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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. I like how within seconds of it crashing, there's already six- now seven!- statuses about it.

    1. Jelly


      We're fast Ame c:

    2. Cloud


      It came back up!

      Then crashed.

    3. Cloud


      wait, no, I just can't connect...

  2. @ The family thing, we're not related by blood, we just grew up in the same house together and such But yeah. @_@ lolinuki
  3. This topic is mainly directed at older members who were around for it, but... Today, my sister randomly decided to send me a sprite of a Pokemon her and her friend made up. They're young, not the most experienced spriters, so excuse the quality, but the pokemon they came up with was... ...Well, here. ... ... ... Look familiar? It's a Fire/Ghost Wolf. Note the color scheme, the tail, the flare on the paws... Compare this to your corn. She has no idea we did that. ...
  4. I'm all for the tier regardless, but I have no idea how to actually implement it...
  5. Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii monthlatewelcome hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
  6. By popular demand, I made a list of what each individual type roughly means, and about how often they're gotten. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/typeresults.html ~
  7. Amethyst


    Or just... don't ping twenty times. Ever. In fact, I can't think of a scenario in which more than three is necessary, or anything short of grating on the nerves. That was some real perspective for me right there, actually. I mean, yeah, I knew it was important, but that really makes the math hit home. I actually have made a point to try every Champion just to learn their feel for this reason, and it's worked out pretty well for me. I'd advise the same.
  8. Mael and Wolf are Sawk and Throh. >>
  9. Actually, that's exactly what ghost types are.
  10. So! As most of you remember, a few weeks ago I launched a campaign to raise some money from the site so that I could live through the summer convince my mom that this was not a complete waste of time. My goal was $100... Thanks to everybody's help, we actually met at $155! Though, I must give credit where it's due, the bulk of that was actually from a single generous member, Maelstrom. Thank you so much Mael! As for the grounding situation, my mother was sufficiently impressed, and I think we should be in the clear for the rest of the year. Accordingly, for everyone's help, I wanted to do something as a thanks! I remember a certain project I had started a while ago, and so with some extra help from Nyu, I put the finishing touches on a certain something last night. So, check out Reborn's official 'What Type Are You?'Quiz ! Though I'll admit I haven't exactly searched for competition, this quiz has a level of depth that I believe is unrivaled by any other. For one thing, you'll notice... it's long. 36 questions in fact! But it's not your run-of-the-mill quiz, in fact, it's almost like a story. The length might be off-putting to some, however I believe it's well-warranted for accuracy, and the fact that there are about 300 possible results! Basically, literally any type combination is possible. Water/Normal isn't the same as Normal/Water either, because with the first one, it means that you scored higher for Water, the second scores higher for Normal. I'll leave the interpretation of what each type is (and particularly, of type combinations), to you guys though. Also, because most Pokemon are actually not dual-typed, I made the quiz to reflect this. In other words, it's actually easier to get a single type rather than a dual one. Basically, the quiz looks at your answers to see- firstly your primary type, and then it decides if you had a secondary type that was strongly expressed enough. So that means you don't get a second type just based on what your second-highest-scoring type was- it has to be a significant difference in order to count. After the quiz you also get a little image glyph like the one in my sig, but customised for you to go in your sig~ Thanks to Nyu for helping finish the image generator for that! Finally, I would definitely appreciate it if you left some feedback! I've designed the quiz to record all data- that way if a certain question has an answer that everyone picks, or that no one picks, I can tweak it for accuracy- among various other things. At the end of the quiz, you'll be asked to rate it and offered a chance to leave comments. You certainly don't have to do this, but if you do, it'll help this quiz grow and get better over time! Have fun everyone~ Feel free to share your results here, too! You can see mine, I got Psychic/Water, and being that those are two of my favorite types, I'm def' okay with that~
  11. Amethyst


    On the note of team fights, always focus the characters who have the highest damage. As a clue, this will generally be whoever has the most kills on the opposite team, because not only are those kills an indication of their damage potential, but it also means that they're better fed. If there isn't a strong lead, or if the most fed opponents are extremely tanky, then focus the carries (AD before AP).
  12. I was going to post, but Skele basically stole mine. Different reasons though...
  13. Can't view it. D: "Content is currently unavailable"
  14. Hi, and welcome, and woo! Yeah, if it snowed year round in Canada, I would have already run away to there...
  15. Oh, PS, I forgot to post this last night. I wonder how many people will even remember it... Content is done! Starting testing today~
  16. I like your avvy! Welcome~ Is your name from something? It sounds... really familiar for some reason.
  17. And can we make Poison an actual type? Like, good against something beside grass? Bug? Bug makes sense! Even Normal would make some sense!
  18. Whhaaaaat Noooo LEAVE KAITO ALONE!!! QQ
  19. D: Well, come back when things settle down. c:
  20. Ignoring the eviolite issue: Slight stat buffs only, but in recompense, they get actual movepools. >>
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