Ikaru likes to be a gloryhog and kill people this way. But he IS an edge, so it's only fair.
Reference to the Reborn's original take on the Nonary Game. Success in the Oratory depends on the trust of the people inside it- many otherwise promising teams were doomed by it.
Reference to the Nonary Game in general, in which if a person does not verify their bracelet before passing through a door- and afterwards- they will explode 81 seconds later.
Reference to Minecraft. This message is displayed when a player falls to their death.
Reference to Minecraft, in which the Skeletons are archers. This message is displayed when a Skeleton kills a player.
Reference to Reborn's Type Quiz, in which the quiz-taker is placed in the shoes of a Pokemon captured by Elliot, a rather incompetent Trainer. Some say that this is a fate worse than death.
A reference to the Warrior series of books, by Erin Walker. The book features a population of cats as its characters. They refer to humans as 'Twolegs', cars and other vehicles as 'monsters' and roads as 'the Thunderpath.' Essentially, this /d is being a cat who is hit by a car.
A reference to Reborn's automod, BreloomBot. After two mutes, it will Focus Punch those who dislike it out of the server.
A League of Legends reference. It is often jokingly said for new players that Rule 1 of the game is to not chase Singed. Singed is a champion who's unique abilities slowly kill people as they follow him.
A reference to the new popular abducter/creeper in internet culture.
A reference to the game Oregon Trail. This was one of many diseases that could claim your party while on the road.
A reference to My Little Pony. Rainbow Dash's signature move is the Sonic Rainboom- a highspeed, dangerous, difficult manuever. She has great trouble preforming it herself, much to her misfortune.
A refrence to Avatar: The Legend of Korra. The main villain of the first season, Amon, 'equalized' benders by taking their unique abilities. For some, it effectively ruined their lives.
A reference to the Playstation Game, Persona 4. In the game, a string of murders is committed by someone who 'throws' people into a TV. This causes them to fall into a special world inside the TV known as the midnight channel, where they are forced to face their true self that they have been repressing in the form of a Shadow version of themself. It is broadcast for everyone to see. Should they fail to accept it, the Shadow kills them.
A reference to the book and movie Fight Club. "Rule 1: Don't talk about Fight Club. Rule 2: DON'T talk about Fight Club."
A reference the internet meme, "One does not simply walk into Mordor" based on the Lord of the Rings. Mordor is the home country of the evil force, well guarded, dangerous beyond reason. To "simply walk into" it is tantamount to suicide.
A hellish game made more hellish. You're more likely to break through steel by bashing your head against it than to complete this.
A reference to the song, "I fought the law" by the Clash.
A reference to the song "Smooth Criminal" by Michael Jackson
A reference to Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past. In the Dark World, people are transformed into animals and monsters if they are not protected by the power of the Moon Pearl.
A reference to the GBA game Metroid Fusion. In the game, X-Parasites overrun an entire space station. Samus is unqiuely invulnerable to them, but other life forms are corrupted by their power.
A reference to the Gamecube Game, Tales of Symphonia. Much of the game's plot revolves around the villain attempting to purify a body in order to sacrifice to revive the lost Goddess Martel.
A reference to the Super Nintendo Game, Earthbound, in which the final boss, Giygas becomes invulnerable and attacks ferociously, in deliverance with this message.
A reference to the Playstation 3 game, LittleBig Planet, in which this nefarious entity slowly corrupts and destroys the world.
A reference to the Kingdom Hearts series, particularly the first game in which one character is in fact transformed into the Heartless creature.
A reference to the SNES game, Chrono Trigger, in which the player has the opportunity to fight the final boss, Lavos, very early in the game- far before they could possibly be ready to do so. Foolishly challenging him at that point tends to result in instant slaughter.
A reference to My Little Pony. Pinkie Pie takes her signature Pinkie Promises very seriosuly- terrible things befall any who break them.
Originally intended as a reference to The Giver, a book in which a dystopian society 'releases' (i,e) kills prisoners and elderly, it is also a Pokemon reference, as in to be released by one's Trainer.
A reference to the Chronicles of Narnia, the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. The villainess tempts a main character with this treat, corrupting his mind.
A reference to Tim Buron's Alice in Wonderland. Each side in a battle chooses a 'Champion' to lead the battle. When one Champion falls the battle is over. To choose improperly may have grim consequences.
A reference to a passage of the Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy, in which, thanks to the Infinite improbablity drive, which makes a completely random anything happen, two missles were transformed into these objects, and plummeted to the surface of a planet.
A reference to the classic novel, 1984. The Thought Police are exactly as they sound, and can arrest someone for having treasonous beliefs.
Not a reference. Similar to the previous, but specifically tied to another person in the server. I can imagine some people calling 'dibs' on these.
A reference to the book and movie, Inkheart.
A reference to the book and movie, The Hunger Games, in which two teenagers from every region are offered as tribute to participate in savage games that may as well be sending them to their death.
A reference to the song "Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen.
A reference to Reborn's Electric Gym Leader Dr. Sigmund Connal, who practices shock therapy in addition to his psychiatry. Those who have suffered them, however, seldom come out the same....
A reference to Reborn's Poison Leader, who seems to go into a fit of rage every time her brother is brought up.
A reference to the Miyazaki Movie "Howl's Moving Castle" in which the Witch of the Waste curses the young protagonist to elderliness.
A reference to the Miyazaki Movie "Spirited Away" in which the protagonist's parents are turned into pigs for their gluttony.
A reference to the Miyazaki Movie "Howl's Moving Castle" in which the fire demon calcifer, enslaved and reduced to cooking breakfast sneers a curse, "may all your bacon burn..."
A reference to the Star Wars series. In Episode III the Sith execute Order 66, preforming genocide upon the Jedi.
A reference to the Miyazaki Movie and Manga, "Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind" in which a polluted jungle wasteland known as the Sea of Corruption consumes the world. To breathe the spores inside will kill one quickly. To breathe only a little may infect one with a disease that slowly turns a person to stone.
A reference to the gameshow "Survivor". This line was said before a person lost the game.
A reference to the controversial gameshow "The Weakest Link". This line was said before a person lost the game.
An even 100. c:
For now...