Diety Sword [b]--Either Gender:[/b] [b]----Pokedolls:[/b] ------Jolteon ------Torchic ------Altaria ------Aggron ------Houndoom ------Infernape ------Squirtle (Normal, Squirtle Squad) ------Zoroark (Normal, Green) ------Duskull ------Galvantula ------Lilligant ------Banette ------Chandelure ------Ditto ------Koffing ------Minun ------Plusle
  18. I recentlyish started replaying Platinum (DS emulators are surprisingly good to play one-handed). My advice: Don't get Budew. You will love it. You will treat it kindly. You will bend over backwards trying to get it to like you to evolve. And it will betray you. It will draw the cold steel of its blade from your heart with no sign of regret nor guilt. And it will prance off into the sunset blood dripping from its dagger's sheath, still unevolved. forevermore. beware the budew.
  19. Next update of Pokemon Reborn is gonna have the 5th gen Exp system. This is going to pair -fantastically- with the enforced level cap.

  20. I forgot to mention, for anyone who played the second release, beat Florinia and then kept playing, you'll need to return to where you fought Florinia to continue the story. It would normally happen as you leave her room, but if you left in the second release and saved elsewhere... yeaaaah.
  21. Hi! Been way too long~ http://www.pokemonreborn.com/game/ Some notes... The game now features music by the remix artist GlitchxCity- she's pretty cool, check her out at http://www.youtube.c...ser/GlitchxCity Stairs are now a little smarter I think I tweaked the shiny chance Sprites are fixed, forms are included, lots more move/ability/item effects work now, but still not all of them (and some not perfectly. I know about Black Sludge/Volt Switch/etc not being perfect; they're fixed in the next system update.) If you're choosing Chimchar as a starter, save first- Iron Fist is still broken. Blaze Chimchar works fine. You can now choose Animated or Static Sprites in your download. It won't affect gameplay at all, but Static is probably going to run smoother, and will for sure be a lighter file for weaker computers. Save files from the second release are compatible here. No need to start over. c: (There was one report, however, of someone getting an error related to an audio file. If this happens to you, just copy the audio files from the second release into the third release.) For anyone who played the second release, beat Florinia and then kept playing, you'll need to return to where you fought Florinia to continue the story. It would normally happen as you leave her room, but if you left in the second release and saved elsewhere... yeaaaah. This update includes the Jasper and Beryl Wards, as well as the third gym. Oddly, the story also branches based on what you do... Hm... Have fun~
  22. To answer the topic, I believe in belief- namely that the more global belief something has behind it, the 'more real' it thereby becomes. By association therefore, I believe in every deity that has ever been believed in before. However, I do not subscribe in practice to any of them.
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