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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. I think we've still got another good year before we see Gen 6. Griffin sounds cool though. I want a wolfie. ><
  2. Skele- You should smile every once in a while. c: ShadowKat- I like your necklace~ And these are fosho much better pictures than the last one you posted. Although, the pose in the third one is a little awkward but that might just be for me because at first I thought... At first I thought that that was your thumb. XD
  3. Dear Everyone, I find myself moving a lot of perfectly good topics out of the Distortion World. That place is mainly for things that are spammy or have nowhere else to go, so if something can be put somewhere else, do it~ :D

    1. Amethyst


      Plus other forums pay more $R

  4. So apparently Ace Members weren't able to 'Like' posts, but I think I just fixed that; someone confirm?

    1. Bullet


      Not sure about before, but I can like stuff now

    2. Cloud


      I couldn't before either lolol thanks <3

  5. That is an awesome avvy. That alone was worth re-enabling gif stuff. c: Welcome~
  6. Metal puns? That's gOld news. ....hi!
  7. Takatora, neh? I got him too. I'm still waiting on my bloody Magikarp to evolve, but I'm at the same place you are. I've had a bunch of other evolutions though, not my own character's yet...
  8. Your call. >> EDIT: ........ignore the typo, I fixed it. >>
  9. Well, put them in their respective topics, and with descriptions, non~?
  10. Server is back up~

  11. :c I'm sorry. Maybe I could make a version with static sprites?
  12. On the subject of Friar Pedophilia, what IS your forum name exactly...? When I first saw it, I thought it was a spambot name. >> And um.... What's a Pedreg/suvdaa?
  13. Hoping to get to testing in the next week or so.
  14. Yep, there was another system update, but unlike the previous two, this one didn't break the save files. c: In fact, a bunch of things like Volt Switch, Toxic Spikes, etc are working now. Not everything, but much closer!
  15. The haze is explained further into the game. I think passwords come after you clear Fontaine, iirc.
  16. So animated formes have been added to the game. And so has some custom music I got permission to use. And while that's all cool and all, the game is now like, more than 600 MB, which is like twice what it was before. Is downloading something of that size going to be problematic for many people?
  17. Well, suffice it to say Gryffindor got the points. But at who's hand?
  18. [s]Dark Void/Dream Eater[/s] owaitlol sleep clause
  19. Apologies- (in particular to the players of last night's Nonary) My ISP decided to have an outtage, so I could be without internet for as long as the next two days.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Joker


      It's cool. Zipo and I can win another time. :P

    3. Cloud


      rofl at everyone making the mention of nonary the focal point, not that I didn't or anything xP

  20. Reborn League challengers, hi sup! Yeah, I'm formal. So, a lot of people have been wondering what's going on with the whole new wave of move tutors (that STILL haven't given Flareon Flare Blitz....) and the league. I have an answer! Challengers are going to be allowed to make edits to their team without penalty if they are replacing their current Pokemon's moves with moves that are newly available to them. In other words, you can change your moves, but not your Pokemon- and only if you're changing them to a new Move Tutor move from Black and White 2. In order to go about doing this, send Eternal Edge a forum PM! Don't try to re-register the team itself, just send him a forum PM saying which moves you want changed and he will get to it as soon as he gets to it! The door on this offer is only going to be open this week. Additionally, in order to continue compensating for changes in POv2 and BW2, the league is not going to run this evening, but should run normally for the rest of the week. Sorry for the down time, and good luck everyone~
  21. 10 points to Gryffindor if anyone can correctly guess who's gym this is. Doesn't matter if you're not in Gryffindor. They get the points anyway.
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