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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. Well, that would be ideal for a staller, but what are our options? Recover, Slack Off... I don't feel like either of those really lend themselves to a suit of Living Armor terribly well. Edit: Obviously it would have Softboiled.
  2. Also, for anyone who was concerned about it- the formerly glitched Mespirit and Rapidash are now in their correct tiers (LU and NU respectively)
  3. just use the Steven sprite included with v2? o.o
  4. If we want this to be a staller, we should probably have more reliable recovery than Resttalk. Unfortunately, the only move I can think of that makes sense would be Pain Split...
  5. Server is up. Again.

    1. Phoenix


      the back up is gone

    2. Amethyst


      Nothing I can do about that... :c

  6. Reborn theme is a total mess in Team Builder, and doesn't look that great even elsewhere. >>
  7. Well butter my butt and call me a biscuit. I haven't seen Brave yet but just based on the trailer, she stands a good chance to replace my present answer.
  8. The normal server is UP, but you MUST have PO v2 to connect to it. Gogogo, upgrade! :D

    1. Mashew



  9. Wait, what? ... I was serious, I thought Niagra was derived from Nigeria... ._.
  10. Wait, I thought the Niagra Falls were in Africa...
  11. Sooooooooo Mael is too cool for school. <3

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ikaru


      We knew that though

    3. Godot


      Mael... cool? Hahahhaha

    4. Maelstrom


      Stowe it, Twiggy! =P

  12. I'll be conceited. In order to get an accurate impression of my first impression of Reborn, just read Chapter 9 of the Magician's Nephew. *shot* Seriously though... I secretly hated the rustic pink skin we had when we started in 2007... idk why I ever chose it.
  13. >Me: "omgomgomg there's so much i want to do i don't know how I'm possibly going to find the time to get to everything that I want to try/do/experience/play/work on, aaaaaaaa" >Me, one hour later: "I dunno what to do..."

  14. Hiiiiii, Windy! Your introduction really... *puts on sunglasses* Blew me away. *runs from the impending angry mob, shouting "WELLLLLLCOOOOMEEEE~~~" behind her as she does*
  15. Rozen Maiden fan. Auto-approved. I mean, um, welcome!
  16. Nobody posted on it forever and everyone forgot about it
  17. Not at all. Like I said, it's time-based, that is, how long it's been on the page. The only way to get more revenue is to get higher bids, and advertisers bid on the pages with the most hits
  18. Well, the first thing I see is the massive fighting weakness. Two ghosts definitely help, but something like Scrafty or Keldeo could still over run you. Your source Golurk as your scrafty counter, but I'm not sure that a Golurk could take a Crunch or Payback from a Scrafty that's already set up, and if it is Bulked up, Dynamic Punch definitely won't be OHKO'ing any time soon. So that would leave Conkledurr.. Keldeo... would hurt, I expect. Best bet for that?
  19. Welcomes~ I like your siggies. The numbers make me think they're from a set, is that so?
  20. So, with the automatic card registration, I often see the error in which one Pokemon is just left blank. I tried to reproduce that error today, using exports from the past other people have sent that failed, but when I tried those, it worked. So... needs more testing. If you're using the auto-card thing, and one Pokemon is left blank in the result, paste your input here please, so I can hopefully reproduce this error and figure out what's up. x.x
  21. By that logic, I'm gagsta too...
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